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Für die Ausgabe einer Publikationsliste wurde die TYPO3-Extension BibTex Publications ( si_bibtex ) installiert. Die Ausgabe einer Publikationsliste realisiert ein TYPO3 Inhaltselement vom Typ Plug-In.
- New Pagecontent -> Insert Plug-In
- Plug-In -> BibTeX Publication List
- General Settings -> What to show : List
- General Settings -> Database : SysFolder mit den Literaturdatensätzen anwählen
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In der Ihrer institutseigenen TYPO3-Konfigurarionsdatei constants.txt können Sie die TYPO3-Konstante plugin.tx_sibibtex_pi1.results_at_a_time vereinbaren und damit festlegen, wieviele Literaturangaben pro Seite ausgegeben werden sollen. Voreinstellung: 100 Einträge pro Seite
In diesem Beispiel wurde vereinbart: plugin.tx_sibibtex_pi1.results_at_a_time = 10
Wichtiger Hinweis: Bei Suchergebnissen beschränkt die Konstante plugin.tx_sibibtex_pi1.results_at_a_time die Anzahl der Treffer auf diesen Wert. Die weiteren Treffer werden nicht auf zusätzlichen Seiten angeboten.
Publikationsliste - Beispiel
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- Dürr, P. and Karlen, W. and Guignard, J. and Mattiussi, C. and Floreano, D. (2009). Evolutionary Selection of Features for Neural Sleep/Wake Discrimination. Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications. 2009. (Article ID 179680), 1-10 [doi] [BibTex]
- Andretta, Susie (2005). Information literacy: A practitioner's guide. [Abstract]
- Asadpour, M. and Tache, F. and Caprari, G. and Karlen, W. and Siegwart, R. (2005). Robot-animal interaction: Perception and behavior of insbot. [www] [BibTex]
- Baizhanov, Bektur and Baldwin, John and Shelah, Saharon (2005). Subsets of superstable structures are weakly benign. Journal of Symbolic Logic. 70. 142--150 [BibTex]
- Degele, Nina (2005). Neue Kompetenzen im Internet. 63-74 [BibTex]
- Joint, Nicholas (2005). eLiteracy or information literacy: which concept should we prefer?. Library Review. 54. (9), 505-507 [BibTex]
- Lloyd, Annemaree (2005). Information literacy: Different contexts, different concepts, different truths?. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. 37. (2), 82-88 [BibTex]
- Robertson, James (2005). 10 principles of effective information management. [www] [BibTex]
- Zweifel, Aron (2005). Information Literacy Konzeption eines Teaching Library-Moduls am Beispiel der Fachhochschulbibliothek Frankfurt am Main. [www] [BibTex]
- Eisenberg, Michael B. and Lowe, Carrie A. and Spitzer, Kathleen L. (2004). Information literacy essential skills for the information age. [BibTex]
- Kruse, Otto (2004). Keine Angst vor dem leeren Blatt: Ohne Schreibblockaden durchs Studium. [BibTex]
- Metz, Berthold and Pfeiffer, Joachim and Staiger, Michael and Wichert, Adalbert (2004). Lesen, Schreiben und Kommunizieren im Internet: Theorie und Praxis teilvirtueller Hochschullehre. [BibTex]
- Rogow, Faith (2004). Shifting from Media to Literacy: One Opinion on the Challenges of Media Literacy Education. American Behavioral Scientist. 48. 30-34 [BibTex]
- Senst, Erik (2004). Tutorial zur Online-Recherche. [www] [BibTex]
- Allan, Barbara (2003). E-learning and teaching in library and information services. [BibTex]
- Brook, Jenny and Franklin, Ginny and Stubbings, Ruth and Pattern, David and Anderson, Sheila and Davis, Paul and Murray, Vanya (2003). INFORMS: the Information Skills Project: Final Report. [www] [BibTex]
- Johnston, Bill and Weber, Sheila (2003). Information Literacy in Higher Education: A review and case study. Studies in Higher Education. 28. (3), 335-352 [www] [BibTex]
- Joint, Nicholas (2003). Information literacy evaluation: Moving towards virtual learning environments. The Electronic Library. 21. (4), 322-334 [BibTex]
- Lloyd, Annemaree (2003). Information Literacy: The Meta-Competency of the Knowledge Economy? An Exploratory Paper. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. 35. (2), 87-91 [www] [BibTex]
- Virkus, Sirje (2003). Information literacy in Europe: A literature review. Information Research. 8. (9), [www] [BibTex]
- Goad, Tom W. (2002). Information literacy and workplace performance. [BibTex]
- Grafstein, Ann (2002). A discipline-based approach to information literacy. The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 28. (4), 197-204 [BibTex]
- Marcum, J. W. (2002). Rethinking Information Literacy. The Library Quarterly. 72. (1), 1 [BibTex]
- Ross-Larson, Bruce (2002). Writing for the Information Age. [BibTex]
- Bawden, David (2001). Information and digital literacies: A review of concepts. Journal of Documentation. 57. (2), 218-259 [BibTex]
- Carder, Linda and Willingham, Patricia and Bibb, David (2001). Case-based, problem-based learning: Information literacy for the real world. Research Strategies. 18. (3), 181-190 [BibTex]
- Glotz, Peter (2001). Von Analog nach Digital: Unsere Gesellschaft auf dem Weg zur digitalen Kultur. [BibTex]
- Grassian, Esther S. and Kaplowitz, Joan R. (2001). Information literacy instruction. [BibTex]
- Orr and Appleton, M. and Wallin, M. (2001). Information literacy and flexible delivery: Creating a conceptual framework and model. The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 27. (6), 457-463 [BibTex]
- McLoughlin, Catherine and Luca, Joe (2000). Learning Through Self-Direction: The Influence of Task Design on Team-Based Professional Knowledge Building in an Online Environment: Presentation held at the ASCILITE Conference 9-14th December 2000. [www] [BibTex]
- Probst, Gilbert and Deussen, Arne and Eppler, Martin and Raub, Steffen (2000). Kompetenz-Management: Wie Individuen und Organisationen Kompetenz entwickeln. [BibTex]