

  • Stefan Krüger (2014). Analyse und Bewertung des gegenwärtigen Zustandes der Schiffssicherheit (2). Studie, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Hannes Hatecke, A. Rinke, K. Tammen (2014). Analysis of the German Navy stability standard BV 1030 with respect to operability in heavy weather. OMAE, San Francisco, USA. [pdf]


  • Hendrik Dankowski (2013). A Fast and Explicit Method for Simulating Flooding and Sinkage Scenarios of Ships. Promotion, Hamburg. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Hendrik Dankowski, Hendrik Dilger (2013). Investigation of the Mighty Servant 3 Accident by a Progressive Flooding Method. OMAE, Nantes, France. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Hendrik Dankowski, Stefan Krüger (2013). Progressive Flooding Assessment of the Intermediate Damage Cases as an Extension of a Monte-Carlo based Damage Stability Method. PRADS, Korea. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Johannes Will, Florian Kluwe (2013). Bossing Design for RoRo Ships Using a Fast RANSE-Approach. PRADS, Korea. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Johannes Will, Jakob Christiansen (2013). Improvements in the Prediction of the Characteristic Wave Pattern of Blunt Ships with Potential Codes. OMAE, Nantes, France. [pdf]

  • Moritz Greulich (2013). Numerische Analyse eines Schiffes im Schwimmdock. Projektarbeit, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Nicolas Rox, Ole Christian Astrup (DNV Norway) (2013). Streamlining the Steel Design Process by Linking Design and Rule Scantling Tools. Compit, Cortona, Italy. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Philip Augener, Hendrik Vorhölter (2013). Determination of Forces on Offshore Wind Park Installation Vessels for Dynamic Positioning within the Very Early Design Stage. PRADS, Korea. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger (2013). Kreuzfahrtschiffe - immer größer, aber auch immer sicherer. Gedanken eines Ingenieurs.. Deutscher Verkehrsgerichtstag - AG VIII, Goslar. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Hannes Hatecke (2013). The Impact of the 2nd Generation of Intact Stability Criteria on RoRo - Ship Design. PRADS, Korea. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Hannes Hatecke, Florian Kluwe, Heike Billerbeck, Anna Bruns (2013). Investigation of the 2nd Generation of Intact Stability Criteria for Ships Vulnerable to Parametric Rolling in Following Seas. OMAE, Nantes, France. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Philipp Russell (2013). The Sinking Sequence of M.V. Costa Concordia. Masterarbeit, Hamburg. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Wilfried Abels (2013). Calculation of unsteady inflow conditions for ruder vibration analyses. PRADS, Korea. [Abstract] [pdf]


  • Christoph Steinbach, Stefan Krüger (2012). Development of a Wing Section Design Code Including Inviscid/Viscous Interaction. OMAE, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. [pdf]

  • Hendrik Dankowski (2012). An Explicit Progressive Flooding Simulation Method. STAB, Athen, Greece. [pdf]

  • Hendrik Dankowski, Hannes Hatecke (2012). Stability Evaluations of Semi-Submersible Heavy Transport Vessels by a Progressive Flooding Simulation Tool. OMAE, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. [pdf]

  • Hendrik Dankowski, Stefan Krüger (2012). A Fast, Direct Approach for the Simulation of Damage Scenarios in the Time Domain. IMDC, Glasgow, Scotland. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Niclas Meyer (2012). Unfalluntersuchung zur starken Krängung der LISCO GLORIA durch den Einfluss von Löschwasser auf dem Hauptfahrzeugdeck. Bachelorarbeit, Hamburg. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger (2012). Dynamik des Seeverhaltens und statische Stabilitätsanalyse - Versuch einer Synthese. 100 Jahre Prof. Grim, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Hendrik Dankowski, Caroline Teuscher (2012). Numerical Investigation of the Capsizing Sequence of SS HERAKLION. STAB, Athen, Greece. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Hendrik Vorhölter (2012). Design Considerations of DP- Systems for Offshore Windpark Installation Vessels. IMDC, Glasgow, Scotland. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • verschiedene Autoren (2012). Festschrift anlässlich des 100. Geburtstages von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Otto Grim. Festkolloquium, Hamburg. [pdf]


  • Christoph Steinbach, Nicolas Rox, Stefan Krüger, Jörg Kaufmann, Ferenc John (2011). Unfälle in Situationen mit großer Stabilität. OMAE, Rotterdamm, Netherlands. [pdf]

  • Hendrik Dankowski (2011). Eine schnelle, direkte Methode zur Simulation von Flutungs- und Sinkvorgängen von Schiffen. Dritter Interdisziplinärer Workshop Maritime Systeme, Hamburg. [www]

  • Hendrik Vorhölter (2011). Numerische Analyse des Nachstroms und der Propellereffektivität am manövrierenden Schiff. Promotion, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Lars Greitsch (2011). Entwicklung eines Entwurfsverfahrens für Schiffsruder auf Basis statistischer Betriebsprofile. Promotion, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Nicolas Rox (2011). Examination of the intact stability and the seakeeping behaviour of container vessels within the ballast condition. Diplomarbeit, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Nicolas Rox (2011). A background study on seakeeping behaviour of container vessels in ballast condition. IMO SLF 54/INF.7, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Patrick Schiller (2011). Untersuchung der theoretischen Vermeidbarkeit von Seeunfällen durch die Anwendung der MSC.1/Circ. 1228 und MSC/Circ. 707. Diplomarbeit, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Patrick Schiller (2011). A background study on application of MSC.1/Circ.1228 on the Revised Guidance to the master for avoiding dangerous situations in adverse weather and sea conditions. IMO SLF 54/INF.9, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Philipp Russel (2011). Theoretical Investigations on the Container Loss of a Small Panamax Container Vessel in Heavy Sea. Bachelorarbeit, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger (2011). Further background information on the proposal by Germany with regard to the new generation intact stability criteria. IMO SLF 54/INF.10, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger (2011). Theoretical investigation into the loss of containers of the Pacific Adventurer off Cape Morton Queensland. IMO SLF 54/INF.6, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Lennart Pundt (2011). Analyse und Bewertung des gegenwärtigen Zustandes der Schiffssicherheit. Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Wilfried Abels (2011). Modelling physics by usage of a mathematical symbolic solver for transferring analytics theory to numerical “First-Principle-Methods”. Compit, Berlin. [Abstract] [pdf]


  • Clemens Koechert (2010). Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur semiautomatischen Optimierung von Schiffsrümpfen bezüglich minimalen Schiffswiderstandes. Promotion, Hamburg. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Lennart Pundt (2010). Politische Rahmenbedingungen und technische Möglichkeiten beim Schiffbau zum Schutz des Klimas. Hamburg. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Christoph Steinbach (2010). Unfalluntersuchung zum sehr schweren Seeunfall an Bord der Chicago Express während des Taifun Hagupit am 24.September 2008 im Seegebiet vor Hong Kong. IWMS, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Florian Kluwe (2010). Development of a Minimum Stability Criterion to Prevent Large Amplitude Roll Motions in Following Seas. Promotion, Hamburg. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Hendrik Dankowski, Stefan Krüger (2010). On the safety level of the SOLAS 2009 damage stability rules for RoPax vessels. PRADS, Rio de Janeiro. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Hendrik Vorhölter (2010). Vereinfachte Bestimmung des effektiven Nachstroms in Manövrierzuständen. IWMS, Hamburg. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Johannes Will (2010). Enhancement of the Computational Efficiency for Viscous Steady State Free Surface Flows Around Ships. Diplomarbeit, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Johannes Will, Manuel Manzke, Thomas Rung (2010). Efficient Viscous Wave-Resistance Analysis. PRADS, Rio de Janeiro. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Philip Augener (2010). Anwendung der ACCEPT Methodik auf ein maritimes CO2-Transportsystem. STG Hauptversammlung, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger (2010). Stabilitätsunfälle bei Aufliegern – ein neues Phänomen. PRADS, Rio de Janeiro. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger (2010). Zur Zukunftsfähigkeit der deutschen Schiffbauindustrie. HANSA, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Florian Kluwe (2010). Development of Threshold Values for a Minimum Stability Criterion Based on Full Scale Accidents. LaSSe, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Wilfried Abels, Lars Greitsch (2010). Usage and developing of specialized "First-Principle-Methods" for the early ship design. PRADS, Rio de Janeiro. [Abstract] [pdf]


  • Georg Eljardt, Lars Greitsch (2009). Operation-Based Ship Design and Evaluation. IMDC, Trondheim. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Hendrik Vorhölter, Tobias Haack, Stefan Krüger (2009). Optimisation of a Fast Monohull with CFD-Methods. 10th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, Athen. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Lars Greitsch, Georg Eljardt (2009). Simulation of Lifetime Operating Conditions as Input Parameters for CFD Calculations and Design Evaluation. Numerical Towing Tank Symposium, Cortona. [pdf]

  • Lars Greitsch, Georg Eljardt (2009). Operating Conditions Aligned Ship Design and Evaluation. 1st Symposium on Marine Propulsors, Trondheim. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Philip Augener (2009). Application of the ACCEPT methodology on a maritime CO2 transport system concept. Diplomarbeit, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Hendrik Dankowski (2009). On the Evaluation of the Safety Level of the Stockholm Agreement. IMDC, Trondheim. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Hendrik Dankowski, Petri Valanto (2009). EMSA Study on Damage Stability of ROPAX Vessels. EMSA Research Project, Hamburg. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Hendrik Vorhölter, Thomas Rung, Manuel Manzke (2009). Introduction of RANS-CFD into the Initial Design Process. Compit, Budapest. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Lennart Pundt (2009). An Alternative Baseline Concept for the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for RoRo-Vessels. IMO GHG WG Intersessional Annex1 und 2 (submitted by CESA), London 2009. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Lennart Pundt (2009). Some Concerns about the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for RoRo Vessels. IMO GHG WG Intersessional Annex1 und 2 (submitted by CESA), London. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Wilfried Abels, Lars Greitsch (2009). Abschlußbericht zum BMWi Vorhaben SESIS: Integration Full-MIssion Simulator. SESIS, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Tobias Haack, Hendrik Vorhölter (2009). Design of a 142m RoRo-Vessel. IMDC, Trondheim. [pdf]

  • Wilfried Abels, Lars Greitsch (2009). Software Development and Reengineering outside of the IT Industry using a Procedural Workflow Framework. Compit, Budapest. [Abstract] [pdf]


  • Christoph Steinbach (2008). Entwicklung einer modularen Bibliothek zur Generierung von Seegängen aus beliebigen Eingangsdatenquellen für numerische Bewegungssimulationen von Schiffen. Diplomarbeit, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Florian Kemper (2008). Qualitativer Vergleich zwischen Ein- und Zweischraubern am Beispiel von Gastankern. Studienarbeit, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Florian Kluwe (2008). Development of an Intact Stability Criterion for Avoidance of Capsizing in Following Seas. Festschrift, Hamburg. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Florian Kluwe, Heinz Günther, Ina Tränkmann (2008). ADOPT DSS - Ocean Environment Modelling for Use in Decision Making support. Compit, Liege. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Florian Kluwe, Stefan Krüger (2008). Evaluation of Minimum Stability Requirements for Ships in Following Seas taking into Account Dynamic Effects. STG Hauptversammlung, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Friedrich Wirz, Stefan Krüger (2008). Simulation des Notstopp-Manövers von Schiffen mit langsamlaufenden Zweitaktmotoren. STG Hauptversammlung, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Hendrik Vorhölter, Stefan Krüger (2008). Wake Field Analysis of a Drifting Ship with RANS-CFD-Methods. NuTTS, Brest. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Johannes Will, Jörn Kröger, Ole Hympendahl, Thomas Rung (2008). Computation of flows around wetted transom sterns with a potential flow code. NuTTS, Brest. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Johannes Will, Thomas Rung, Ole Hympendahl, Niels Lange (2008). Computational Modelling of Transom-Stern Flows with Potential-Flow Methods. Europeen F6-Project, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Lars Greitsch (2008). Prognosis of Rudder Cavitation Risk in Ship Operation. NuTTS, Brest. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Lennart Pundt (2008). Simulation des Stapellaufs eines 3400 TEU Containerschiffes auf dem Helgen der Nordseewerke Emden. Diplomarbeit, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Felix-Ingo Kehren (2008). Hydrostatic Analyses of the Later Phase of the Capsizing and the Sinking of MV Estonia. Research Project, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Felix-Ingo Kehren, Hendrik Dankowski (2008). Leckstabilitätsberechnungen durch Monte Carlo Simulationen. Festschrift, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Florian Kluwe (2008). A simplified Method for the Estimation of the Natural Roll Frequency of Ships in Heavy Weather. HANSA, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Florian Kluwe, Hendrik Vorhölter (2008). Decision Support for Large Amplitude Roll Motions based on Nonlinear Time-Domain Simulations. Compit, Liege. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Wilfried Abels, Lars Greitsch (2008). Using a Bridge Simulator during the Early Design-Stage to Evaluate Manoeuvrability. Compit, Liege. [Abstract] [pdf]


  • Felix-Ingo Kehren, Stefan Krüger (2007). Development of a Probabilistic Methodology for Damage Stability regarding Bottom Damages. PRADS, Houston, Texas, USA. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Hendrik Vorhölter (2007). Optimization of Appendages Using RANS-CFD-Methods. NuTTS, Hamburg. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Jan Henning Günther (2007). Numerische Simulation von Open-Top Containerschiffen im Seegang. Diplomarbeit, Hamburg. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger (2007). Zur Frage des Erkennens von gefährlich grossen Rollwinkeln im praktischen Bordbetrieb. HANSA, Hamburg. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Felix-Ingo Kehren (2007). Research Study of Sinking Sequence of MV Estonia. Research Project, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Florian Kluwe (2007). Dynamic Stability Criteria based on the Simulation of Full Scale Accidents. PRADS, Houston, Texas, USA. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Florian Kluwe (2007). Capsizing Criteria and their Application to Full Scale Capsizing Accidents. Progress Report, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Florian Kluwe (2007). Using Full-Scale Capsizing Accidents for the Validation of Numerical Simulations. STAB, Hamburg. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Tobias Haack (2007). The Propulsion and Manoeuvering Concept of the BCF Double Ended Ferries. PRADS, Houston, Texas, USA. [Abstract] [pdf]

  • Wilfried Abels (2007). Integration of Software Packages with Different Programming Paradigm, Exemplified by a Ship Model Generating Tool. Compit, Cortona, Italy. [Abstract] [pdf]


  • Florian Kluwe, Stefan Krüger (2006). Benchmarking for a proposal of a probabilistic intact stability criterion. IMO SLF 49, Tokyo. [pdf]

  • Georg Eljardt (2006). Development of a Fuel Oil Consumption Monitoring System. Diplomarbeit, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Jan Schreiber (2006). SOLAS 2009 and IMO/Circ.1891 (Stockholm Agreement) - Damage Stability Investigation of two ships and contrast of the requirement. Diplomarbeit, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger (2006). Evaluation of the Cargo Loss of a Large Container Vessel due to Parametric Roll. IMDC, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Florian Kluwe (2006). Development of Dynamic Stability Criteria from Seakeeping Simulations. IMDC, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Florian Kluwe (2006). Proposal of a probabilistic intact stability criterion. IMO SLF 49, Tokyo. [pdf]

  • Stefan Krüger, Florian Kluwe, Ralf Hinrichs, Heike Billerbeck (2006). Towards the Development of Dynamic Stability Criteria. HANSA, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Tobias Haack (2006). Simulation des Manövrierverhaltens von Schiffen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Antriebsanlage. Promotion, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Wilfired Abels (2006). Reliable prediction of propeller induced pulses during the early design stage. HANSA, Hamburg. [pdf]

  • Wilfried Abels (2006). Reliable prediction of propeller induced pulses on the aftbody by correlation direct calculation. CAV, Wageningen. [pdf]

  • Wilfried Abels (2006). Zuverlässige Prognose propellererregter Druckschwankungen auf die Außenhaut mittels Korrelation direkter Berechnung. Promotion, Hamburg. [pdf]