Innovativer Online-Wissenstransfer

In diesem Monat ist das hochschulübergreifende Kooperationsprojekt „Innovativer Online-Wissenstransfer" zwischen der HAW Hamburg und dem Institut für Logistik und Unternehmensführung an der TU Hamburg gestartet, welches von der Behörde für Wissenschaft, Forschung, Gleichstellung und Bezirke (BWFGB) der Stadt Hamburg gefördert wird.
Im Rahmen des Projektes werden die Erfahrungen zu erprobten neuen Formen des „Online-Wissenstransfers“, die in verschiedenen Projekten während der „Corona-Zeit“ gewonnen wurden, systematisch reflektiert. Ziel ist es, auf Basis der Ergebnisse einen Leitfaden zu innovativen (Online-)Transferformaten für ein geeignetes Wissensmanagement zwischen Hochschulen und anderen Organisationen zu entwickeln. Erste Ergebnisse sollen bereits in die laufenden Transferprojekte der Hochschulen eingebracht werden. Das Projekt hat eine Laufzeit von 15 Monaten.

Developing Research and InnoVation CapacitiEs in Albania and Kosovo (DRIVE)

The Erasmus+ CBHE DRIVE project (2020-2023) aims to strengthen the research and innovation capacities of partner universities in Albania and Kosovo. As the driving forces for innovation transformation, universities remain the most important institutions to boost the research and innovation potential and wealth of the region. Therefore, the availability of the necessary innovation environment, including institutional capabilities and academic networks, as well as the necessary knowledge and skills of university staff, is essential to ensure innovation growth and social and economic well-being in the WBC region. The DRIVE project aims to improve the research and innovation landscape of the partner universities by expanding mentoring capacities, strengthening management structures and intensifying multidisciplinary cooperation between the universities.

INTERnationalization at Home: Embedding Approaches and Structures to Foster Internationalization at Western Balkans (INTERBA)

The Erasmus+ CBHE INTERBA project (2019-2022) has the overall objective of promoting the internationalisation of the Western Balkan (WBC) Universities by strengthening the international, intercultural and global dimension at the partner universities in the framework of the Internationalisation at Home strategy. The holistic approach of the INTERBA project aims at embedding and strengthening Internationalisation at Home (IaH), which primarily refers to policies and processes that specifically integrate international and intercultural components into teaching and learning activities in order to improve the quality of education and achieve a significant social and societal impact.  

Strengthening university autonomy and increasing accountability and transparency of Western Balkans Universities (STAND)

The structural Erasmus+ CBHE STAND project (2021-2022) aims to improve the governance processes and university autonomy mechanisms at partner universities in Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro through strengthening their capacities, accountability and transparency. The structural dimension of the STAND project entails improving governance, university management structures, strategic planning and operational processes to support public and private higher education institutions in the Western Balkans. To this end, the development of national legal and policy frameworks for university autonomy will be supported by the Ministries of Education of all three partner countries. The STAND project represents the holistic approach to strengthening university autonomy in four specific dimensions - organisational, academic, staff and financial autonomy, which are the main priorities of university governance in Kosovo, Albania and Montenegro and which are very necessary for the successful university transformations in the Western Balkans.