- Process measurement engineering in the context of process control engineering - Challenges of process measurement engineering - Instrumentation of processes - Classification of pickups - Systems theory in process measurement engineering - Generic linear description of pickups - Mathematical description of two-port systems - Fourier and Laplace transformation - Correlational measurement - Wide band signals - Auto- and cross-correlation function and their applications - Fault-free operation of correlational methods - Transmission of analog and digital measurement signals - Modulation process (amplitude and frequency modulation) - Multiplexing - Analog to digital converter - Färber: „Prozeßrechentechnik“, Springer-Verlag 1994 - Kiencke, Kronmüller: „Meßtechnik“, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1995 - A. Ambardar: „Analog and Digital Signal Processing“ (1), PWS Publishing Company, 1995, NTC 339 - A. Papoulis: „Signal Analysis“ (1), McGraw-Hill, 1987, NTC 312 (LB) - M. Schwartz: „Information Transmission, Modulation and Noise“ (3,4), McGraw-Hill, 1980, 2402095 - S. Haykin: „Communication Systems“ (1,3), Wiley&Sons, 1983, 2419072 - H. Sheingold: „Analog-Digital Conversion Handbook“ (5), Prentice-Hall, 1986, 2440072 - J. Fraden: „AIP Handbook of Modern Sensors“ (5,6), American Institute of Physics, 1993, MTB 346 |