Photo: Christian Schmid


to the webseite of the Institute of High-Frequency Technology!

We study electro-magnetic waves, how to generate them, how to receive them and everything which happens in between. We do all that theoretically but especially practically. We simulate and build our prototypes largely ourselves in the laboratories of our institute. Our major topics are currently satellite communication, distributed networks, sensors and radar systems.

On this website more information anout who we are and what we do can be found.

You can also find us here:

News at the IHF


Doctoral defense of M.Sc. Aleksandar Savić

Doctoral defense of M.Sc. Aleksandar Savić: On 20.04.2022 Aleksandar Savić defended successfully his dissertation with the title „Microwave Sensors for the Dielectric Characterization of Biological Cells“.

Doctoral defense of M.Sc. Anton Sieganschin

Doctoral defense of M.Sc. Anton Sieganschin: On 19.04.2023 Anton Sieganschin defended successfully his dissertation with the title „Ein Sendeempfangsmodul für skalierbare dual-polarisierte Gruppenstrahler im K/Ka-Band“.

Offene Promotionsstelle im Bereich Medizinradar für Kleintiere

Für ein Forschungsprojekt suchen wir eine Doktorandin oder einen Doktoranden zur Verstärkung unserer Gruppe für medizinische Radarsysteme

Konferenz IEEE Radio and Wireless Week 2023 (Las Vegas, USA) erfolgreich abgeschlossen

Prof. Kölpin war als General Chairman für die Organisation der internationalen Konferenz IEEE Radio and Wireless Week in den USA verantwortlich.

IHF is collaborating to build a new generation of quantum computers.

The Institute of High Frequency Technology is seeking doctoral students for high-frequency- and digital-design-related research on ion-trap-based quantum computers.

Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Sonneneruption


Best algorithm with their submission to the Physionet Challenge 2022

Congratulations for the best algorithm for the heart murmur detection to the Physionet Challenge to the PhD students Hui Lu and Julia Yip.

Second Place at the Best Pitch Award of the MLE School 2022

Congratulations, Markus Heyder for this great placement at the Summer School of the initiative Machine Learning in Engineering.

Project Video for our special research area EmpkinS published

85 Scientists in the EmpkinS project video explain the goals of the overall project.

Best Poster Award for their submission to the Physionet Challenge 2022

Congratulations for the Best Poster Award for their submission to the Physionet Challenge to the PhD students Hui Lu and Julia Yip.