Improved fatigue strength assessment of welded maritime load-bearing structures through scalable fatigue tests (WeSKAL)

Project partners:
Institute for Ship Structural Design and Analysis (Hamburg University of Technology), Ramboll Deutschland GmbH, Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF

Project members:
Hamburg University of Technology: Sascha KüsterMoritz Braun

Ramboll: Marc Voßbeck, Karsten Schürmann

Fraunhofer Institute LBF: Niklas Bauer, Jörg Baumgartner

Funding party:
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

05.2022 – 04.2025

Within this project the fatigue strength of thick-walled load-bearing structures will be investigated. Applications are first and foremost support structures for offshore wind power plants. The aim is to include all phases of crack initiation and propagation in the life cycle assessment in combination with a local approach to fatigue. The potentials of modern manufacturing methods and post processing techniques of welds shall be exploited. This procedure is currently not possible under the existing rules and guidelines like Eurocode and IIW partly due to the lack of full-scale trials for validation. Therefore, also the scalability of small-scale trials will be investigated.

The project outcome will be recommendations to update current rules and guidelines in offshore industries as well as for other industries.

The project is part of the overall project SMATRA.