

  • Nagi, Ayman and Indorf, Marius and Kersten, Wolfgang (2017). Bibliometric Analysis of Risk Management in Seaports. In Kersten, Wolfgang and Blecker, Thorsten and Ringle, Christian (Eds.) Digitalization in Supply Chain Management and Logistics: Smart and Digital Solutions for an Industry 4.0 Environment epubli: Hamburg 467-497

  • Petersen, Moritz (2017). Considering Sustainability in the Development of Consumer Goods. Dissertation. epubli: Hamburg [www]

  • Regina Wagner and Nizar Abdelkafi and Thorsten Blecker (2017). Exploration of the product phase-out process in manufacturing firms: a human factor perspective. Business process management journal. 23. (5), 1000--1017 [Abstract] [www]

  • Saeed Muhammad Amad Waseek Ishfaque Kersten Wolfgang (2017). Literature review of drivers of sustainable supply chain management. epubli: Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) 159-184 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • Saeed, Muhammad Amad and Kersten, Wolfgang (2017). Supply chain sustainability performance indicators - a content analysis based on published standards and guidelines. Logistics Research. 10. (12), 1-19 [www]

  • Schröder, Meike and Kersten, Wolfgang (2017). A self-assessment model for supply chain risk management maturity. In Hellström, Daniel and Kembro, Joakim and Bodnar, Hajnalka (Eds.) Conference Proceedings: The 29th NOFOMA conference - Taking on grand challenges Division of Engineering Logistics, Lund University: 642-657

  • von See, Birgit and Kersten, Wolfgang (2017). Digitale Transformation des Arbeitsumfelds: Identifikation und Analyse von Handlungsfeldern in Unternehmen am Beispiel der Logistik. In Gronau, Norbert (Eds.) Industrial Internet of Things in der Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation Gito Verlag: Berlin 91-117

  • Wagner, Regina (2017). Production Phase-Out - Process Modelling Including Adaptions for Production Planning and Control. Josef Eul Verlag: Lohmar-Köln


  • Brockhaus, Sebastian and Petersen, Moritz and Kersten, Wolfgang (2016). A Crossroads for Bioplastics: Exploring Product Developers’ Challenges to Move beyond Petroleum-based Plastics. Journal of Cleaner Production. 127. (1), 84-95 [doi] [www]

  • Fandl, Robert Christian (2016). Bewertung nachhaltiger Produktentwicklungspartnerschaften in der Gießereiindustrie. Dissertation. Josef Eul Verlag: Lohmar-Köln

  • Hackius, Niels and Kersten, Wolfgang (2016). Nachhaltiges Rampenmanagement - eine Analyse von Anreizen zur Einführung eines nachhaltigen Rampenmanagements. Forschung für Nachhaltigkeit an deutschen Hochschulen Springer Spektrum: Wiesbaden

  • Indorf, Marius and Kersten, Wolfgang and Schröder, Meike (2016). Risk Management of Supply Chains in the Digital Age. In Delfmann, Werner and Wimmer, Thomas (Eds.) Logistics in the Times of the 4th Industrial Revolution Ideas, Concepts, Scientific Basis Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) e.V: 185-198

  • Kalogerakis, Katharina and von See, Birgit and Kersten, Wolfgang and Herstatt, Cornelius (2016). Open Innovation in der Logistik: Wege zur erfolgreichen Einbindung von Kunden in die Entwicklung innovativer Dienstleistungen. Industrie 4.0 Management. 32. (1), 30-33

  • Kersten, Wolfgang and Seiter, Mischa and von See, Birgit and Hackius, Niels and Rosentritt, Caroline and Böhle, Carsten and Reich, Gabriele and Maurer, Timo and Sauter, Ralf (2016). Trends und Strategien in Supply Chain Management und Logistik - Chancen der digitalen Transformation. 33. Deutscher Logistik-Kongress Kongressband DVV Media Group: Hamburg [www]

  • Klotzbach, Markus (2016). Analyse und Gestaltung technischer Leistungspotentiale herstellerunabhängiger Instandhaltungsdienstleister. Josef Eul Verlag: Lohmar-Köln

  • Petersen, Moritz and Brockhaus, Sebastian and Kersten, Wolfgang (2016). Wege aus der Nachhaltigkeits-Sackgasse: Die Entwicklung nachhaltigerer Produkte zwischen strategischem Anspruch und operativer Wirklichkeit. Industrie 4.0 Management. 32. (1), 7-10

  • Petersen, Moritz and Hackius, Niels and Kersten, Wolfgang (2016). Blockchains für Produktion und Logistik. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb. 111. (10), 626-629

  • Petersen, Moritz and Kersten, Wolfgang and Brockhaus, Sebastian (2016). Berücksichtigung der Nachhaltigkeit in der Entwicklung und Vermarktung von Konsumgütern. In Leal Filho, Walter (Eds.) Forschung für Nachhaltigkeit an deutschen Hochschulen Springer Fachmedien: Wiesbaden 331-347

  • Schröder, Meike and Kersten, Wolfgang (2016). How to control your Supply Chain Risk Management. Chemical logistics. 14-15

  • Schröder, Meike and Kersten, Wolfgang and Beck, Johannes (2016). Supply Chain Risk Management Auditierung.

  • Schröder, Meike and Prause, Gunnar (2016). Dangerous Goods Transportation in Green Corridors in the Baltic Sea Region - Recommendations and best practices. Transport and Telecommunication Journal. 17. (4), 322-334

  • Skirde, Henning and Kersten, Wolfgang and Schröder, Meike (2016). Measuring the cost effects of modular product architectures - A conceptual approach. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. 13. (4), 1-23

  • Wagner, Regina and Blecker, Thorsten (2016). Forecasting final lot size for phase-out spare parts. 19th International Working Seminar on Production Economics Linköpings Universitet - LiU-Tryck: Innsbruck, Austria 371-382


  • Brockhaus, Sebastian and Fawcett, Stan and Kersten, Wolfgang and Knemeyer, Michael (2015). A Framework for Promoting Product Sustainability Programs: Benchmarking System Dynamics to Achieve Supply Chain Alignment. Benchmarking: an International Journal. 127-164 [www]

  • Kersten, Wolfgang and Ehni, Matthias (2015). Toyota Kata - Befähigung zur zielgerichteten Verbesserung. ProductivITy. 4. (1), 27-30

  • Kersten, Wolfgang and Schröder, Meike and Indorf, Marius (2015). Supply Chain Risikomanagement für die Industrie 4.0. Industrie 4.0 Management. 31. (3), 36-40

  • Kersten, Wolfgang and von See, Birgit and Wichmann, Maren (2015). Auf den Spuren von Kosten. Logistik heute: das deutsche Logistikmagazin. 37. (9), 46-47 [www]

  • Kersten, Wolfgang and Wichmann, Maren and Berlin, Sebastian and Bayrle, Christoph (2015). Grüne Netze. Logistik Heute. (12), 56-57

  • Petersen, Moritz and Brockhaus, Sebastian and Kersten, Wolfgang (2015). Nachhaltigkeit als Zieldimension in der Entwicklung von Konsumgütern. In Binz, Hansgeorg and Bertsche, Bernd and Bauer, Wilhelm and Roth, Daniel (Eds.) Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung 2015 Fraunhofer-Verlag: Stuttgart

  • Petersen, Moritz and Brockhaus, Sebastian and Kersten, Wolfgang (2015). Biokunststoffe für nachhaltigere Produkte: Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Studie in der Produktentwicklung von Konsumgüterunternehmen. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb. 110. (11), 686-689

  • Prause, Gunnar and Schröder, Meike (2015). KPI Building blocks for successful green transport corridor implementation. Transport and Telecommunication Journal. 16. (4), 277-287

  • Schröder, Meike and Kersten, Wolfgang and Beck, Johannes (2015). Identification of design variables for a Supply Chain Risk Management Audit. In Kersten, Wolffang and Blecker, Thorsten and Ringle, Christian (Eds.) Innovations and strategies for logistics and supply chains : technologies, business models and risk management epubli GmbH: 479-505

  • Schröder, Meike and Prause, Gunnar (2015). Risk Management for Green Transport Corridors. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues. 5. (2), 229-239

  • Skirde, Henning (2015). Kostenorientierte Bewertung modularer Produktarchitekturen. Eul Verlag: Köln

  • von See, Birgit and Kalogerakis, Katharina (2015). Innovation Contests in Logistics. In Kersten, Wolfgang and Blecker, Thorsten and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) Innovation and Strategies for Logistics and Supply Chains epubli GmbH: Berlin 3-28

  • Wagenstetter, Nikolaus (2015). Nutzung von Analogien für die Entwicklung von Logistikinnovationen - Konzeption eines Vorgehens zur Anwendung von Analogien in der Logistik. Eul Verlag: Köln

  • Wagner, Regina and Blecker, Thorsten (2015). Material Requirements Planning under Phase-out Conditions. In Kersten, Wolfgang and Blecker, Thorsten and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) Operational Excellence in Logistics and Supply Chains epubli: Hamburg 73-96

  • Wichmann, Maren and Kersten, Wolfgang (2015). Environmental Sustainability Standards in Transport Alliances. In Kersten, Wolfgang and Blecker, Thorsten and Ringle, Christian (Eds.) Sustainability in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Approaches and Application Areas epubli: Berlin 203-221


  • Blecker, Thorsten and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian M. (2014). Innovative Methods in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Current Issues and Emerging Practices. epubli: Berlin [www]

  • Kersten, Wolfgang and Klotzbach, Markus and Petersen, Moritz (2014). Management technischer Capability. Industrie-Management - Zeitschrift für industrielle Geschäftsprozesse. 30. (3), 11-14

  • Schröder, Meike and Indorf, Marius and Kersten, Wolfgang (2014). Industry 4.0 and its Impact on Supply Chain Risk Management. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transport and Communication Riga, Latvia 114-125 [www]

  • Schröder, Meike and Feser, Max and Beck, Johannes (2014). Implementierung eines Supply Chain Risikomanagements. Industrie 4.0 Management. (5), 45-48

  • Schröder, Meike and Barata Gomes, Renato (2014). Supply Chain Risk Management in international trade operations between Germany and Brazil. Next generation supply chains – Trends and opportunities epubli: Berlin 479-497 [www]

  • Kersten, Wolfgang and von See, Birgit and Skirde, Henning (2014). Identification of Megatrends Affecting Complexity in Logistics Systems. Next generation supply chains – Trends and opportunities epubli: Berlin 3-27 [www]

  • Kersten, Wolfgang and von See, Birgit and Skirde, Henning (2014). Megatrends treiben Komplexität, Komplexität treibt Kosten. Logistik heute: das deutsche Logistikmagazin. 36. (12), 64-65 [www]

  • Kersten, Wolfgang and Schröder, Meike and Indorf, Marius (2014). Industrie 4.0: Auswirkungen auf das Supply Chain Risikomanagement. In Kersten, Wolfgang and Koller, Hans and Lödding, Hermann (Eds.) Industrie 4.0 - Wie intelligente Vernetzung und kognitive Systeme unsere Arbeit verändern {GITO mbH Verlag}: Berlin 101-126

  • Kersten, Wolfgang and Saeed, Muhammad Amad (2014). A SCOR based analysis of Simulation in Supply Chain Management. Brescia, Italy [www]

  • Kersten, Wolfgang and Klotzbach, Markus and Petersen, Moritz (2014). Kennzahlen-basierte Entwicklung exzellenter Prozessstrukturen für technische Instandhaltungsbetriebe. Gössinger, R.; Zäpfel, G. (Hrsg.): Management integrativer Leistungserstellung {Duncker & Humblot}: Berlin 619-644

  • Kersten, Wolfgang and Hackius, Niels (2014). Truck Loading Dock Process – Investigating Integration of Sustainability. Next generation supply chains – Trends and opportunities epubli: Berlin 245-271 [Abstract]

  • Grussenmeyer, Regina and Blecker, Thorsten (2014). Aligning Product Phase-Out with New Product Development. In Grubbström, R.W.;Hinterhuber, H.H. (Eds.) Innsbruck, Austria 183-194

  • Kersten, Wolfgang and Feser, Max and Scholl, Jan and Hohrath, Philipp (2014). Supply Chain Risk Management in der deutschen Windenergiebranche 2014: Eine Studie. epubli: Berlin [www]

  • Kersten, Wolfgang and Ehni, Matthias (2014). Qualität für die Kleinen. Gefährliche Ladung: Das Magazin für Gefahrgut-Logistik. 55. (4), 24-26

  • Kersten, Wolfgang and Blecker, Thorsten and Ringle, Christian M. (2014). Next Generation Supply Chains: Trends and Opportunities. epubli: Berlin [www]

  • Kersten, W. and Seiter, M. and Berlin, S. (2014). Adopting Network-Level Objectives in Interorganizational Networks - The Case of Environmental Objectives in Logistics Service Networks. HICL 2014 - Next Generation Supply Chains: Trends and Opportunities

  • Kalogerakis, Katharina and Wagenstetter, Nikolaus (2014). A general framework for open service innovation in logistics. In Blecker, Thorsten and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian (Eds.) Innovative Methods in Logistics and Supply Chain Management epubli GmbH: Berlin 27-47

  • Jones, Mark and Adametz, Christoph and Grussenmeyer, Regina and Marinkovic, Ines and Mayr, Alexander and Mandic, Vesna and Jevtovic, Jelena (2014). Western Balkans Regional University Innovation Platform. {Inter Print}: Kragujevac, Serbien [www]

  • Hackius, Niels and Wichmann, Maren and Kersten, Wolfgang (2014). Improving Sustainability at Truck Loading Docks - Studying Truck Loading Docks as a Critical Interface. NOFOMA 2014 Proceedings: Competitiveness Through Supply Chain Management and Global Logistics Department of Operations Management, Copenhagen Business School: Frederiksberg 979 [www]

  • Grussenmeyer, Regina and Gencay, Sükran and Blecker, Thorsten (2014). Production Phase-out During Plant Shutdown. 2nd CIRP Robust Manufacturing Conference (RoMac 2014). 19. 111-116 [doi] [www]

  • Sudy, Irene and Pero, Margherita (2014). Increasing security and efficiency in supply chains: a five-step approach. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics. 6. (3), 257-279