Jana Ihrens, M. Sc.

Technische Universität Hamburg

Institut für Mechatronik im Maschinenbau (M-4)

Gebäude O (Eißendorfer Str. 38)

Raum 013

Tel.: +49 (0) 40 428-78-4210


Researchfocus: Researchprojects:
electrical power systems Power Hardware-in-the-loop Laboratory
Power Hardware-in-the-loop  


since 08/2020 Research Assistant, Hamburg University of Technology, Institute for Mechatronics in Mechanics
10/2017 -
M. Sc. Student Electrical Engineering, Hamburg University of Technology
10/2019 -
Masterthesis at WEINMANN Emergency Medical Technology GmbH + Co. KG
09/2018 - 10/2018 Research Assistant, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador
10/2013 -
B. Sc. Student General Engineering Science, Hamburg University of Technology, Thesis: Provision of Control Reserve with Wind Powerplants - An International Comparison of the Frame Conditions


  • Measurement Technology for Mechanical Engineering


Title: The Impact of Time Delays for Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Investigations.
Written by: Ihrens, Jana and Möws, Stefan and Wilkening, Lennard and Kern, Thorsten A. and Becker, Christian
in: <em>Energies</em>. (2021).
Volume: <strong>14</strong>. Number: (11),
on pages:
how published:
DOI: 10.3390/en14113154
URL: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/11/3154



Abstract: Power hardware-in-the-loop (PHiL) simulations provide a powerful environment in the critical process of testing new components and controllers. In this work, we aim to explain the impact of time delays in a PHiL setup and recommend how to consider them in different investigations. The general concept of PHiL, with its necessary components, is explained and the benefits compared to pure simulation and implemented field tests are presented. An example for a flexible PHiL environment is shown in form of the Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation Laboratory (PHiLsLab) at TU Hamburg. In the PHiLsLab, different hardware components are used as the simulator to provide a grid interface via an amplifier system, a real-time simulator by OPAL-RT, a programmable logic controller by Bachmann, and an M-DUINO microcontroller. Benefits and limitations of the different simulators are shown using case examples of conducted investigations. Essentially, all platforms prove to be appropriate and sufficiently powerful simulators, if the time constants and complexity of the investigated case fit the simulator performance. The communication interfaces used between simulator and amplifier system differ in communication speed and delay; therefore, they have to be considered to determine the level of dynamic interactions between the simulated rest of system and the hardware under test.

ORCID iD iconhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-1523-9511

Student works

Supervised Theses (finished):

  • König, O.: Analysis of the simulation accuracy for simulations of maritime DC grids, Bachelorthesis, 2023

  • Malpricht, M.: Identification of Critical Components regarding the Simulation Complexity of (maritime) DC Grid Simulations, Project Work, 2023

  • Bahadori Rad, S.: Analysis of the impact of intermeshedness and bidirectional power flows on simulation complexity, Master's thesis, 2023

  • Sureshkumar, S.: Comparison of the accuracy of power hardware-in-the-loop investigations and pure simulations, Bachelorthesis, 2023

  • Droste, D.: Cost optimization of simulation complexity for maritime DC grids, Project Work, 2023 
  • Schneider, T.: Analysis of the complexity of simulation models of maritime direct current networks, Master's thesis, 2022
  • Bouaami, S.: Passenger simulation for load forecasting on ships, Masterthesis, 2022
  • Beckmann, T.-M.: Evaluation of the applicability of AC (switching) components in DC networks, Bachelorthesis, 2022
  • Blettrup, N.: Systematic design of drive lines in small vessels considering the matching of propeller and electric motor, Bachelorthesis, 2021
  • Droste, D.: Development of a test rig for electrosensitive hydrogels as actuators in Braille displays, Bachelorthesis, 2021
  • Malpricht, M.: Development of a generic electrical power system structure for DC grids on different types of ships, Bachelorthesis, 2021
  • Madan Chalgeri, N.: Design of a Test Bench for Investigation of the Suitability of Electrosensitive Hydrogels in Applications for Fast Switching Braille Displays, Project Work, 2021
  • Prünte, P.: Evaluation of different measurement techniques for supraharmonic impedance measurement, Project Work, 2021
  • Moreau, K.: Communication systems for the Integration of RES in DC-grids on ships, Bachelorthesis, 2021