I³-Project - Verify Green Technologies for Intelligent Grid Control with Power Hardware-in-the-Loop
Electrical power systems are very complex systems, which have to be kept stable and secure at all times. Due to the change from large conventional power plants to smaller decentralized renewable energy sources, the task of keeping the power system stable has to be transferred to those sources as well.
There are two main challenges providing ancillary services with renewable energies: First, the power from wind and solar power plants, which make up the majority of renewable units, is weather dependent and therefore fluctuating. Second, there are many smaller units instead of a single large power plant. This increases the need for communication between the units to ensure that enough power is available at all times.
Within the project both challenges are worked on. Stochastic methods are used to increase the forecast reliability for wind and solar power plants and a setup for the investigation of control algorithms for a pool of multiple fluctuating power plants and storages is build. The setup uses the method of Power Hardware-in-the-Loop, which combines real-time simulation with actual storages and loads to provide a close to reality environment to test the developed algorithms.
Further information about the Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Laboratory: PHiLsLab
Stefan Möws
01.07.2020 to 30.06.2022