
Resilience of integrated energy systems with a high share of renewables


Already today one can observe that complexity of regulation, especially for regulation power and redispatch, is increasing with a rising share of renewable energies in the electricity generation. The reason for this is the sensitivity of the electric system especially towards deviations between production and consumption. This is because there are nearly no buffering effects within the electric network: At the occurrence of small differences between the delivered and the extracted power, the frequency changes which needs to stay within a narrow range to ensure net stability. Therefore, major stability problems are to be expected especially in grids with a high share of renewable energies. One solution is the coupling of the electricity sector with the heat and gas sector. Both sectors are able to provide buffering effects and therefore react considerably slower towards disruptions than the electricity sector. There are several solutions how to integrate renewable energies in the existing energy system. Since the system stability is the most important criteria, the main goal is to find solutions, which increase the resilience of the system, rather than an only economically driven integration. Thus, a detection technique for the reliability of energy supply systems, which allows the evaluation of various changes in the system, can be developed. 


The research is conducted using the TransiEnt Library. The TransiEnt Library is a freely available open source model library for the dynamic simulation of Integrated Energy Systems containing the energy sectors electricity, gas and heat. The models in the TransiEnt Library are written in the mathematic description language Modelica.





Final Report (German)

Publisher's link



Jan-Peter Heckel



01.09.2017 to 30.06.2021

Funding organization

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)


Supplementary information and publications

from: Research Information System TUHH Open Research (TORE)