I³-Project - Cyber Physical Energy Systems - Sustainability, Resilience and Economics


To maintain today's high standard of supply availability in energy systems with high share of decentralized energy resources (DER), new concepts have to be developed. One concept is the creation of new flexibility options which can be provided by generator side as well as demand side, requires sophisticated information and communication technologies (ICT). Furthermore, sector coupling happens not only on the primary physical part, but also on the secondary digital part.

Energy transition and sector coupling requires not only changes on the physical and digital side, but also on the market side. Detailed availability of data, e.g. due to the ongoing roll out of smart meters, and the lack of tradability with small amounts of energy produced by DER will result in possible new market concepts.

In order to look at these effects holistically, the cellular energy system approach offers considerable chances for optimization within the energy policy goal triangle. In this context, the transactive control scheme provides the ability for coupling of the operational management with integration of local markets. Therefore, in this project cellular energy system and transactive control are investigated together in order to achieve an optimized energy system.


  • Modelica (Dymola), TransiEnt-Library
  • Co-Simulation mit OMNeT++, ns-3, Python




Tom Steffen

Béla Wiegel


01.10.2020 to 30.09.2023

Funding organization

Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)

I³-Program: I³-Project


Supplementary information and publications

from: Research Information System TUHH Open Research (TORE)