
85 Scientists in the EmpkinS project video explain the goals of the overall project.
Congratulations for the Best Poster Award for their submission to the Physionet Challenge to the PhD students Hui Lu and Julia Yip.
From June 18 - 20, 2022, the first IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwave Acoustics & Mechanics (IC-MAM) was held in Munich, Germany. In an exciting conference program that included six sessions, three plenary lectures, and one panel, 32 high quality publications from 12 different countries, were presented to over 100 registered participants. Recent advances in new materials and fabrication processes, components and devices critical to the development of future RF, microwave, mm-wave and THz devices, circuits and systems based on RF MEMS and acoustics were discussed. Dr. Fabian Lurz, senior engineer at IHF, served on the organizing committee as Publications Chair.
Doctoral defense of M.Sc. Stefan Erhardt: On 01.07.2022 Stefan Erhard defended successfully his dissertation with the title „Langzeit-Funklokalisierungsverfahren mit extrem energieeffizienten, miniaturisierten Mobilfunkloggern“.
Bartosz Tegowski wins the Gisela und Erwin Sick Wissenschaftspreis 2022
Best medical radar of the International Microwave Symposium was designed in Hamburg: Congratulations to our Ph.D.-students Nils Albrecht, Markus Heyder, Dominik Langer und Marvin Wenzel!
Noah Sielck was awarded the Best Student Paper Award in the Closing Session of the German Microwave Conference.
Fabian Lurz organises the Student Design Competition for „Design of a Self-Interference Cancellation Coupler“ at the International Microwave Symposium.
On September, 13th and 14th, 2022 the Hamburg University of Technology will host the 1st Summer School for Machine Learning in Engineering. The Institute of High-Frequency Technology is one of the co-organizers.
On 10th Mai 2022 Mr. M.Sc Moritz Hägermann successfully defended his docotoral thesis with the titel "Backward-Wave Phenomena in Helix Traveling-Wave Tube Amplifiers".