In order to be able to use the devices and methods of the BeEM, you must first submit an application for use. You can download the application form here.

After your application has been reviewed, a consultation will take place with Dr. Martin Ritter the leader of the BeEM.

Once it has been determined which devices and methods you need for your work, the responsible BeEM employee will instruct you on these devices and methods. The responsible employee will contact you to arrange a consultation appointment. A list of responsibilities for the single devices and methods can be found here.

After the instruction appointment combined with a safety briefing, you can book appointments yourself via our web-based booking and billing system for electron microscopy (BASE).


Wichtige Links:

Buchungs- und Abrechnungssystem für die Elektronenmikroskopie (BASE). BASE ist eine Eigenentwicklung der BEEM und dient der Online Terminbuchung und projektbezogenen Abrechnung der angefallenen Kosten.

In unserem BEEM Wiki finden Sie informationen rund um die Mikroskope und Methoden der BEEM.