
Also the application for exercises takes place in TUNE. This application is like a lottery for reasons of fairness. For this purpose you have to prioritize a variety of events. Therefore you specify your events of desire and after that you'll get assigned to a group.

The application only proceeds in certain phases at the beginning of a new semester. Please obtain information via TUNE or from the instructors. The possibility exists that you may sign in for exercises without a prioritization that have a few availabe spaces left.

If you decide to not visit an exercise anymore, please sign off from the exercise. Then your fellow students have the chance to apply for that time slot.

This page is still being edited. Pictures and other instructions will be completed when registration is cleared for the group exercises in the next semester.

Apply for exercises

  1. To apply for an exercise please select the linking My Studies > Planner of Studies with Module. There, you have to look up your module with the execise you want to apply for.
  2. Open the options of the module by clicking on the plus sign. You can only find an entry with Exercise if an exercise is beeing offered for your selected module.
  3. Click on Apply. After that the online site loads where you can prioritize. You have to prioritize a specific amount of exercises so that you'll be able to confirm your selection.
  4. After prioritizing you have to confirm your selection by clicking on xyz.
  5. Now your prioritization is sent. After the registration period the exercises are drawn by regarding the prioritizations.

Please be advised that you don't prioritize the time slot but the group itself. If there are several exercises with the same time slot please prioritize those exercises alike. Therefore the chance is higher to receive one of the desired exercises for you and your fellow students.