Z3: Electron Microscopy of Multi-scale Materials Systems
The production of multi-scale materials systems is one focus of the SFB 986. Another focus lies in the analysis and characterization of the newly acquired materials via scanning and transmission electron microscopy(SEM/TEM). The task and the purpose of the service project Z3 is to provide classic sample preparation methods as well as modern sample preparation by a focused ion beam(FIB) for electron microscopy.
Using the existing sample preparation methods and microscopes, the structure and chemical nature of multi-scale materials can be efficiently analyzed and characterized at middle and high magnification. The findings will serve as a basis for characterizing the materials used in SFB, for assessing production methods and production parameters, and furthermore for conducting more complex investigations, e.g., by high resolution transmission electrons microscopes(HRTEM), scattering method, or micro-tomography.

Dr. rer nat. Tobias Krekeler