Marvin Kastner, M.Sc.
Hamburg University of Technology
Institute of Maritime Logistics
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D)
21073 Hamburg
Contact Details & Profiles
Office: building D room 5.007
Phone: +49 40 42878 4793
E-mail: marvin.kastner(at)tuhh(dot)de
ORCiD: 0000-0001-8289-2943
Google scholar:
Research Focus
- Simulation-based Design of Container Terminals
- Optimization of Yard Operations at Container Terminals
- Data-driven Improvement of Maritime Security
- Machine Learning in Maritime Logistic
- Optimization of Multivariate Black-box Functions
Presentations and workshops (Excerpt)
- 06.05.2024 a workshop at the Graduate Academy of TUHH: "Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks" (title translated) [more]
- 25.01.2023 a talk at the 7. Suderburger Logistics Forum: "AI-assisted planning of cargo handling facilities with the example of container terminals" (title translated)
- 15.09.2022 a talk at the MLE-Days 2022: "Synthetic data for reinforcement learning in container terminal control systems."
- 28.06.2022 a workshop at the Graduate Academy of TUHH: "Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks" (title translated) [more]
- 02.07.2021 a workshop at the MLE-Days 2021: "Machine Learning in Maritime Logistics" (title translated) [zip]
- 16.03.2021 a workshop at the Graduate Academy of TUHH: "Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks" (title translated) [more]
- 30.11.2020 in the lecture series "Train Your Engineering Network" of the MLE initiative: "How to Talk About Machine Learning with Jupyter Notebooks"
- 22.11.2019 at DISRUPT NOW! AI for Hamburg: "Artificial Intelligence in Maritime Economy" (title translated) [more]
- 29.10.2019 in the context of forschungsbörse: "Maritime Logistics - an all-round cover" (title translated) [more]
- 23.10.2019 at the Open Access Week 2019 at TUHH: "Data Analysis - Describe and Visualize Data with Jupyter Notebooks" (title translated) [more] [git]
- 16.11.2018 at the GI DevCamp Hamburg: "Mobility Research and GDPR"
- 27.09.2018 at SGKV WG regarding truck arrivals: "Forecasting and Neural Networks – What is possible?" (title translated)
- Kastner, Marvin and Grasse, Ole (2024). Synthetically generating traffic scenarios for simulation-based container terminal planning. PIANC Yearbook 2023. [Abstract]
[pdf] [www]
- Édes, Luc and Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos (2024). On Estimating the Required Yard Capacity for Container Terminals. In Freitag, Michael and Kinra, Aseem and Kotzab, Herbert and Megow, Nicole (Eds.) Dynamics in Logistics Springer, Cham and Springer Nature Switzerland: Cham 171-182 [Abstract]
[doi] [www]
- Kastner, Marvin and Saporiti, Nicolò and Lange, Ann-Kathrin and Rossi, Tommaso (2024). Insights into How to Enhance Container Terminal Operations with Digital Twins. Computers. 13. (6), [Abstract]
[pdf] [doi] [www]
- Mohr, Andreas and Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos (2023). Groundbreaking Challenges of Deploying Battery-Electric Terminal Trucks in Container Terminals. In Clausen, Uwe and Dellbrügge, Marius (Eds.) Advances in Resilient and Sustainable Transport Springer International Publishing: Cham 183-198 [Abstract]
[doi] [www]
- Wiebers, Sascha and Kastner, Marvin (2023). Simulationsstudie zur Verbesserung der Effizienz der Lagerung in Seehafen-Containerterminals. Maritime Research Forum 2023: [Abstract]
[pdf] [www]
- Kastner, Marvin and Grasse, Ole and Jahn, Carlos (2022). Container Flow Generation for Maritime Container Terminals. In Freitag, Michael and Kinra, Aseem, and Kotzab, Herbert, and Megow, Nicole (Eds.) Dynamics in Logistics. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference LDIC 2022, Bremen, Germany Springer: 133-143 [Abstract]
[doi] [www]
- Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos (2022). Impact of Rubber-Tired Gantry Crane Dimension on Container Terminal Productivity. In de Armas, Jesica and Ramalhinho, Helena and Voß, Stefan (Eds.) Computational Logistics Springer International Publishing: Cham 74-88 [Abstract]
[doi] [www]
- Kolley, Lorenz and Rückert, Nicolas and Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos and Fischer, Kathrin (2022). Robust berth scheduling using machine learning for vessel arrival time prediction. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal. 35. 29-69 [Abstract]
[pdf] [doi] [www]
- Neermegha Mishra and Marvin Kastner and Carlos Jahn (2022). Marine communication for shipping : using ad-hoc networks at sea. In Kersten, Wolfgang and Jahn, Carlos and Blecker, Thorsten and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) 523-557 [Abstract]
[doi] [www]
- Kastner, Marvin and Nellen, Nicole and Schwientek, Anne and Jahn, Carlos (2021). Integrated Simulation-Based Optimization of Operational Decisions at Container Terminals. Algorithms. 14. (2), [Abstract]
[pdf] [doi] [www]
- Kastner, Marvin and Peters, Malte and Jahn, Carlos (2021). Assessing performance of container slot allocation heuristics. In Ringle, Christian M. and Kersten, Wolfgang and Jahn, Carlos (Eds.) Adapting to the Future: Maritime and City Logistics in the Context of Digitalization and Sustainability 427-454 [Abstract]
[pdf] [doi]
- Kastner, Marvin and Franzkeit, Janna and Lainé, Anna (2020). Teaching Machine Learning and Data Literacy to Students of Logistics using Jupyter Notebooks [DELFI Poster Award Winner]. In Zender, Raphael and Ifenthaler, Dirk and Leonhardt, Thiemo and Schumacher, Clara (Eds.) DELFI 2020 Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.: Bonn 365-366 [Abstract]
[pdf] [www]
- Kastner, Marvin and Hensel, Tina (2020). MaLiTuP: Schlussbericht. [pdf] [doi] [www]
- Kastner, Marvin and Kämmerling, Nicolas and Jahn, Carlos and Clausen, Uwe (2020). Equipment selection and layout planning – literature overview and research directions. In Jahn, Carlos and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) Data science and innovation in supply chain management : how data transforms the value chain // Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) / Data Science in Maritime and City Logistics epubli: Berlin 485–519 [Abstract]
[pdf] [doi]
- Kastner, Marvin and Lange, Ann-Kathrin and Jahn, Carlos (2020). Expansion Planning at Container Terminals. In Freitag, Michael and Haasis, Hans-Dietrich and Kotzab, Herbert and Pannek, Jürgen (Eds.) Dynamics in Logistics Springer International Publishing: Cham 114-123 [Abstract]
- Kastner, Marvin (2019). Prüfungen mit JupyterHub. TUHH: Blogbeitrag in INSIGHTS - Einblicke in Lehre und Forschung im digitalen Experimentierfeld der TUHH [www]
- Kastner, Marvin and Nellen, Nicole and Jahn, Carlos (2019). Model-based Optimisation with Tree-structured Parzen Estimation for Discrete Event Simulation at Container Terminals: Modellbasierte Optimierung mit baumstrukturierter Kerndichteschätzung für ereignisdiskrete Simulation auf Container-Terminals. In Putz, Matthias and Schlegel, Andreas (Eds.) Simulation in Produktion und Logistik Wissenschaftliche Scripten: Auerbach /Vogtl. 489-498 [Abstract]
- Kastner, Marvin and Pache, Hannah and Jahn, Carlos (2019). Simulation-based optimization at container terminals: a literature review. In Jahn, Carlos and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) Digital transformation in maritime and city logistics epubli: 111-135 [Abstract]
[pdf] [doi] [www]
- Kastner, Marvin and Podleschny, Nicole (2019). Mit Jupyter Notebooks prüfen. Beitrag zur Poster-Session des e-Prüfungs-Symposiums (ePS) in Siegen. [Abstract]
[pdf] [doi] [www]
- Kastner, Marvin and Scheidweiler, Tina (2019). MaLiTuP: Machine Learning in Theory and Practice: Poster. All-Hands-Meeting Machine Learning 2019 [Abstract]
[pdf] [www]
- Lange, Ann-Kathrin and Kastner, Marvin (2019). KV-Terminals dynamisch planen. LT-Manager. 47. (02), 26-29
- Pache, Hannah and Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos (2019). Current state and trends in tramp ship routing and scheduling. In Jahn, Carlos and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) Digital transformation in maritime and city logistics epubli: 369-394 [Abstract]
[doi] [www]