Lehre am IUE

Das Institut für Umwelttechnik und Energiewirtschaft legt großen Wert auf seine Lehraktivitäten. Neben diversen Lehrveranstaltungen für Studierende der TUHH ist das Institut an nationalen und internationalen Bildungsprojekten beteiligt. Dazu gehören ein Austauschprogramm mit zwei jordanischen Universitäten, verschiedene Erasmus+ / DAAD Projekte, die RECREEW Sommer School sowie „integral“ ein Weiterbildungsprogramm für geflüchtete Ingenieure. Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie auf die Navigationsleiste.

Folgende Lehrveranstaltungen werden im laufenden Semester angeboten. Weitere Informationen erhalten Studierende bei Stud.IP, der E-Learning-Plattform der Hamburger Hochschulen. Dort stehen auch Vorlesungsunterlagen einzelner Veranstaltungen zur Verfügung.


Aktuelles Jahr
Social challenge plastic recycling
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Kuchta, Dipl.-Ing.
Type of Course:
PBL -Projekt-/problembasierte Lehrveranstaltung

Despite their considerable value, most plastic products are currently incinerated at the end of their life cycle. If we understand and address recycling as a societal challenge with its cultural, historical or sociological aspects, we can help to recycle much more than today and proceed towards a circular economy regarding this resource.

It is part of Challenge Based Learning that the participating students work together to develop the concrete research question they want to follow along with. Possible focus areas could include

- Availability of recycled plastics.

- Increasing knowledge,
- Finding added value,
- Design for recycling/product design,
- Source separation of plastics or
The aim of the seminar is to conduct comprehensive research that is well-founded in terms of content and concept in order to create a basis for actionable and sustainable solutions addressing current challenges. The seminar will focus on potential contributions of social actors, such as consumers.The concept of Challenge Based Learning includes the involvement of external experts if needed and in response to specific questions. In addition, experts from the Institute (V-09) are available to support with their expertise on recyclingprocesses, staff from the ZLL to support teamwork, and Gesa Mayer (SLS) for the social science perspective and methods of empirical social research.
The examination will be a practical and theoretical examination and will include the written documentation of the results (approx. 5 pages) with an oral presentation (approx. 15 min) or a demonstration of the tested solution (approx. 15 min).

SoSe 22
Course No:
Course assessment:
Written elaboration
Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)
Further information in Stud.IP for this lecture:
Home institute: Institut für Umwelttechnik u. Energiewirtschaft (V-9)
In Stud.IP registered participants: 1