Digital Enterprise

  • Modelling of business processes and data, simulation
  • Knowledge and competence management
  • Process management (MRP, workflow management)
  • Computer Aided Planning (CAP)
  • Computer Aided Quality Management (CAQ)
  • Industrie 4.0
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)
  • Digital Assistance Systems and E-Collaboration

Further information can be found in theModule Description.

Registration and further information

Please register for this lecture in the E-learning system Stud.IP prior to the date of the first lecture, relevant information will be announced there: StudIP

After the first lecture, the registration will be closed and registration needs to be requested by consulting the supervising research assistant.

Lecture and exercise are managed in the same StudIP course. The separately existing StudIP course for the exercise is not used, so registration is not necessary or possible there.

Date and location

The lecture is held in German and only in winter terms.

Date and location of the lecture can be found in the University Calendar.

The date and location of the exercise can be found in the StudIP course of the lecture, as this does not take place every week but in the form of block appointments.


Type and duration: written exam, 90 minutes

The exam takes place as a module exam together with the sub-module exam "Production planning and control" and therefore takes a total of 180 minutes for the entire module.

Date and location: See the notice of the examination office and search for: "Produktionsplanung und -steuerung und Digitales Unternehmen (Modul)".


Robert Rost

Supervising Research Assistant

Simon Piontek