Journal Reviews


  1. Empirical Software Engineering
  2. Journal of Network and Computer Applications


  1. Blockchain: Research and Applications
  2. Business & Information Systems Engineering
  3. Future Generation Computer Systems
  4. IEEE Software
  5. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
  6. Pervasive and Mobile Computing


  1. ACM Computing Surveys
  2. Business & Information Systems Engineering
  3. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
  4. Future Generation Computer Systems
  5. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
  6. Information Systems
  7. Journal of Network and Computer Applications


  1. ACM Computing Surveys
  2. ACM Transactions on Internet of Things
  3. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology
  4. Blockchain: Research and Applications
  5. Computer Networks
  6. Computer Science Review
  7. Computing
  8. Future Generation Computer Systems
  9. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
  10. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
  11. Information Systems
  12. Information Systems and e-Business Management
  13. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems
  14. Software and Systems Modeling
  15. Software: Practice and Experience


  1. ACM Computing Surveys
  2. ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems
  3. Business & Information Systems Engineering
  4. Computing
  5. IEEE Computer
  6. IEEE Software
  7. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
  8. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
  9. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
  10. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing
  11. Information Systems and e-Business Management
  12. Journal of Industrial Information Integration
  13. Pervasive and Mobile Computing


  1. ACM Transactions on Internet of Things
  2. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology
  3. Computers in Industry
  4. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
  5. Data Intelligence Journal
  6. Future Generation Computer Systems
  7. IEEE Internet of Things Journal
  8. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
  9. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
  10. Information Systems
  11. Information Systems and e-Business Management
  12. International Journal of Communication Systems
  13. Journal of Systems and Software


  1. ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems
  2. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology
  3. Computing
  4. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
  5. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
  6. IEEE Internet of Things Journal
  7. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
  8. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
  9. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
  10. Information Systems and e-Business Management
  11. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems
  12. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
  13. Journal of Systems and Software
  14. Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal (Springer)
  15. Pervasive and Mobile Computing
  16. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory


  1. ACM Computing Surveys
  2. Computing
  3. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
  4. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
  5. Future Generation Computer Systems
  6. IEEE Computer
  7. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
  8. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
  9. Information Systems
  10. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
  11. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems
  12. International Journal of E-Business Research
  13. Journal of Web Engineering
  14. Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal (Springer)
  15. Pervasive and Mobile Computing
  16. Semantic Web Journal
  17. Software: Practice and Experience


  1. ACM Computing Surveys
  2. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology
  3. Communications of the ACM
  4. e-Scripts
  5. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
  6. Formal Aspects of Computing
  7. Information Systems
  8. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems
  9. Journal of Network and Computer Applications
  10. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
  11. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
  12. Software: Practice and Experience


  1. e-Scripts
  2. HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik
  3. IEEE Computer
  4. IEEE Software
  5. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
  6. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems
  7. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik
  8. Journal of Grid Computing


  1. Computing
  2. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing


  1. ACM Transactions on the Web
  2. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
  3. Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications
  4. Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal (Springer)
  5. Software: Practice and Experience


  1. ACM Computing Surveys
  2. ACM Transactions on the Web
  3. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
  4. International Journal of Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS)


  1. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2007, 2009
  2. E-Finance Lab Quarterly, 2006-2009
  3. Handbuch der Software-Architektur (2nd edition), 2008
  4. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2008, 2009
  5. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2008, 2009
  6. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2011
  7. Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal (Springer), 2011
  8. Springer Book, Blake et al. “Semantic Web Services”, 2011