Dr.-Ing. Stefan Schulte is Full Professor at Hamburg University of Technology, head of the Institute for Data Engineering, and leads the Christian Doppler Laboratory Blockchain Technologies for the Internet of Things (CDL-BOT).
He received a diploma degree in economics and a Bachelor in Computer Science from the University of Oldenburg, Germany, and a Master of Information Technology (with Merit) from the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, in 2005 and 2006, respectively. From 2006 to 2010, he was a PhD student at the Multimedia Communications Lab at TU Darmstadt, Germany. In 2010, Prof. Schulte finished his PhD at TU Darmstadt summa cum laude ("mit Auszeichnung").
In 2011, he joined the Distributed Systems Group at Technische Universität Wien as Postdoctoral Researcher. From 2015 to early 2019, he was Assistant Professor (tenure track) at TU Wien. He finished his habilitation ("venia docendi") in Computer Science at TU Wien’s Faculty of Informatics in 2018 and got promoted to the tenured position of Associate Professor in March 2019.
After receiving offers from Technische Universität Ilmenau, University of Bamberg, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, and University of Paderborn, he joined Hamburg University of Technology in September 2021.
Findings from his research have been published in more than 140 refereed scholarly publications, including publications in high-tier journals like Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, and ACM Computing Surveys as well as top-tier conferences like the International Conference on Very Large Databases. Amongst others, he received Best Paper Awards at the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (in 2020) and the 10th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (in 2023).
In 2024, he is the PC Co-Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC) and of the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E). He is the Spokesperson of the "Communication and Distributed Systems" Special Interest Group of the German Informatics Society and Speaker of the IFIP Working Group on "Service Oriented Systems".
From 2012 to 2015, Prof. Schulte was the project coordinator of the EU FP7 STREP SIMPLI-CITY - The Road User Information System of the Future, and from 2015 to 2017, he was the Scientific Leader of the EU Factories of the Future Research and Innovation Action Cloud-based Rapid Elastic Manufacturing (CREMA). He has acquired several projects sponsored by the industry, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and the European Union and was the overall proposal coordinator of the EU projects Adaptive Virtual Enterprise Manufacturing Environment (ADVENTURE), SIMPLI-CITY, and CREMA. Currently, he leads CDL-BOT.
Prof. Schulte's research strives to provide the means to process (big) data from, within, and beyond the Internet of Things (IoT). For this, he investigates and applies methods and mechanisms from the fields of data engineering and elastic computing. The proliferation of these technologies enables both small-scale and large-scale smart environments and systems for smart cities, smart energy grids, and smart factories. A special focus is on Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) aspects. He has made several important contributions to the fields of elastic stream processing, elastic processes, and fog computing.
An important focus of his research are blockchain technologies, both with regard to the application of blockchains in novel areas (especially the Internet of Things), and fundamental research (especially with regard to blockchain interoperability), as investigated in CDL-BOT.
While Prof Schulte's research results are generally applicable, a special focus is on the manufacturing industry, e.g., in the projects CREMA, ADVENTURE, Fog Computing for Robotics and Industrial Automation (FORA) as well as the Doctoral College Cyber-Physical Production Systems, and smart mobility, e.g., in the project SIMPLI-CITY.