Dust blowing from the beds of drying terminal lakes poses public health threats in many locations around the globe. This is one of the most serious…
The EGU 2023 conference in Vienna, Austria was an incredible opportunity for us to share our research and engage in valuable discussions. Our…
Our recent paper introducing the concept behind Climate Informed Engineering was featured on the Front Cover of ACS Engineering Au (https://pubs.acs.o…
The concept behind Climate Informed Engineering (CIE) is to enable engineers to build infrastructure, devices, sensors or develop new materials and…
Unsustainable land use and population pressure are major drivers of soil degradation. The threats to soil health include loss of soil organic matter,…
Breakthroughs in computing have led to development of new generations of Earth Systems Models providing detailed information on how our planet may…
The current food and agricultural system are heavily dependent on mineral fertilizer application. Fertilizers have become an essential commodity due…
Saline water evaporation from porous media is important in many environmental, engineering, and hydrologic processes ranging from soil salinization…
Soil salinization has several socio-economic effects (on economic welfare, forced immigration, reduced GDP, social structure and stability of the…
We will investigate saltwater intrusion along the lower Elbe region as a result of the sea level rise driven by the projected climate change with a…
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