TUHH > BS > Veroeffentlichungen
Starossek, Uwe
Bridge flutter and how to prevent it at low cost
8th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2022)
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Terrill, Richard Douglas; Starossek, Uwe
Power Efficient Active Vibration Control Via Twin Rotor Damper in the Presence of Gravity
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 144 (4): 041005 (2022-08)
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Oesterle, Bastian; Geiger, Florian; Forster, David; Fröhlich, Manuel; Bischoff, Manfred
A study on the approximation power of NURBS and the significance of exact geometry in isogeometric pre-buckling analyses of shells
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 397: 115144 (2022)
Open Access
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Lalkovski, Nikolay; Starossek, Uwe
The total collapse of the Twin Towers: what it would have taken to prevent it once collapse was initiated
Journal of Structural Engineering 148 (2): 04021276 (2022-02-01)
Open Access
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Terrill, Richard; Starossek, Uwe
Active Vibration Control of a Multi-Degree-of-Freedom System via Twin Rotor Damper
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 144 (1): 011005 (2022-02)
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Lalkovski, Nikolay
Progressive collapse of high-rise buildings: Last line of defense
Mensch und Buch Verlag 978-3-96729-145-2: (2022)
Bieber, Simon; Oesterle, Bastian; Bischoff, Manfred; Ramm, Ekkehard
Strategy for Preventing Membrane Locking Through Reparametrization
In: Aldakheel, F., Hudobivnik, B., Soleimani, M., Wessels, H., Weißenfels, C., Marino, M. (eds) Current Trends and Open Problems in Computational Mechanics. Springer, Cham. (2022)
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Terrill, Richard Douglas; Seils, Axel; Bäumer, Richard
Anwendung und Entwicklung eines Doppelunwuchtrotors zur aktiven Schwingungsdämpfung von der Eeklo Fußgängerbrücke
VDI Berichte 2019 (2366): 321-331 (2019-11)
Starossek, Uwe
Eccentric-wing flutter stabilizer - Simplified analysis and main findings
Congress of IABSE, New York City - The Evolving Metropolis: 2581-2586 (2019)
Shoghijavan, Mohammad; Starossek, Uwe
Optimum design of long-span cable-supported bridges using robustness index
IABSE Symposium (2019)
Starossek, Uwe
Progressive collapse of structures – review and outlook
Advances in Engineering Materials, Structures and Systems: Innovations, Mechanics and Applications - 7th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation: 2115-2119 (2019)
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Starossek, Uwe; Ferenczi, Tamas; Priebe, Jürgen
Eccentric-wing flutter stabilizer for bridges – Analysis, tests, design, and costs
Engineering Structures (172): 1073-1080 (2018-10)
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Shoghijavan, Mohammad; Starossek, Uwe
An analytical study on the bending moment acting on the girder of a long-span cable-supported bridge suffering from cable failure
Engineering Structures (167): 166-174 (2018-07-15)
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Bäumer, Richard; Starossek, Uwe
Active vibration control of an oscillator with two translational degrees of freedom using centrifugal forces created by two eccentrically rotating masses
International Journal of Dynamics and Control 1 (6): 284-299 (2018-03-01)
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Shoghijavan, Mohammad; Starossek, Uwe
Structural Robustness of Long-Span Cable-Supported Bridges in a Cable-Loss Scenario
Journal of Bridge Engineering 2 (23): 04017133- (2018-02-01)
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Bäumer, Richard; Terrill, Richard Douglas; Wollnack, Simon; Werner, Herbert; Starossek, Uwe
Twin rotor damper for the damping of stochastically forced vibrations using a power-efficient control algorithm
Journal of Sound and Vibration (413): 308-331 (2018-01-20)
Verlags DOI
Bäumer, Richard
Active vibration control using the centrifugal forces of eccentrically rotating masses
Open Access
Terrill, Richard; Bäumer, Richard; Starossek, Uwe
Active vibration control of a three degree of freedom oscillator using two eccentrically rotating masses
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (5): 597-608 (2018)
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Bäumer, Richard; Terrill, Richard; Starossek, Uwe
An analytic comparison regarding steady-state damping performance between the twin rotor damper and a dynamic vibration absorber
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (5): 557-567 (2018)
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Shoghijavan, Mohammad; Starossek, Uwe
Structural robustness of long-span cable-supported bridges segmented by zipper-stoppers to prevent progressive collapse
IABSE Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Engineering the Developing World : 593-600 (2018)
Starossek, Uwe
Eccentric-wing flutter stabilizer for long-span bridges
Bridge Structures 1-2 (12): 3-9 (2016-10-22)
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Lillebø, Ana I.; Somma, Francesca; Norén, Katja; Gonçalves, Jorge; Alves, M. Fátima; Ballarini, Elisabetta; Bentes, Luis; Bielecka, Malgorzata; Chubarenko, Boris V.; Heise, Susanne; Khokhlov, Valeriy; Klaoudatos, Dimitris; Lloret, Javier; Margonski, Piotr; Marín, Atucha; Matczak, Magdalena; Oen, Amy M.; Palmieri, Maria G.; Przedrzymirska, Joanna; Różyński, Grzegorz; Sousa, Ana I.; Sousa, Lisa P.; Tuchkovenko, Yurii; Zaucha, Jacek
Assessment of marine ecosystem services indicators: Experiences and lessons learned from 14 European case studies
Integrated environmental assessment and management 4 (12): 726-734 (2016-10-01)
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Lalkovski, Nikolay; Starossek, Uwe
Vertical building collapse triggered by loss of all columns in the ground story−last line of defense
International Journal of Steel Structures 2 (16): 395-410 (2016-06-30)
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Starossek, Uwe
Exact analytical solutions for forced undamped duffing oscillator
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics (85): 197-206 (2016-10-01)
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Mohammadi, Said Fawad; Galgoul, Nelson Szilard; Starossek, Uwe; Videiro, Paulo Mauricio
An efficient time domain fatigue analysis and its comparison to spectral fatigue assessment for an offshore jacket structure
Marine Structures (49): 97-115 (2016-09-01)
Verlags DOI
Bäumer, Richard; Starossek, Uwe
Active vibration control using centrifugal forces created by eccentrically rotating masses
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME 4 (138): 041018 (2016-08-01)
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Starossek, Uwe
Forced response of low-frequency pendulum mechanism
Mechanism and Machine Theory (99): 207-216 (2016-05-01)
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Bäumer, Richard; Terrill, Richard; Starossek, Uwe
An energy approach for the active vibration control of an oscillator with two translational degrees of freedom using two auxiliary rotating masses
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (744): 012230- (2016)
Open Access
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Mohammadi, Said Fawad; Galgoul, Nelson Szilard; Starossek, Uwe
Comparison of time domain and spectral fatigue analyses of an offshore jacket structure
Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (2016-January): 978-985 (2016)
Starossek, Uwe
Eccentric-wing flutter stabilizer for bridges
IABSE Conference, Guangzhou 2016: Bridges and Structures Sustainability - Seeking Intelligent Solutions - Report: 435-440 (2016)
Starossek, Uwe; Ziems, Hannah; Ferenczi, Tamas
Eccentric-wing flutter stabilizer: analysis and wind tunnel tests
Insights and Innovations in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, SEMC 2016 : 53-58 (2016)
Mohammadi, Said Fawad; Galgoul, Nelson Szilard; Starossek, Uwe
Efficient fatigue assessment in the time domain in comparison to spectral fatigue analysis of an offshore jacket structure
Proceedings of the Annual Offshore Technology Conference (1): 506-518 (2016)
Starossek, Uwe
Cable dynamics - a review
Structural engineering international, Volume 4, Number 3, 1994, pp. 171-176(6)
Open Access
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Starossek, Uwe
Simplified flutter prediction for bridges with bluff cross-section
Structural Engineering Review, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 35-38, 1994
Open Access
Starossek, Uwe
Ein Beitrag zum Brückenflattern: Nachweis am ebenen Ersatzsystem und Einfluß des Profils
Bauingenieur 68 (1993), S. 95-8
Open Access
Starossek, Uwe
Prediction of bridge flutter through use of finite elements
Structural engineering review, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 301-307, 1993
Open Access
Starossek, Uwe
Reduction of dynamic cable stiffness to linear matrix polynomial
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 119, No. 10, 1993, pp. 2132-2136
Open Access
Starossek, Uwe
Reduktion analytischer Impedanzfunktionen auf lineare Matrizenpolynome am Beispiel der dynamischen Seilsteifigkeit
Archive of applied mechanics 62 (1992) 6, pp 428-34
Open Access
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Kutterer, Mathias; Starossek, Uwe
Dynamic cable stiffness and dynamic interaction between cable and beam
Proceedings of the Second (1992) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, San Francisco, USA, June 1992, Vol. 2, pp. 361-8
Open Access
Starossek, Uwe
Flatternachweis von Brücken mittels Finiter Balkenelemente
Stahlbau 61 (1992), 7, S. 203-208
Open Access