Rural Revival and Restoration Engineering (RUVIVAL)

The new working group of the Institute is concerned with rural development, especially in developing countries, and resulted out of research results derived from several subtopics in the field of wastewater management and water protection. The focus is set on synergetic systems, which are not just avoiding pollutants, moreover, are based on the resource cycle idea of intersecting cycles using synergies in a productive way. Therefore,the research is bringing soil, water and energy closer together in a holistic approach embedded in the social, political and economical context of the system. The Rural Areas are of major concern with a subfocus on the knowledge transfer of techniques in the field of restoration engineering in ecologically deteriorated areas.

Reaserch and Development Projects RUVIVAL

Agroforestry pilot project food production in agroforestry (NAAG)
Supported by: private Spender
Project periode: 12-01-2021 to 11-30-2028

Ralf Otterpohl

The Project is handled by:
Ralf Otterpohl
Tel.: +49 40 42878-3007

Project leader: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Otterpohl

Groundwater protection and agriculture: Prevention of nitrate leaching from agricultural composting systems
Supported by: TUHH | SOILCOM-consortium
Project periode: 10-01-2020 to 11-30-2024

Claas Boysen

The Project is handled by:
Claas Boysen
Scientific Employee
Tel.: +49 40 42878-2767

Project leader: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Otterpohl

Influences of Soil-Building Agriculture on dynamics in the water and nutrient cycle
Supported by: TUHH
Project periode: 11-01-2017 to 10-31-2024

Lukas Huhn

The Project is handled by:
Lukas Huhn
Scientific Employee
Tel.: +49 40 42878-2416

Others involved with the project: Claas Boysen
Project leader: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Otterpohl

Safeguarding Water Supply from Catchment Area to Treatment on community level
Supported by: GFEU e. V.
Project periode: 03-15-2019 to 03-14-2022

Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection, Tel.: +49 40 42878-3207

Project leader: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Otterpohl

A Decision Support System model for decentralised drinking water solutions in Bengaluru (Southern India)
Supported by: GFEU e.V.
Project periode: 09-01-2020 to 12-31-2021

Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection, Tel.: +49 40 42878-3207

Project leader: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Otterpohl

RUVIVAL – Sustainable Rural Development and highly productive New Towns
Supported by: The Early Bird HOOU (Hamburg Open Online University) Project | RUVIVAL
Project periode: 04-01-2016 to 12-31-2020

Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection, Tel.: +49 40 42878-3207

Others involved with the project: Tina Carmesin, Carla Orozco Garcia, Yannig Gicquel
Scientific director: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Kuchta
Project leader: Dr. rer. pol. Ruth Schaldach

Communicating Water Security
Supported by: GFEU e. V. | Global Water Dances
Project periode: 01-01-2019 to 12-31-2020

Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection, Tel.: +49 40 42878-3207

Others involved with the project: Amanda Conklin
Project leader: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Otterpohl

Agroecological engineering interventions in rice cultivation: Food security and sustainable rural development in South Asia
Supported by: TUHH
Project periode: 01-01-2016 to 12-31-2020

Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection, Tel.: +49 40 42878-3207

Project leader: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Otterpohl

Final report for download

Local Production of Animal Feed by Circular Flow Oriented Floating Plant Systems
Supported by: GFEU e. V.
Project periode: 03-01-2018 to 02-29-2020

Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection, Tel.: +49 40 42878-3207

Project leader: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Otterpohl

Building resilience to climate change induced extreme weather events through agriculture with a focus on the system of rice intensification

Project periode: 09-01-2016 to 08-31-2019

Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection, Tel.: +49 40 42878-3207

Project leader: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Otterpohl

GIS-Based Decision Support System in Integrated Water Resource Management: With a Focus on Soil and Water Conservation Scenarios
Supported by: Schlumberger Foundation FftF
Project periode: 07-01-2016 to 07-31-2019

Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection, Tel.: +49 40 42878-3207

Project leader: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Otterpohl

Slope Farming Projekts Arba Minch
Supported by: Olin gGmbH, Berlin | Slope Farming
Project periode: 11-01-2015 to 10-31-2018

Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection, Tel.: +49 40 42878-3207

Project leader: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Otterpohl

Publications Rural Revival and Restoration Engineering (RUVIVAL)

Factura, H.; Cimene, F.T.A.; Nacaya, I.M.Q.; Otterpohl, R. (2022): Impacts of urbanization on farming communities of Cagayan de Oro City and pathways to sustain food production. J Agric. Res., 2022, Vol. 60(1):67-71
Khazaei, N.; Zahedi, A.; Shokri, N.; Otterpohl, R. (2021): Mapping Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Gilan Province of Iran between 1975 and 2015: GIS and Remote Sensing Analyses. Interpore 2021, 13th Annual Meeting
Hügel, St. (2020): Duckweed and Azolla as livestock feed for improving resource efficiency and nutritional quality. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Bd. 102, ISBN 978-3-942768-27-6
Schaldach, R.; Voskerau, K. (2020): Forschungsnahes Lernen in studentischen Entwicklungs- und Beraterteams im Modul “Resource Oriented Sanitation Systems” der TU Hamburg. In: Forschendes Lernen: Theorie, Empirie, Praxis, 249-255, Springer VS, Hrsg. Carmen Wulf, Susanne Haberstroh, Maren Petersen, ISBN 978-3-658-31489-7
Wibbing, J.R. (2020): Utilization of alternative phosphorus resources by regenerative agriculture practice based on mycorrhizal fungi and biostimulants for restoration of Lake Chamo watershed, Ethiopia.
Carmesin, T.; Buchspies, B.; Schaldach, R. (2019): Energy Access for Sustainable Rural Development: Literature Review on Distributed Renewable Energy for Rural Electrification in Africa. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series, vol. 4, Hamburg, pp. 8–38
Khalid, U.; Orozco Garcia, C. (2019): Integrated Decentralised Wastewater Treatment for Rural Areas with a Focus on Resource Recovery. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series, vol. 4, Hamburg, pp. 39 – 64
Schaldach, R.; Carmesin, T. (2019): OER (Open Educational Resources) als Instrument der Abwasserwirtschaft am Beispiel des digitalen Lernprojektes der HOOU (Hamburg Open Online University): RUVIVAL. in Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwitschaft, Band 100, Seiten 165-173, ISBN 978-3-942768-25-2
Schaldach, R.; Carmesin, T.; Busch, P.; Lehmann, J., Olariu, S.; Onken-Menke, L.; Engelbrecht, F.; Ladwig, T.; Lüdemann, K. (2019): Spielerisch lernen. Workshop, Campus Innovation Hamburg, 21-22 November 2019
Schaldach, R.; Ladwig, T. (2019): Revive the Rural: An E-learning Project for Sustainable Development. Virtual Exchange – Borderless Mobility between the European Higher Education Area and Regions beyond, 11 Dezember 2019, Berlin.
Seoane Dominguez, A.; Schaldach, R. (2019): A Literature Review on Soil Erosion Quantification and Measurements. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series, vol. 5, Hamburg, pp. 18 – 31
Tasawwar, S.; Kassaye, R. B. (2019): Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK): Rainwater Harvesting Methods – A Review. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series, vol. 5, Hamburg, pp. 32–47
Zahedi, A. (2019): Towards Sustainable Development by New Town Planning - Case Study of Mazandaran Province of Iran. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Bd.99, Hrsg. GFEU e. V., ISBN 978-3-942768-24-5
Carmesin, T. (2018): RUVIVAL – OER Produktion als Lehr-Lernkooperation an Universitäten. OERcamp West, 8-9 Juni 2018, Hattingen.
Carmesin, T. (2018): Erfahrungen bei der OER-Produktion durch Studierende/Schüler*innen. OERcamp West, 8-9 Juni 2018, Hattingen.
Carmesin, T.; Nestler, M. (2018): Transfer und Dokumentation von Projekterfahrungen. OERcamp Nord, 15-16 Juni 2018, Hamburg
Fröndhoff, D.; Schaldach, R. (2018): A Review of Terra Preta Sanitation with a Focus on the Research Outcomes of the Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection (AWW). in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 3, Hamburg, pp. 19–29
Hapke, T.; Hagen, F.; Schaldach, R.; Schmeink, L.; Orozco Garcia, C.; Carmesin, T. (2018): Hochschule öffnen – gemeinsam Zukunft gestalten. OERcamp Nord, 15-16 Juni 2018, Hamburg
Munoz Ardila, A. Rueda, M. Schaldach, R.; Behrend, J. (2018): Literature Review on the Utilisation of Urine as a Fertiliser in Agriculture. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 3, Hamburg, pp. 8–18
Orlina, M.; Schaldach, R. (2018): Literature Review on Water Efficiency in Agriculture: Sustainable Irrigation Methods. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 3, Hamburg, pp. 30–49
Schaldach, R.; Ladwig, T.; Dürkop, A.; Yildirim-Krannig.; Y, Bogan, L. (2018): Diversität. Workshop, Campus Innovation Hamburg, 22-23 November 2018
Schaldach, R.; Orozco Garcia, C.; Carmesin, T. (2018): Stop Motion Videoproduktion. OERcamp Nord, 15-16 Juni 2018, Hamburg
Vrbavac, I.; Carmesin, T. (2018): RUVIVAL: collaborative e-learning for sustainable rural development. IFAT - World’s Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management, 14-18 Mai 2018, München
Carmesin, T. (2017): Open Access & OER. OERcamp Ost, 27 November 2017, Berlin
Carmesin, T.; Schermeier, S.; Stelzer, S.; Ladwig, T. (2017): Kollaboration von Schüler*innen und Studierenden in OER-Projekten. OERcamp Ost, 28 November 2017, Berlin
Factura, H.; Ascaňo, C.; Apuan, D.; Otterpohl, R. (2017): Heavy metal uptake of corn irrigated with human urine. J. Bio. Env. Sci. 11(5), 56-62, November 2017
Hügel, S. (2017): A Review of Agroforestry Practices with an Introduction to the Arba Minch Slope Farming Project. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 1, Hamburg, pp. 6–13
Hügel, S. (2017): Living Terraces as Practices in Erosion Prevention and Rainwater Harvesting. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 1, Hamburg, pp. 14–19
Hügel, S. (2017): Productive ponds as part of rainwater harvesting systems in the context of the slope farming project Arba Minch, Ethiopia. RUVIVAL Book Series, Library Hamburg University of Technology
Lasprilla Pina, C.; Kassaye, R. (2017): Literature Review on the Rainwater Harvesting Research Landscape, In-Situ and Domestic Design Examples and Best Practice Projects in China and Brazil. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 2, Hamburg, pp. 19–35
Lopez Mendez, B.; Huhn, L. (2017): Literature Review on Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Context of Water and Soil Restoration Methods. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 2, Hamburg, pp. 6–18
Mehl, V.; Oloruntoba, A.; Gonzalez Alvarez, A.; Möller, J.; Ho, S.; Al Baff, A.; Kassaye, R. (2017): A Review of Land-Based Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Micro and Macro-Catchments. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 2, Hamburg, pp. 36–49
Podleschny, N.; Vosgerau, K.; Schaldach, R.; Otterpohl, R. (2017): Kompetenzorientierte Lehre digital unterstützen. Technische Bildung im Spannungsfeld zwischen beruflicher und akademischer Bildung: die Vielfalt der Wege zu technischer Bildung; Referate der 11. Ingenieurpädagogischen Regionaltagung 2016 am 23–25 Juni 2016, pp. 258–261
Schaldach, R. (2017): RUVIVAL – Sustainable Rural Development and Highly Productive New Towns. in K Mayrberger (ed.) HOOU Content Projekte der Vorprojektphase 2015/16 der Hamburg Open Online University: Sonderband zum Fachmagazin Synergie, pp. 198–201
Schaldach, R.; Carmesin, T.; Hapke, T.; Ladwig, T. (2017): Open Access. Workshop, Campus Innovation Hamburg, 23-24 November 2017
Schaldach, R.; Carmesin, T.; Vrbavac, I.; Ladwig, T. (2017): Flucht und Migration. Workshop, Campus Innovation Hamburg, 23- 24 November 2017
Timillero, G.; Schaldach, R. (2017): Review of Check Dams as an Erosion Control Practice with a Special Focus on the Loess Plateau, China. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 1, Hamburg, pp. 20–27
Podleschny, N.; Vosgerau, K.; Schaldach, R.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Kompetenzorientierte Lehre digital unterstützen. 11. Ingenieurpädagogische Regionaltagung, Hamburg University of Technology, 23-25 Juni 2016
Schaldach, R. (2016): Sustainable Rural Development and Highly Productive New Towns. Synergie, no. 2, pp. 50–51
Schaldach, R.; Carmesin, T. (2016): Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU): Projektentwicklung entlang des Markenkerns. Workshop, Campus Innovation Hamburg, 17 November 2016
Schaldach, R.; Vosgerau, K.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Forschungsnahes Lernen in studentischen Entwicklungs- und Beraterteams im Modul „Resource Oriented Sanitation Systems” der TU Hamburg. forschen@studium, Konferenz für forschungsnahes Lehren und Lernen, Oldenburg University, 10 Juni 2016
Esfandiari, E.; Khazaei, N.; Kochaknejad, E. (2015): Investigating different methods of dredging and its environmental effects on Mahshahr port. GMP Review, 18(1)
Factura, H.; Bettendorf, T.; Buzie, C.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Reuse potential of urine as a source of plant micronutrients. In Abstract book, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, S. 44
Kahazaei, N.; Zahedi, A.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Ecological restoration approaches for degraded forrests in landscape scale – Functional roles of corridors. In Abstract book, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, S. 188
Khazaei, N.; Zahedi, A.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Ecological restoration approaches for degraded forests in landscape scale: functional roles of corridors. Proceedings of the 16th International conference, rural- urban symbiosis(RAMIRAN).Hamburg
Madichati, D. (2015): Determination of Activation energy of Leaching of a metal from the ore. In abstract book, OYCE 2015- Outstanding Young Chemical Engineers, 13th & 14th March 2015, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers Mumbai Regional Centre. India
Madichati, D. (2015): Processing of Aqueous Solutions by Membrane Bio Reactor and Forward Osmosis Techniques. The 68th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers CHEMCON 2015, December 27th-30th 2015, Indian Institute of Guwahati, India
Schaldach, R. (2015): The water-energy-food-nexus and international trade – Australia’s water trade offs through energy and virtual water exports. In Abstract book, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, S. 194
Soroosh, H.; Duan, S.; Hügel, S. (2015): Nutrients removal capacity of the green microalgae isolated from wastewater treatment plant in Hamburg. In Abstract book, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, S. 156
Zahedi, A.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Towards Sustainable Development by Creation of Green Social Entrepreneur's Communities. Procedia CIRP,Volume 26, 196–201 (12th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing – Emerging Potentials)
Factura H.; Medalla J.; Masgon M.; Miso, A.; Itchon G.; Gensch R.; Buzie, C. ; Otterpohl, R. (2014): The Implementation and Practices of Terra Preta Sanitation in the Tropics - The Experiences from Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Yemaneh, A.; Bulbo, M.; Factura, H.; Buzie, C,; Otterpohl, R. (2012): Development of systems for waterless collection of human excreta by application of lactic acid fermentation process in terra preta sanitation. Proceedings of the 4th International Dry Toilet Conference, Tampere, Finland
Factura, H.; Yemaneh, A.; Bulbo, M.; Buzie, C.; Gensch, R,; Otterpohl, R (2011): Lactic acid fermentation of urine and faeces through Terra Preta Sanitation. Poster presented at: the Conference on Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems (DEWATS) for Urban Environments in Asia, 25-28.05.2011, Manila, Philippines
Schaldach, R. (2011): Water grabbing for energy: Globalisation of Energy, Unconventional Resources and Water. 1st oikos Young Scholars International Economics Academy 2011 Management of Natural Resources and International Trade accessible
Factura, H. (2010): Terra Preta Sanitation: Combating Poor Sanitation, Land Degradation and Food Insecurity. 1st International Workshop on Terra Preta Sanitation, INEP international Oldenburg, Groß Ippener, Germany, 27 to 30 September, 2010
Factura, H. and Otterpohl, R. (2010): Terra Preta Sanitation: Combating Poor Sanitation, Land Degradation and Food Insecurity. Presentation given at the World Toilet Summit, 02.11.2010, Philadelphia, USA
Factura, H.; Bettendorf, T.; Buzie, Ch.; Pieplow, H.; Reckin, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2010): Terra Preta sanitation: re-discovered from an ancient Amazonian civilisation . Water Science & Technology, 61(10), 2673-2679
Factura, H.; Buzie, C. and Otterpohl, R. (2010): Integrating Sanitation, Biowaste Management and Agriculture through Terra Preta Sanitation. Poster presented at: the World Water Week 2010, Stockholm, Sweden
Schaldach, R. (2010): Australias Murray Darling Basin-Social and ecological footprints. In: FOOTPRINT FORUM 2010 Academic Conference, p. 141
Azaridehkordi, F.; Khazaei, N. (2009): Introducing a rapid decision support system for impact assessment of landscape degradation in Shafarud forests in Gilan province of Iran. Journal of environmental studies, 51, 69-80 (in Persian)
Azaridehkordi, F.; Minaeetehrani, D.; Khazaei, N.; Mashayekhi, N. (2009): Frameworks for studying area boundary delineation in environmental impact assessment. ournal of Environmental studies, 48, 103-114 (in Persian)
Hamidifar, M.; Khazaei, N. (2009): Land use and erosion changes in Karkheh watershed and assessment of their effectson physical and chemical quality of Karkheh river; by ETM 2002 and TM 1988 satellite image study. Jornal of Int. environmental application and science, 4(4), 384-390
Azaridehkordi, F.; Khazaei, N. (2008): Forest landscape degradation assessment in sefidrud river watershed, Iran. The international union of forest research organisation (IUFRO). China
Azaridehkordi, F.; Khazaei, N. (2008): Forest landscape-and-ecological degradation assessment of Sefidrod watershed; using landscape ecological metrics, in Gilan province of Iran. environmetal science, 6(2), 55-64 (in Persian)
Azaridehkordi, F.; Khazaei, N. (2008): Scale in environmental impact assessment. journal of environmental studies- in persian, 45, 107-120
Khazaei, N.; Azaridehkordi, F. (2008): Forest landscape degradation assessment in Dokeh watershed, Iran. ournal od Int. environmetal application and science, 3(2), 91-100
Azaridehkordi, F.; Khazaei, N. (2007): Restoration of Gilan forest by using landscape ecology principles case study: (Shafarod watershed). forest landscape restoration.Seoul
Azaridehkordi, F.; Minaeetehrani, D.; Mashayekhi, N.; Khazaei, N. (2007): How landscape ecology concepts can be applied to make policy for landscape reclamation. International association for landscape ecology (IALE).Wageningen
Khazaei, N.; Azaridehkordi, F. (2007): Restoration of Gilan forest by using landscape ecology approaches. environmental sciences, 4(4), 21-32 (in Persian)