Dr.-Ing. Natasa Manojlovic

Dr.-Ing. Natasa Manojlovic
Hamburg University of Technology
Denickestraße 22 (I)
21073 Hamburg
Building I
Room 0040
Tel: +49 40 42878 3090
Fax: +49 40 427310199
Am Institut seit

November 2006 

PhD Thesis

Improving Dwellers Participation in the Development of Flood Resilient Cities, Hamburger Wasserbauschriften ISBN 978-3-941492-96-7

Key words: flood risk management, flood resilience, capacity building, decision support

Current Projects
  • RESCUEME - Equitable RESilience solutions to strengthen the link between CUltural landscapEs and coMmunitiEs
  • RECONECT- Regenarating ECOsystems with Nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk rEduCTion- H2020 Project (09.2018-08.2023) (project website)
  • CLEVER Cities - Co-designing Locally tailored Ecological solutions for Value added, socially inclusivE Regeneration in Cities - H2020, Project ID: 776604, 06.2018-05.2023 (project website)
  • FAIR - Flood Infrastructure Asset management and Investment in Renovation, adaptation and maintenance - INTERREG Vb Project, 11.2015-10.2019 (project website)
  • BEGIN- BluE Green Infrastructure through Social INnovationINTERREG Vb Project, 01.2017-12.2021 (project website)
  • ECODIKE - BMBF funded, Project ID: 03F0757 A – F, 01.2017-12.2019, (project website)

 Finished projects (see below)

Affiliations in National/ International Scientific Initiatives and Programmes, Scholarships
  •  IHE Delft visiting lecturer (2011- ongoing); Lecture on “Flood Risk Management Measures” in the Module “Urban Flood Management and Disaster Risk Management”
  • Member of the Bund der Ingenieure für Wasserwirtschaft, Abfallwirtschaft und Kulturbau (BWK) e.V
  •  Member of the BWK Working Group 3.2 “Flood Abatement Systems (Mobiler Hochwasserschutz)”
  • Member of the Advisory and Management Committees (AC/MC) of the Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM), World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)
  • Advisor of the Serbian OSCE Delegation on Disaster Risk Management (2014-) (statement)


  •  BMBF Scholarship - International Postgraduate Studies in Water Technologies (IPSWAT)
  • COST 22 "Urban Flood Management", membership in the Work Group 3- "Local Scale Flood Protection Measures" (2005-2009)
  • Expert Group on Flood Mapping initiated by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) – APFM (since 11.2009)
Supervision of Master Thesis (MT), Project Works (PW), Bachelor Thesis (BT) (period 2014- now)
  • Vanessa Sohrt: “Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung eines methodischen Ansatzes für die Quantifizierung der hydraulischen Wirksamkeit von naturnahen Maßnahmen in komplexen Gewässersystemen”, 2018, MT
  • Jing Qian: “Development and Evaluation of the Sponge City Concept in Mountainous Cities- The Chongqing case, China”, 2018, MT
  • Orlina Monina: “Holistic flood risk assessment for coastal urban areas: Implementation of the MAIA framework and vulnerability assessment for the Elbe Island of Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg”, 2018, MT
  • Lin Chen: “Evaluation of the effects of detention basins on flood control -A case study at Annan District, Tainan City, Taiwan”, 2018, MT
  • Megi Zhamo: “A Contribution to the Development of a Method for Flood Impact Assessment of the Public Transportation Network as an Element of the Critical Infrastructure. Lessons Learned From NYC, USA”, 2016, MT
  • Isidora Vrbavac: “A Contribution to the Development of a Framework for the Assessment of Nature-based Solutions (NBS) Focusing on Flood Risk Mitigation”, 2016, MT
  • Larissa Seumenicht: “Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung eines methodischen Ansatzes für die Analyse der Unterhaltungsstrategien der HWS- Anlagen“, 2016, MT
  • David Friese: “Methodik zur Hochwasser- Schadenspotenzial-analyse von Siedlungsräumen mit urbaner Prägung. Fallstudie im Einzugsgebiet der Wandse, Hamburg" (EN: A Methodology for flood damage assessment in urban areas. Application at the catchment area of the river Wandse, Hamburg), 2014, MT
  • Blaj Joanna: “Development of a methodology for economic damage assessment for the critical infrastructure traffic and transportation and application to the case study of the city of Hamburg”, 2016, MT
  • Gkliati Chrysafo: “Development of a methodology for economic damage assessment of sea ports and application to the port of Hamburg”, 2015, MT
  • Saskia Zalik: “Wiederherstellung der ökologischen Durchgängigkeit nach EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie für Fische und andere aquatische Lebewesen von der Elbe in die Alster“, 2014, MT
  • Julia Wohlers: “Nature-based Solutions (NBS) fpr Urban Areas; CLEVER CITIES- A rooftop park for Neugraben”, 2019, PW
  • Kevin Ketz: “Die Rolle der Grasnarbe an grünen See- und Ästuardeichen” , 2018, PW
  • Konstantin Weiler: “ Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung einer Entscheidungshilfe im Bereich des mobilen Hochwasserschutzes” , 2018, PW
  • Rikke Sterndorff Svenningsen and Anne Katrine Lyngsø Mikkelsen: “Comparative Analysis of the modelling procedures and results of urban drainage networks utilising SWMM and MIKE URBAN modelling tools”, 2017, PW
  • Jordan Phillip: “Abriss von der Entwicklung der Küsten- und Hochwasserschutzmaßnahmen der Tideelbe", (EN: Summary of the Development of Coastal and Flood Protection Measures in the Elbe Estuary), 2015, PW
  • Gkliati Chrysafo: "Development and evaluation of the building scale Flood Resilient Systems", 2014, PW
  • Simon Hinsch: “Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung eines Methodischen Ansatzes für die Analyse Der Unterhaltungsstrategien der HWS- Anlagen“, 2017, PW
  • Yulong Ruan: “A contribution to the development of a dynamic risk based framework for the analysis of the flood protection infrastructure in the operational flood risk management focusing on the flood gates”, 2017, PW
  • Alvaro Rejes Rosinol: “Towards the Implementation of the Green Port Concept – Assessment of the Impacts on the Strategic Planning and Adaptation Strategies due to Climate Change in Ports”, 2017, PW
  • Blaj Joanna: "Contribution to the development of methods and tools for the holistic risk assessment", 2014, PW
  • Aleksandar Jović: "Potentialanalyse zur Implementierung von naturbasierten Lösungen in urbanen Gebieten- Fallstudie Neugraben Fischbek, Hamburg", 2019, BT
  • Johanna Preuß: "Untersuchung und Überwachung der Entwicklung von Rissen und Wühltierschäden in Deichen", 2019, BT
  • Jana Voights: „Unterschung und Überwachung der Grasnarbe auf Deichen; Ein Beitrag im Rahmen von Monitoring und UNterhaltung zur Bewertung von Deichen während der Sturmflutsaison", 2019, BT
  • Nikolaos Asikidis: „Hochwasserschutz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern – Unterhaltungsprozesse und Unterhaltungsstrategien; Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung eines methodischen Ansatzes für die Analyse der Unterhaltungsstrategien der HWS-Anlagen“, 2018, BT
  • Zeynep Atmaca: “Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung eines methodischen Ansatzes für die Bewertung von Bauwerken (Deichen) in Bezug auf Rissbildung“, 2018, BT

Supervisons before 2014 (see below)

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  • 2020

Berry Gersonius, Bart Vonk, Richard M. Ashley, Frank den Heijer, Wouter Jan Klerk, Natasa Manojlovic, Jeroen Rijke, Paul Sayers and Assela Pathirana:
Maturity Improvements in Flood Protection Asset Management across the North Sea Region
Infrastructures 2020, 5(12), 112; doi:10.3390/infrastructures5120112

Jordan, P., Manojlovic N., Fröhle, P. (2020): Unterhaltung ökologisch aufgewerteter Seedeiche, in Ökologische Aufwertung von Seedeichsystemen, Hsg. Schuttrumpf, Scheres, Book, DOI doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-31507-8, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden 

Abebe, Y. A., Ghorbani, A., Nikolic, I., Manojlovic, N., Gruhn, A., and Vojinovic, Z.(2020):The role of household adaptation measures in reducing vulnerability to flooding: a coupled agent-based and flood modelling approach, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 5329–5354, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-24-5329-2020

  • 2018

Hammond, M., Butler, D., Djordjevic, S., Mark O., Batica J., Groubesville, Ph., Manojlovic, N., Veerbeek, W., (2018): A new flood risk assessment framework for evaluating the effectiveness of policies to improve urban flood resilience, Urban Water Journal, 2018

Fröhle, P., Schaper M., Manojlovic N., Schmidt, J-Ch., Jordan Ph. (2018): Improvement of the planning process of flood protection assets by using experiences from Operation, Maintenance and Repairs - Hamburg case study, Proceed. Of the IALCEE Conference, Ghent, October, 2018

  • 2017

Gruhn, A.; Manojlovic, N.; Fröhle, P. (2017):Assessment of the temporal evolution of the flood risk as part of a holistic risk assessment. In: Proceedings of the 8th SCACR - International Short  Conference on Applied Coastal Research, University of Cantabria, 3rd Oct. - 6th Oct. 2017, Santander, Spain.

  • 2016

Hellmers S., Manojlovic N., Palmaricciotti G., Fröhle P. (2016):   Modelling decentralised systems for urban drainage and flood mitigation. Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 2016 DOI: 10.1080/23249676.2015.1128368. (Received 14 July 2015; accepted 2 December 2015)

Shaikh, S.,Gershovich, I., Manojlovic, N., Nehlsen, E., Gruhn, A., Froehle, P. (2016):  An operational hydrodynamic-numerical model of the Elbe estuary with Telemac-2D based on predicted water levels, Proceed of t12th International Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering Hydro-Science & Engineering for Environmental Resilience, November 6-10, 2016, Tainan, Taiwan

  • 2015

Hellmers, S., Palmaricciotti, G., Manojlovic, N., Fröhle. P. (2015): Dezentrale Regenwasserbewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen (DRWBM) als Lösung zur Anpassung des Hochwassermanagements in urbanen Räumen an den Klimawandel; 10. Deutsche Klimatagung. DKT Abstracts. Link: meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/DKT-10/DKT-10-109.pdf

Hellmers, S., Palmaricciotti, G., Manojlovic, N., Fröhle, P. (2015):  Modellierung der Wirksamkeit dezentraler Maßnahmen zur Minderung des Hochwasserrisikos. In: Mariele E. und Diekkrüger B.: Aktuelle Herausforderungen im Flussgebiets- und Hochwassermanagement, Prozesse | Methoden | Konzepte, Beiträge zum Tag der Hydrologie am 19./20. März 2015 an der Universität Bonn, Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung; Heft 35.15. ISBN:  978-3-88721-229-2

Hellmers, S., Manojlovic, N., Palmaricciotti, G., Kurzbach, S., and Fröhle, P. (2015):  Multiple linked sustainable drainage systems in hydrological modelling for urban drainage and flood risk management. Journal of Flood Risk Management, DOI: 10.1111/jfr3.12146 . Article first published online: 17 MAR 2015, Link: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jfr3.12146/abstract

Hellmers, S., Manojlovic, N., Palmaricciotti, G., and Fröhle, P. (2015): Modellierung der Wirksamkeit dezentraler Maßnahmen zur Minderung des Hochwasserrisikos. Tagungsband:  Tag der Hydrologie 2015, Bonn, 2015.

Gruhn, A.; Manojlovic, N., Gerschovic, I., Shaikh, S.,  Fröhle, P. (2015): Holistic flood risk management in the Elbe esturary - The PEARL approach, Vortrag auf der IAHR 2015, Den Haag.

  • 2014

Hellmers, S., Manojlovic, N., Palmaricciotti, G., Fröhle, P.  (2014): Modelling decentralised systems for urban drainage and flood mitigation, 11th International Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, 28 Sept. - 2 Oct. 2014.

Hellmers S., Palmaricciotti G., Manojlovic M., Fröhle P.  (2014): Modelling sustainable drainage and decentralised flood mitigation techniques, in Proceedings: 13th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Sarawak, Malaysia, September 2014

Vojinovic, Z.,  Abebe, Y.,  Sanchez, A., Medina, N., Nikolic, I:, Manojlovic, N., Makropoulos, Ch., Pelling, M., Abbott M. (2014): Holistic Flood Risk Assessment in Coastal Areas – The PEARL Approach, 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, 17-21 August 2014, New York City, USA

Vojinovic Z, Golub, D., Weesakul, S.,Keerakamolchai, W., Hirunsalee, S., Meesuk, V., Sanchez, A., Kumara, S., Manojlovic, N., Abbott  M. (2014): Merging Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses for Flood Risk Assessment at Heritage Sites, the case of Ayutthaya, Thailand. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, 17-21 August, 2014, New York.

Makropoulos Ch, Tsoukala, V., Lykou, A., Chodros, M., Manojlovic, N., Vojinovic, Z. (2014): Improving Resilience Against Extreme and Rare Events in Coastal Regions: An Initial Methodological Proposal – The Case Study of the City of Rethymno, Proceedings of the AdaptToClimate International Conference, 27-28 March, 2014, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Teruggi G, Vojinovic, Z., Manojlovic, N., Makropoulos Ch. (2014): Pearl – Preparing for Extreme and Rare Events in Coastal Regions” (PAP014763); Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Flood Management, 16-18 September, 2014, São Paolo, Brazil.

  • 2013

Hammond, M., Chen, A., Butler, D., Djordjević, S., Manojlovic, N. (2013):  A framework for flood impact assessment in urban areas, IAHS-AISH publication. 357. 41-47.

Hellmers S., Kurzbach S., Manojlović N., Palmaricciotti G. (2013): Multiple linked SUDS in hydrological modelling for urban drainage and flood management,  International Conference on Flood Resilience: Experiences in Asia and Europe, ICFR 2013, Exeter, UK [Link: ICFR Paper, 2013]

Kurzbach S., Manojlović N. and Hellmers S. (2013): Automated model-based flood risk mapping for future scenarios of urban growth and climate change, International Conference on Flood Resilience: Experiences in Asia and Europe, ICFR 2013. Exeter, UK. ICFR Paper, 2013

Shaikh, S., Kurzbach, S., Manojlovic N. (2013): Towards a decision support tool for adaptive flood risk management in an urban catchment, Proceed. of the International Conference on Flood Resilience: Experiences in Asia and Europe, ICFR 2013. Exeter, UK.

Silva Vara, L. R., Manojlovic, N. (2013): Development of a knowledge base for the design of adaptive surface conveyance systems. Case study Hamburg, Amsterdam International Water Weeek, November, 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dudley, E., Ashley, R., Manojlovic, N., van Herkm S., , Blanksby, J. (2013): Learning and Action Alliances for innovation and active learning in a European context, Proceed. of the NOVATECH Conference 2013, Lyon, France

  • 2012

Palmaricciotti, G., Hellmers, S., Manojlovic, N., Pasche, E.† (2012): Adaptation measures to control exceedance flow in urban catchments, Proceed. of the 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling,  Proceedings, 2012, Belgrade

Manojlovic, N., Hellmers, S., Behzadnia, N., Barbarins, D., Pasche, E.†Supporting Multi Stakeholder Involvement for Flood Risk Management Planning, Proceed. of the 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling,  September, Belgrade, Serbia

Manojlovic, N., Behzadnia, N., Pasche, E. †  (2012): On the Way to a Flood Risk Management Plan, Book Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, Chapter 25, p. 379, Springer- Verlag Berlin, ISBN: 978-3-642-31109-3

Manojlovic, N., Behzadnia, N., Barbarins, D., Pasche, E.†  (2012):On the Way to a Flood Risk Management Plan, Proceed. of the 10th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, July, 2012, Hamburg,

  • 2011

Manojlovic N., Pasche E.† (2011): Active Flooding for Capacity Building of Stakeholders, Proceed. of the UFRIM Conference, 21-23, September Graz, Austria
Manojlovic N., Behzadnia N., Pasche E.† (2011):  On the Way to a Flood Risk Management Plan, Proceed. of the Acqua Alta Conference, Hamburg, Germany, October 2011

  • 2010

Manojlovic N., Antanaskovic D., Pasche E. (2010): Multiscale Flood Risk Assessment with Physically Based Damage Modelling Tools, 9th Int. Conference on Hydroinformatics, Tianjin, China September, 2010

Manojlovic N., Pasche E. (2010):  Hydraulic Design of SUDS, Contribution to chapter 8 (Urban Drainage Systems). In C. Zevenbergen, A. Cashman, N. Evelpidou, E. Pasche, S. Garvin and R. Ashley, Urban Flood Management, RC Press/Balkema – Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2011. ISBN:  9780415559447 (in preparation)

Manojlovic N., Pasche E. (2010):Capacity Building of Stakeholders, contribution to chapter 9 (Urban Drainage Systems). In C. Zevenbergen, A. Cashman, N. Evelpidou, E. Pasche, S. Garvin and R. Ashley, Urban Flood Management, RC Press/Balkema – Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2011. ISBN:  9780415559447 (in preparation)

  •  2009

Manojlovic N., Pasche E., Antanaskovic D., Gershovich I. (2009): Theory and Technology to Improve Stakeholder Participation in the Development of Flood Resilient Cities, Proceed Int. Conference - Road Map Towards a Flood Resilient Urban Environment", Paris, France, November 2009

Brüning C., Pasche E., Hellmers S., Manojlovic N., Behzadnia N. (2009): Modelling the Flood Attenuation of Combined SUDS in Urban Area, Proceed Int. Conference - Road Map Towards a Flood Resilient Urban Environment", Paris, France, November 2009

Pasche E., Manojlovic N., Brüning C., Behzadnia N., Hellmers S. (2009): Hydrologic Sensitivity Analysis - contribution to assessment of efficiency of SUDS in small urban catchments, Proceed. 33rd IAHR Conference, Vancouver BC, Canada, August 2009

Manojlovic N., Pasche E., Antanaskovic D., Kemloh U. (2009): A Road to Flood Resilient Cities by Decision Making for Resilient Built Environment and Capacity Building of Stakeholders, 33rd IAHR Conference, Vancouver BC, Canada, August 2009

Manojlovic N., Kemloh U., Owotoki P., Antanaskovic D., Pasche E. (2009): Capacity Building in Flood Risk Management through a Decision Support System for Local Scale Mitigation Utilising Data Mining Approach, Proceed. 8th Int. Conference on Hydroinformatics, Concepcion, Chile, January, 2009

  • 2008

Manojlovic N., Pasche E. (2008): Integration of Resiliency Measures into Flood Risk Management Concepts of Communities, Proceed. of the International conference FRIAR, London, UK, July, 2008, ISBN 978-1-84564-132-0

Pasche E., Manojlovic N., Behzadnia N. (2008): Floods in Small Urban Catchments: Hydrological Characterization, Risk Assessment and Efficient Integrative Strategies of Mitigation,  Proceed. of the 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage (ICUD), Edinburgh, UK, September 2008 

Pasche E., Manojlovic N., Schertzer D.,  Deroubaix J.F., Tchiguirinskaia I., El-Tabach E., Ashley R., Newman R., Lawson N.,  Douglas I., Garvin S. (2008): The Use of Non Structural Measures for Reducing the Flood Risk in Small Urban Catchments , Proceed. of the European conference on flood risk management research in to practice - Flood Risk 2008, Oxford UK, October 2008

  • 2007

Pasche E., Küpferle C., Manojlovic N. (2007): Capacity Building of Spatial Planners for Flood Risk Management in Urban Environment through Decision Support Systems and Interactive Learning,  Proceed. of the International Symposium on New Directions in Urban Water Management, Paris, September 2007

Manojlovic N., Pasche E. (2007): FLORETO-Web Based Advisory for Flood Mitigation Strategies for Existing Buildings,  Book: Advances in Urban Flood Management, Taylor&Francis Group London UK, ISBN 0414436621, 2007 

  • 2006

Owotoki P., Manojlovic N., Mayer-Lindenberg F., Pasche E. (2006): A Data Mining Approach for Capacity Building of Stakeholders in Integrated Flood Management, Proceed. of the IEEE-International Conference on Data Mining, Hong Kong, December 2006

Pasche E., Kraus D., Manojlovic N. (2006): Kalpso Inform - A Web-Based Strategy for Integrated Flood Management, Proceed. of the 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics Nice, France, September 2006

Other Publications:

Manojlovic N., Antanaskovic D., Gershovic, I., Gabalda, V., Pasche, E. (2012):A Contribution to the Multi-scale Flood Resilient Planning,Extended Abstract for the SMARTeST International conference- IMPLEMENTING FLOOD RESILIENCE - 2012

Manojlovic N., Pasche E. (2010): Theory and Technology to Improve Stakeholder Participation in the Development of Flood Resilient Cities, extended Abstract in Proceed. Int. 21st IAPS Conference on Vulnerability, Risk and Complexity: Impacts of Global Change on Human Habitats

Manojlovic N., Pasche E. (2009): Leben mit mehr Hochwasser - Hochwasserrisikokonzept Wilhelmsburg- Bauliche Anpassungsstrategien am Fallbeispiel Aßmannkanal, In: Internationale Bauausstellung: IBA Labor. Klimafolgenmanagement: Herausforderung Wasser. Dokumentation der Fachtagung vom 19. bis 21. Februar 2009, ISBN: 978-3-9813055-3-1, Herausgeber: IBA Hamburg GmbH. S. 90-93.
Pasche, E., Lippert, K., Manojlovic, N., Ujeyl, G., Knieling, J., (2009):
Innovative Ansätze zum Klimafolgenmanagement im urbanen Hochwasserschutz, In: 6. Hochwasserschutzforum in der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar, Schriftenreihe des Verbandes Region Rhein-Neckar, Heft 6, Nov. 2009, S. 37-52.

Manojlovic N., Pasche E. (2009):Interactive Learning Program (ILP)- a concept for life long learning and Capacity Building of Stakeholders in Integrated Flood Management (IFM), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-0, 2009, EGU General Assembly

Finished Projects
  • PEARL- Preparing for Extreme and Rare Events in CoastaL Regions- FP7 Project (01.2014-03.2018)
  • CORFU- COllaborative Research on Flood Resilience in Urban Areas- FP7 Project (04.2010-06.2014)
  • SMARTesT- Smart Resilience Technology, Systems and Tools- FP7 Project (01.2010-07.2013)
  • CAMINO- Climate Adaptation MaInstreaming through InNOvation- INTERREG IVb Project (09.2013-03.2015)
  • SAWA- Strategic Alliance for integrated Water Management Actions -INTERREG IVb Project  10.2008 - 03.2012 SAWA (Project leader TUHH, Governance- Learning&Action Alliances, Flood Risk Management)
  • MARE - Managing Adaptive Responses to changing flood risk in the North Sea Region, INTERREG IVb Project, (06.2010 - 06.2012)
  • KLIMZUG- NORD - BMBF funded Project; Work Package 2: 2.2 “Integrated urban development” and 2.4 “Innovative strategies for flood resilient built Environment” (06.2009-06.2014)
  • Tailoring of the E-Learning Environment Flood-Risk-Manager to the Needs of the WMO according to the Integrative Flood Management Concept- funded by WM,O (06.2008-06.2009)
  • SUCA- Small Urban Catchments, ERA-NET-CRUE  Project (01.2007 - 10.2008)
  • Improvement of Science and Research in Serbia and Montenegro in the Field of Water Management with the main focus on implementation of an E-Learning Platform into Existing Curriculum at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Belgrade and Montenegro, DAAD funded Project coordination and preparation of the learning material (06.2003-12.2006)
  • Potential of the capacity building of Stakeholders in the Canton Nidwalden, Switzerland" (02.2006 - 09.2006)
  • Entwicklung eines Hochwasser- Schutzkonzepts für die Altstadt Lauenburg" (09.2006 - 04.2007) 
  • FLOWS- FLood Plain Land Use Optimising Workable Sustainability- INTERREG IIIb Project (01.2006 - 06.2006)
Past supervision of MT, PW, BT (before 2014):
  • Thomas Wehlan: "Entwicklung eines Konzeptes für DRB im kleinen städtischen Einzugsgebiet“, 2010, PW
  • Sandra Herllmers: "Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change on Flood Probability in Small Urban Catchments and Possiblities of  Flood Risk Mitigation", 2010, MT
  • Ulrich Kemloh: "Implementation of a Data Mining Approach for the Flood Risk Management Domain", 2008, MT
  • Unal Sen: "The Benefit of Unsteady Flow Modelling with 1D and 2D FE to Determine the Flood Hazard Map in Urban Water Courses", 2008, MT (shared supervision with Niloufar Behzadnia and Nico Schrage)
  • Julian Bubel: "GIS - gestützte Darlegung der klimatologischen, hydrologischen und physiographischen Eigenschaften in städtischen Einzugsgebieten", 2008, PW, shared supervision with with Niloufar Behzadnia)
  • Stefanie Basener: "Schadenspotenzialanalyse in Überschwemmungsgebieten auf der Grundlage von typisierten Musterhäusern", 2008, MT, (shared supervision with Gehad Uyjel)
  • Sebastian Polak: "GIS - gestützte Darlegung der klimatologischen, hydrologischen und physiographischen Eigenschaften in städtischen Einzugsgebieten", 2008, MT, (shared supervision with Niloufar Behzadnia)
  • Frederik Purper: "Development of Local Scale Flood Protection Measures for Selected Building Types for the Old Town of Lauenburg", 2007, MT
  • Karolina Krasicka: "Local scale flood protection measures", 2006, PW
  • Joanna Pajak: "Development and Application of a Flood Damage Matrix for  Microscale Flood Damage Assessment", 2006, PW
  • Constantin Möller: "Konzeptentwicklung für die Ableitung des Oberflächenabflusses in kleinen städtischen Einzugsgebieten", 2011, PW
  • Andreas Swensson: "Urbane Regenwasserbewirtschaftung in Hamburg-Eilbek - Kombinationsmöglichkeit von SUDS und Verkehrsanlage", 2012, PW
  • Sandra Hellmers: “New Concepts of Urban Drainage and Assessment of Their Efficiency”, 2010, PW, (shared supervision with with Niloufar Behzadnia)

 Supervision of Internships

  • Marco Gaianigo, University of Padova, Italy "Development of Local Scale Flood Protection Measures for Selected Building Types for the Old Town of Lauenburg, 11.2006 - 03.2007

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