Equitable RESilience solutions to strengthen the link between CUltural landscapEs and coMmunitiEs


Summary and Objectives:

RescueME is focusing on enhancing the resilience of coastal cultural landscapes in Europe. RescueME mobilizes resources, engages stakeholders, facilitates decision making, and enhances the implementation of co-created and just resilience solutions to protect our common heritage.
Led by TECNALIA and supported by a consortium of 16 research, governance and technological partners, RescueME is developing, testing and demonstrating innovative tools and processes for climate adaptation and disaster risk management in five pilot Resilience Labscapes (R-Labscapes): Psiloritis in Crete (Greece), Neuwerk in Hamburg (Germany), Portovenere, Cinque Terre & the islands (Italy), L’Horta in Valencia (Spain) and the city of Zadar (Croatia).
The project focuses on assessing risks and opportunities, co-developing inclusive and just resilience strategies and equipping local communities with advanced tools to protect European coastal landscapes. It aims to provide an Actionable Framework based on the Resilient Historical Landscape approach which can be replicated to endangered cultural landscapes across and beyond Europe.
The Institute of River& Coastal Engineering at TUHH is dedicated to develop and implement a framework and methods for hazard assessment in the R- Labscapes. The Institute also acts as the scientific partner and advisor for the activities in the German R-Labscape in Hamburg- Neuwerk.

Project information
European Union’s Horizon 2020 Project ID:  101094978
Starting date: 01.02.2023 Ending date: 01.08.2026
Total cost: EUR 3 998 994.09
EU contribution: EUR 3 998 994.09
Call for proposal: HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01
Funding scheme: HORIZON-RIA HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions
Coordinator:  TECHNALIA, Spain
Project team TUHH:

Dr.-Ing. Natasa Manojlovic

Oxana Karatnik

Further information: