Lehrveranstaltungen und Module

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Product Planning (GTIME) (VL)
This course is part of the module: Product Planning (GTIME)
Moritz Göldner, Amanda Baum
WiSe 23/24
(K1.520): Mo. 09:00 - 12:00 (8x) Montag, 22.01.2024 11:00 - 12:30, (D3.015 - Building D): Dienstag, 21.11.2023 09:00 - 18:00, (HS28 - 1.004): Dienstag, 12.12.2023 09:00 - 18:00
Mo. 09:00 - 12:00 (wöchentlich), Termine am Dienstag, 21.11.2023, Dienstag, 12.12.2023 09:00 - 18:00, Montag, 22.01.2024 11:00 - 12:30
Erster Termin:Montag, 30.10.2023 09:00 - 12:00, Ort: (K1.520)
m1602 - Product Planning (GTIME)<ul><li>p1551 - Product Planning (GTIME): Klausur schriftlich</li><li>vl451-2023 - Compulsory Course Work Product Planning (GTIME) - Successful participation in PBL exercise: Excercises</li></ul>

Product Planning Process

This integrated lecture is designed to understand major issues, activities and tools in the context of systematic product planning, a key activity for managing the front-end of innovation, i.e.:
•    Systematic scanning of markets for innovation opportunities
•    Understanding strengths/weakness and specific core competences of a firm as platforms for innovation
•    Exploring relevant sources for innovation (customers, suppliers, Lead Users, etc.)
•    Developing ideas for radical innovation, relying on the creativeness of employees, using techniques to stimulate creativity and creating a stimulating environment
•    Transferring ideas for innovation into feasible concepts which have a high market attractively

Voluntary presentations in the third hour (articles / case studies)

- Guest lectures by researchers

VL : Vorlesung
HÜ : Hörsaalübung
GÜ : Gruppenübung
PBL : Projekt-/problembasierte Lehrveranstaltung
SE : Seminar
PS : Projektseminar