Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen von Prof. Herwig

  • H. Herwig; A. Moschallski
    Wärmeübertragung, 4. Auflage , Springer Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden 2019, ISBN 978-3-658-26400-0
  • H. Herwig
    Wärme und Entropie - Doch, sie gehören zusammen, essentials, Springer Vieweg, 39 Seiten, 2019
  • H. Herwig
    How to Teach Heat Transfer More Systematically by Involving Entropy , Entropy, Vol. 20, 791, 2018
  • H. Herwig
    How to Teach Heat Transfer More Systematically: Involving Entropy and Some Newly Defined Quantities , Proceedings of the 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-16 August 1-15, 2018, Bejing, China , IHTC-KN15, 2018
  • H. Herwig, B. Schmandt
    Strömungsmechanik -- Physikalische-mathematische Grundlagen und Anleitung zum Lösen von Aufgaben , 4. Ergänzte Auflage, Springer Verlag, 452 Seiten, 2018
  • H. Herwig
    Ach, so ist das? 50 Alltagsphänomene neugierig hinterfragt, Springer Verlag, 230 Seiten, 2018
  • H. Herwig
    Dimensionsanalyse - Der elegante Weg zu allgemeinen Lösungen, essentials, Springer Vieweg, 35 Seiten, 2017
  • H. Herwig
    Turbulente Strömungen - Einführung in die Physik eines Jahrhundertproblems, essentials, Springer Vieweg, 39 Seiten, 2017
  • H. Herwig
    Wärmeübertragung - Ein nahezu allgegenwärtiges Phänomen, essentials, Springer Vieweg, 49 Seiten, 2017
  • H. Herwig
    Strömungsmechanik / Einführung in die Physik von technischen Strömungen, Springer Vieweg, 2. Aufl., 293 Seiten , 2016
  • H. Herwig, C. Kautz, A. Moschallski
    Technische Thermodynamik / Grundlagen und Anleitung zum Lösen von Aufgaben,Springer Vieweg, 2. Aufl., 486 Seiten , 2016
  • M.-F. Uth, Y. Jin, A. Kuznetsov, H. Herwig
    A Direct Numerical Simulation Study on the Possibility of Macroscopic Turbulence in Porous Media: Effects of Different Matrix Geometries, Solid Boundaries, and two Velocity Scales, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 28, 065101-1-23, 2016
  • H. Herwig
    What Exactly is the Nusselt Number in Convective Heat Transfer Problems and are there Alternatives?, Entropy, Vol. 18, 198, 2016
  • H. Herwig
    The SLA (Second Law Analysis) in convective Heat Transfer Processes, Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 10, 283-286, 2016
  • H. Herwig
    Energie - Richtig bewerten und sinnvoll nutzen, Essentials, Springer Vieweg, 2016
  • H. Herwig
    The second law anlaysis (SLA) in convective heat transfer processes,Proc. of the First Pacific Rim conference, PRTEC, March 13.-17., Hawaii's Big Island, 2016
  • B. Schmandt, H. Herwig
    Losses Due to Conduit Componentes: An Optimization Strategy and Its Application,Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 138, 031204-1-8, 2016
  • P. Kis, Y, Jin, H. Herwig
    The physics of stripe patterns in turbulent channel flow determinied by DNS results,ArXiv: 15.11.07753 [physics.flu-dyn], 2015
  • H. Herwig, C. Redecker
    Heat Transfer and Entropie,in: Heat Transfer Studies and Applications, 1443-161, InTech, 2015
  • Y. Jin, H. Herwig
    Turblent flow in rough wall channels: Validation of RANS models,Computers and Fluids, Vol. 122, 34-46, 2015
  • H. Herwig, B. Schmandt
    Strömungsmechanik,Springer Vieweg, 3., ergänzte Auflage, 409 Seiten, 2015
  • B. Schmandt, H. Herwig
    The head change coefficient for branched flows: Why "losses" due to junctions can be negative,Int. Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 54, 268-275, 2015
  • H. Herwig, Y. Jin, M.-F. Uth, A. Kuznetsov
    Turbulent Flow in the Micro Structures of Porous Media,Proc. ICNMM13, paper InterPACKINCNMM2015-48074, San Francisco, July 6-9, 2015
  • Y. Jin, M.-F. Uth, A. Kuznetsov, H. Herwig
    Turbulente Strömungen durch poröse Materialien - wie sehen die aus?, HLRN-Mitteilungen, 2015
  • Y. Jin, M.-F. Uth, A. Kuznetsov, H. Herwig
    Numerical investigation of the possibility of macroscopic turbulence in porous media: a direct numerical simulation study, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 766, 76-103, 2015
  • T. Wenterodt, C. Redecker, H. Herwig
    Second law analysis for sustainable heat and energy transfer: The entropic potential concept, Applied Energy, Vol. 139, 376-383, 2015
  • B. Munro, S. Becker, M.F. Uth, N. Preußer, H. Herwig
    Fabrication and Characterization of Deformable Porous Matrices with Controlled Pore Characteristics, Transp. Porous Media, online first DOI 10.1007/s 11242-014-0426-0, 2015
  • H. Herwig:
    Ach, so ist das! 50 thermofluiddynamische Alltagsphänomene anschaulich und wissenschaftlich erklärt, Springer Vieweg, 285 Seiten, 2014
  • H. Herwig, A. Moschallski:
    Wärmeübertragung,Springer Vieweg, 3. erweiterte Auflage, 280 Seiten, 2014
  • Y. Jin, M.F. Uth, H. Herwig:
    Structure of a turbulent flow through plane channels with smooth and rough walls: An analysis based on high resolution DNS results,Computers & Fluids, Vol. 107, 77-88, 2014
  • H. Herwig:
    The Misleading Use of "Enthalpy" in an Energy Conversion Analysis,Natural Science, Vol. 6, 878-885, 2014
  • M.F. Uth, Y. Jin, A.V. Kuznetsov H. Herwig:
    Turbulence in porous media: Some fundamental questions addressed by DNS solutions,Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Porous Media, ICPM5, Kona, Hawaii, June 22.-27., 2014
  • Y. Jin, H. Herwig:
    Effect of shark skin textures on entropy generation for turbulent channel flow and heat transfer problems,Proc. of IHTC15, paper 8699, Kyoto, Japan, August 10-15, 2014
  • C. Redecker, H. Herwig:
    Calculating and Assessing complex convective heat transfer problems: The CFD-SLA approach,Proc. of IHTC15, paper 9184, Kyoto, Japan, August 10-15, 2014
  • H. Herwig, B. Schmandt:
    How to Determine Losses in a Flow Field: A Paradigm Shift Towards the Second Law Analysis,Entropy, Vol. 16, 2959-2989, 2014
  • M.F. Uth, H. Asmuth, C. Windt, H. Herwig:
    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Benchmark Geometries Representing a Flow Through Porous Media, Proc. FEDSM2014, paper 21532, Chicago, August 3-7, 2014
  • B. Schmandt, H. Herwig:
    Loss coefficients for compressible flows in conduit components under different thermal boundary conditions, Proc. of IHTC15, paper 8482, Kyoto, Japan, August 10-15ntropy, Vol. 16, 2071-2084,2014
  • T. Wenterodt, H. Herwig:
    The entropic potential concept: A new way to look at energy transfer operations, Entropy, Vol. 16, 2071-2084, 2014
  • B. Schmandt, H. Herwig:
    Losses due to the flow through conduit components in mini- and micro-systems accounted for by head loss/change coefficients, Proc. FEDSM2014, paper 21098, Chicago, August 3-7,2014
  • B. Schmandt, H. Herwig:
    Determination of head change coefficients for dviding ad combining junctions: A method based on the second law of thermodyamics, Chemical Engineering Sciences, Vol. 111, 191-202,2014
  • P. Kis, H. Herwig:
    Natural convection in a Vertical Plane Channel: DNS Results for High Grashof Numbers, Heat and Mass Transfer, online first,2014
  • H. Herwig:
    Do we really need "Entransy"? A critical Assessment of a New Quantity in Heat Transfer Analysis, Journal of Heat Transfer, online first, DOI 10.1115/1.4026188, 2014
  • Y. Jin, H. Herwig:
    Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer in channels with Shark Skin Surface: Entropy Generation and its Physical Significance, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 70, 10 - 22,2013
  • C. Balaji, B. Konda Reddy, H. Herwig:
    Incorporating Engineering Intuition for Parameter Estimation in Thermal Sciences, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 49, 1771-1785,2013
  • H. Herwig, B. Schmandt:
    Drag with External and Pressure Drop with Internal Flows: A New and Unifying Look at Losses in the Flow Field Based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics , Fluid Dynamics Research, Vol. 45, 1-18,2013
  • S. M. Becker, H. Herwig:
    One dimensional transient heat conduction in segmented fin - like geometries with distinct discrete peripheral convection, Int. Journal of Thermal Sciences, online first, 2013
  • H. Herwig, T. Wenterodt:
    Second law analysis for sustainable heat and energy transfer: The entropic potential concept, Int. Conf. on Applied Energy, ICAE2014, July 1 - 4, 2013, Pretoria, South Africa ICAE2014-343, 2013
  • B. Schmandt, H. Herwig:
    Performance evaluation of the flow in micro-junctions: Head change versus head loss coefficients, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Nano-, Micro-, and Minichannels, Sapporo, Japan, ICNMM2014-73031,2013
  • M.F. Uth, H. Herwig:
    A partial slip boundary condition for the Lattice-Boltzmann Method, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Nano-, Micro-, and Minichannels, Sapporo, Japan, ICNMM2014-73026,2013
  • J.C. Misra, S. Chandra, H. Herwig:
    Flow of a micropolar fluid in a micro-channel under the action of an alternating electric field: Estimates of flow in bio-fluidic devices, Journal of Hydrodynamics, online first,2013
  • Y. Jin, H. Herwig:
    From single obstacles to rough walls: Some fundamental investigations based on DNS results for turbulent channel flow, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP), 2013
  • B. Schmandt, H. Herwig:
    Loss Coefficients for Periodically Unsteady Flows in Conduit Components: Illustrated for Laminar Flow in a Circular Duct and a 90 Degree Bend, J. Fluids Eng. 135(3), 031204 (Feb 22, 2013)
  • H. Herwig, B. Schmandt:
    Drag with external and pressure drop with internal flows: a new and unifying look at losses in the flow field based on the second law of thermodynamics, Fluid Dyn. Res. 45 055507, 2013
  • H. Herwig, B. Schmandt:
    Determination of conduit component loss coefficients based on the second law of thermodynamics, Proc. 23rd Int. Symposium on Transprot Phenomena, Auckland, November 19-22, New Zealand, 2012
  • H. Herwig, Y. Jin: 
    Parameter extension method (PEM): An asymptotic extension of numerical and experimental flow and heat transfer results to further values of the inherent parameters, Proc. 3rd Int. Forum on Heat Transfer, IFHT2012-010, Nagasaki, Japan, November 13-15, 2012
  • H. Herwig: 
    High heat flux cooling of electronics: The need for a paradigm shift, Journal of Heat Transfer, accepted for publication, 2012
  • C. Redecker, H. Herwig:
    Assessing heat transfer processes. A critical view at criteria based on the second law of thermodynamics, Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, Vol. 76, 77-85, 2012
  • S. Mahulikar, H. Herwig: 
    Exact solution for energy analysis of Schwarzchild black-hole fed by CMBR, Astrophys. Space Sci., Vol. 341, 417-420, 2012
  • M.-F. Uth, H. Herwig, A. Kolnoochenko, P. Gurikov, N. Menshutina, I. Smirnova: 
    A numerical approach to determine the permeability for nano-porous silica gel, ..., 2012
  • M.-F. Uth, H. Herwig:
    Flow through nano porous media: Defining a benchmark scenario, Proc. Int. Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, ICNMM2012-73067, Puerto Rico, July 9-11, 2012
  • B. Schmandt, H. Herwig:
    A standard method to determine loss coefficients of conduit components based on the second law of thermodynamics, Proc. Int. Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, ICNMM2012-73249 (keynote), Puerto Rico, July 9-11, 2012
  • P. Kis, H. Herwig:
    The near wall physics and wall functions for turbulent natural convection, Int. Journal Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 55, 2625-2635, 2012
  • A. Moschallski, J.P. Rückert, H. Herwig:
    Praxisnahe Bestimmung von Wärmeübergangskoeffizienten an Körpern unterschiedlicher Geometrie, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, Vol. 83, 1256-1261, 2012
  • H. Herwig, T. Wenterodt: 
    Entropie für Ingenieure / Das Entropie-Konzept in energietechnischen Fragestellungen, Vieweg & Teubner, 170 Seiten, 2012
  • H. Herwig:
    The role of entropy generation in momentum and heat transfer, accepted for publication in: Journal of Heat Transfer, 2011
  • J. Yin, H. Herwig:
    Parameter Extension Method (PEM): An asymptotic expansion of numerical and experimental flow and heat transfer results to further values of the inherent parameters, accepeted for publication in: Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011
  • B. Schmandt, H. Herwig:
    Diffusor and Nozzle Design Optimization by Entropy Generation Minimization, Entropy, 13, 1380-1402, 2011
  • Y. Jin, H. Herwig:
    Variable Property Effects in Momentum and Heat Transfer, 135-152, InTech, 2011
  • B. Schmandt, Herwig:
    Internal Flow Losses: A Fresh Look at old concepts, in J. Fluids Eng., Vol. 133, 051201-1-10, 2011
  • P. Kis, H. Herwig:
    A Critical Analysis of the Thermodynamic Model for Turbulent Natural and Forced Convection in a Plane Channel Based on DNS Results, Int. J. of Computation Fluid Dynamics, 2011
  • B. Schmandt, H. Herwig:
    Loss coefficients in Laminar Flows: Essential for the Design of Micro Flow Systems, CProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, GAMM, 10222, 2011
  • A. Moschallski, J.-P. Rückert, H. Herwig:
    Praxisnahe Bestimmung von Wärmeübergangskoeffizienten an Körpern unterschiedlicher Geometrie, in: Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 1256 - 1261, August 2011
  • M.-F. Uth, H. Herwig:
    A Micro-sized Generic Demonstrator for Studying Synthetic Biological Processes, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Nano-, Micro-, and Minichanels, Edmonton, Ca., June 19.-22.2011, ICNMM2011-58130,2011
  • H. Herwig:
    Microflow Heat Transfer Effectiveness: Questioning the "Areas/Volume-Argument", Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Nano-, Micro-, and Minichanels, Edmonton, Ca., June 19.-22.2011, ICNMM2011-58016,2011
  • H. Herwig, T. Wenterodt:
    Heat Transfer and its Assessment, in: Heat Transfer - Theoretical analysis, Experimental Investigations and Industrial Systems, 437-452, InTech, 2011
  • H. Herwig, T. Wenterodt:
    Second law analysis of momentum and heat transfer in unit operations, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 54, 2180-2187, 2011
  • Y. Jin, H. Herwig:
    Efficient methods to account for variable property effects in numerical momentum and heat transfer solutions, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 54, 1323-1330, 2011
  • S. Mahulikar, H. Herwig, J.W. Zhou, Y.M. Sodhani:
    Surface Radiative Transfer in Gas-to-Gas Cocurrent Microheat Exchanger, AICHE Journal, online first: DOI 10.1002/aic. 12250
  • H. Herwig, T. Wenterodt:
    Wall roughness effects: A second law analysis (SLA), in: IUTAM Symposium on the Physics of wall-bounded turbulent flows on rough walls, Springer-Verlag, ed. T.B. Nickels, 151-156, 2010
  • P. Kis, H. Herwig:
    A systematic derivation of a consistent set of "Boussinesq equations" Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 46, 1111-1119, 2010
  • H. Herwig:
    Heat Transfer Under Unsteadily Impinging Jets: Guidelines for Future Research Directions, Int. Review of Mech. Eng. (IREME), Vol. 4, 491-494, 2010
  • H. Herwig:
    Second Law Analysis of Momentum and Heat Transfer Problems: Guidelines for Future Research Directions, Int. Review of Mech. Eng. (IREME), Vol. 4, 488-490, 2010
  • H. Herwig:
    The role of entropy generation in momentum and heat transfer, Proc. Int. Heat Transfer conference, IHTC14-23348, Washington D.C., August 8-13, 2010
  • H. Herwig, B. Schmandt, M.-F. Uth:
    Loss coefficients in laminar flows: Indispensable for the design of micro flow systems, Proc. Int. confercence on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, ICNMM2010-30166, Montrals, Canada, Augsut 1-5, 2010
  • Y. Jin, H. Herwig:
    Similarity theory including variable property effects: A complex benchmark problem, Proc. Int. Heat Transfer confercence, IHTC14-22457, Washington D.C., August 8-13, 2010
  • P. Kis, H. Herwig:
    A Second law analysis of mixed convection in a plane channel based on DNS results, Proc. Int. Heat Transfer confercence, IHTC14-22619, Washington D.C., August 8-13, 2010
  • H. Herwig, D. Gloss, T. Wenterodt:
    Flow in Channels with Rough Walls - Old and New Concepts, Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 31, 658-665, 2010
  • D. Gloss, H. Herwig:
    Wall roughness effects in laminar flows: an often ignored though significant issue, Exp. in Fluids, Vol. 49, 461-470, 2010
  • H. Herwig, T. Wenterodt:
    Evaluation of Heat Transfer Enhancement Devices in Compact Heat Exchangers by a Second Law Analysis, Proc. Int. Workshop on compact Heat Exchangers for Aerospace Appliations, Bangalore, India, January 8.-9., 2010
  • Y. Jin, H. Herwig:
    Application of the Similarity Theory Including Variable Property Effects to a complex Benchmark Problem, ZAMP, Vol. 61, 509-528, 2010
  • J.W. Zhou, Y. Wang, G. Middelberg, H. Herwig:
    Unsteady jet impingement: heat transfer on smooth and non-smoth surfaces, Int. Communications of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 36, 103-110, 2009

  • H. Herwig:
    AKAD-Studienmaterial Grundlagen der Technischen Thermodynamik, 2009
    B/THD 101: Thermodynamische Verhalten vonStoffen / 1. Hauptsatz der Thermodynamik
    B/THD 102: 2. Hauptsatz der Thermodynamik
    B/THD103: Thermodynamische Zustandsgleichungen reiner Stoffe, ideale Gas- und Gas-Dampf-Gemische
    B/THD 104: Thermodynamische Kreisprozesse, Arbeits- und Wärmeprozesse
    B/THD 105:Verbrennungsproezsse, Grundlagen der Wärmeübertragung
  • G. Middelberg, H. Herwig: Convective Heat Transfer under Unsteady Impinging Jets: The Effect of the Shape of the Unsteadiness, Heat and Mass Transfer, online first
  • H. Herwig, D. Gloss, T. Wenterodt: Flow in channels with rough walls - old and new concepts, Journal of China Jiliang University, Vol. 19, 296-303 (in chinesisch), 2009

  • P. Kis, H. Herwig: Studying turbulent mixed convection: An approach based on direct numerical simulation (DNS) and second law analysis (SLA), 2009

  • D. Gloss, H. Herwig: Data Aquisition and Physical Interpretation with Respect to Micro Channel Flows: A Delicate Issue, Proc. ICNMM 2009, paper 82021, Pohang, Korea, June 22-24, 2009

  • J.W. Zhou, Y. Wang, G. Middelberg, H. Herwig:
    Unsteady jet impingement: heat transfer on smooth and non-smoth surfaces, Int. Communications of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 36, 103-110,�2009

  • D. Gloss, H. Herwig:
    Micro Channel Roughness Effects: A Close-up View, Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 30, 62-69, 2009

  • H. Mocikat T. Gürtler, D. Petrak,H. Herwig:
    LDV measurements in complex swirling flows, their physics and a database for CFD evaluations, Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 46, 693-704, 2009
  • H. Mocikat, H. Herwig:
    Heat transfer Measurements with Surface Mounted Foil-sensors in an Active mode, sensors, Vol. 9, 3011 - 3032, 2009
  • F. Bünger, H. Herwig:
    An Extended similarity theory applied to heated flows in complex geometries, ZAMP, Vol. 60, 1-17, 2009

  • H. Herwig, G. Middelberg:
    Unsteady Jet Impingement: A Systematic Study of its Heat Transfer Performance, Proc. ICTAM 2008, 25.-29. August, Adelaide, Australien
  • H. Herwig, T. Wenterodt:
    The role of entropy production in momentum and heat transfer invited keynote paper, 7th Int. Symposium on Heat Transfer, Beijing, China, Okt. 2008
  • S.P. Mahulikar, H. Herwig:
    Scale-invariant thermodynamic principles for dynamic order existence and evolution in chaos, Solitons and Fractals, doi: 10.1016/j. chaos. 2008.07.051,2008
  • H. Herwig:
    Technische Thermodynamik von A - Z, Systematische und ausführliche Erläuterungen wichtiger Größen und Konzepte Verlag: TuTech GmbH, 532 Seiten, 2008
  • H. Herwig:
    Strömungsmechanik - Einführung in die Physik von technischen Strömungen Vieweg + Teubner Verlag, 234 Seiten, 2008
  • H. Herwig, G. Middelberg:
    The physics of unsteady jet impingement and its heat transfer performance, ActaMechanica, DOI 10.1007 (online first) 2008
  • D. Gloss, J. Dittmer, H. Herwig:
    A systematic Approach to Wall Roughness Effects in laminar Channel Flows: Experiments and Modelling, Proc., ICNMM2008, paper 62147, Darmstadt, Juni 22-25, 2008
  • H. Herwig, D. Gloss, T. Wenterodt:
    Flow in channels with rough walls- old and new concepts, Proc., ICNMM2008, paper 62064, Darmstadt, Juni 22-25, 2008
  • H. Herwig, D. Gloss, T. Wenterodt:
    A new approach to understand and model the influence of wall roughness on friction factors for pipe and channel flows, Proc., ICNMM2008, paper 62064, Darmstadt, Juni 22-25, 2008
  • M. Hölling, P. Kis, H. Herwig:
    Simulation of natural convection at vertical walls with a new wall function approach, zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht
  • C. Balaji, M.Hölling, H. Herwig:
    A temperature wall function for turbulent mixed convection from vertical, parallel plate channels, in: Int. Journal of Thermal sciences, 2008
  • S.P. Mahulikar, H. Herwig:
    Fluid friction in incompressible laminar convetion: Reynolds analogy reisited for variable fluid properties, Eur. Phys. J.B., Vol. 62, 77-86, 2008
  • H. Mocikat, H. Herwig:
    Heat transfer Measurement in fully turublent flows basic investigations with an advanced thin foil triple sensor, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 44, 1107-1116, 2008
  • Th. Gürtler, D. Petrak, H. Mocikat, J. Prazak, H. Herwig:
    Untersuchung von komplexen Innenraumströmungen mit verdrallter oder präzisierender Zuströmung mittels LDV-Messtechnik; Proc. Gala-Conference, 2007
  • S.P. Mahulikar,H. Herwig, O. Hausner:
    Study of Gas Micro-Convection for Synthesis for Rarefaction and Non-Rarefaction Effects, Journal of MEMS, 2007
  • H. Herwig, C.H. Kautz:
    Technische Thermodynamik, Pearson Studium, München, 334 Seiten,2007
  • J.W. Zhou, H. Herwig:
    Heat Transfer Characteristics of Precessing jets Impinging on a Flat Plate: Further Investigations, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 50, 4488 - 4492,2007
  • H. Herwig:
    Die irreführende Verwendung der thermodynamischen größe Enthalpie: ein didaktischer Sündenfall, Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, Bd. 71, 107-112, 2007
  • D. Gloss, I. Köcke, H. Herwig:
    Micro Channel Roughness Effects: A Close-Up View, Proc. of ICMMN07, Puebla, Mexico, Juni 2007
  • C. Balaji, M. Hölling, H. Herwig:
    Entropy generation minimization in turbulent mixed convection flows, Int. Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 34, 544-552, 2007
  • C. Balaji, M. Hölling, H. Herwig:
    Determination of temperature wall functions for high Rayleigh number flows using asymptotics: A systematic approach, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 50, 3820-3831, 2007
  • C. Balaji, M. Hölling, H. Herwig:
    Nusselt number correlations for turbulent natural convection flows using asymptotic analysis for the near wall region, Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 129, 1100 - 1105, 2007
  • C. Balaji, M. Hölling, H. Herwig:
    Combined laminar mixed convection and surface readiation using asymptotic computational fluid dynamics (ACFD), Heat and Mass Transfer, online first, 2007
  • C. Balaji, M. Hölling, H. Herwig:
    A general methodology for treating mixed convection problems using asymptotic computational fluid dynamics (ACFD), Int. Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 34, 682-691,2007
  • H. Mocikat, H. Herwig:
    An advanced thin foil sensor concept for heat flux and heat transfer measurements in fully turbulent flows, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 43, 351-364, 2007
  • H. Herwig, F. Kock:
    Direct and Indirect Methods of Calculating Entropy Generation Rates in Turbulent Convective Heat Transfer Problems, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 43, 207-215, 2007
  • H. Herwig, A. Moschallski:
    Wärmeübertragung, Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden, 247 Seiten, 2006
  • O. Hausner, H. Herwig:
    The study of micro scale effects in continuum flows with an experimental set-up with a continuously decreasing characteristic length, Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, Bd. 70, 207-214, 2006
  • H. Herwig, F. Kock:
    Local Entropy Production in Turbulent Shear Flows: A Tool for Evaluating Heat Transfer Performance, Journal of Thermal Science, Vol. 15, 159 - 167, 2006
  • J.W. Zhou, H. Herwig:
    Bio-heat transfer analysis for thermal ablation of biological tissue during CO2 Laser irradiation, Proc. IHTC-13, Sydney, Australien, 2006
  • M. Hölling, H. Herwig:
    Computation of turbulent natural convection at vertical walls using new wall functions, in: Proc. of the BAIL II conference, Göttingen, 24.-28.07.2006
  • S.P. Mahulikar, H. Herwig:
    Physical effects in laminar microconvection due to variations in incompressible fluid properties, in: Physics of Fluid, Vol. 18, 1-12, 2006
  • G. Middelberg, H. Herwig:
    Heat Transfer under unsteadily impinging jets: a systematic investigation, Proc. IHTC-13, Sydney, Australien 2006
  • H. Herwig, D. Gloss:
    From Macro to Micro Scales: Identifying and Measuring Scaling Effects, Proc. ICNMM06, Limerick, Ireland, 2006
  • M. Hölling, H.Herwig:
    A new Nusselt/Rayleigh number correlation and wall functions for turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection, Proc. IHTC-13, Sydney, Australien, 2006
  • H. Herwig:
    CFD: Verification and Validation, in: Progress in Vehicle Aerodynamics IV, Numerical Methods, 86-96, Expert Verlag, Renningen, Deutschland, 2006
  • H. Herwig:
    CFD: Don't forget the physics! in: Progress in Vehicle Aerodynamics IV, Numerical Methods, 76-85, Expert Verlag, Renningen, Deutschland, 2006
  • H. Herwig, H. Mocikat:
    An advanced thin foil sensor concept for heat flux and heat transfer measurements in fully turbulent flows, Proc. IHTC-13, Sydney, Australien, 2006
  • H. Herwig, S.P. Mahulikar:
    Variable Property Effects in Single-Phase Incompressible Flows through Microchannels, Int. Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 45, 977-981, 2006
  • H. Herwig:
    Momentum and heat transfer in micro-sized devices; Kap. 2. zum Buch: Baltes et al. (Eds): Advanced Micro and Nano Systems, Volume 4, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2006
  • M. Hölling, H. Herwig, O. Hausner:
    Asymptotic analysis of heat transfer in turublent Rayleigh-Benard convection, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 49, 1129-1136, 2006
  • S.P. Mahulikar, H. Herwig:
    Physical effects in pure continuum-based laminar micro-convection due to variation of gas properties, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 39, 416-4123, 2006
  • H. Herwig:
    Basic Equations for Flow and Heat Transfer in Microchannels, CISM-Course, October 2005, Udine, Italien
  • H. Herwig, F. Kock:
    Local entropy production in turbulent shear flows: A tool for evaluating heat transfer performance, Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. on Thermal Science and Technology, BJTU, Beijing, China, 1-14, 2005
  • H. Herwig:
    Single-Phase Heat Transfer in Micro-channels, CISM-Course, October 2005, Udine, Italien, 2005
  • M. Hölling, H. Herwig:
    The near wall region of turbulent natural convection flows: asymptotic considerations, PAMM, 2005
  • S.P. Mahulikar, H. Herwig:
    Modified thermodynamic principles unifying order existence and evolution, Proc. of ECOS 2005, Trondheim, Norway, June 20-22, 2005
  • M. Hölling, H. Herwig:
    The near wall region of natural convection flows: asymptotic considerations, PAMM 2005
  • F. Kock, H. Herwig:
    Entropy production calculation for turbulent shear flows and their implementation in CFD codes, Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 26, 672-680
  • H. Herwig, S.P. Mahulikar:
    Variable Property Effects in Single-Phase Incompressible flows through Micro Tubes, Proc. of ICMM 2005, Toronto, paper ICMM 2005-75082, June 13-15, 2005
  • J. Zhou, A. Moschallski, H. Herwig:
    Heat Transfer under unsteadily impinging jets: a systematic investigation, 6th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Matsushima, Miyagi, Japan, April 17-21, 2005
  • S.P. Mahulikar, H. Herwig:
    Theoretical Investigation of scaling effects from macro- to microscale convection due to variations in incompressible fluid properties, , Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 86, 014105/1-3
  • N. Kornev, E. Hassel, H.Herwig, S. Isaev, P. Stephan, V. Zhdanov:
    Erhöhung des Wärmeübergangs durch Wirbelinduktion in Oberflächendellen,Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, Bd. 69, 90-100, 2005
  • M. Hölling, H. Herwig:
    Asymptotic analysis of the near wall region of turbulent natural convection flows, , J. Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 541, 383-397, 2005
  • H. Herwig, M. Hölling, T. Eisfeld:
    Sind Sekundärströmungen noch zeitgemäß?, ,Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, Bd. 69, 115-199, 2005
  • S.P. Mahulikar, H. Herwig:
    Scaling Effects in Continuum-based Laminar Gas Micro-flow Convection Due to Variation of Gas Properties, , Proc. Int. Conf. o Comp. Heat and Mass Transfer, Lavoisier, Frankreich, Mai 2005, paper no. 120
  • S.P. Mahulikar, H. Herwig, O. Hausner, F. Kock:
    Laminar gas micro-flow convection characteristics due to steep density gradients, Europhysics Letters, Vol. 68, 811-817, 2004
  • H. Herwig, O. Hausner:
    The study of micro scale effects in an experimental set-up with a continuously decreasing characteristic length, Proceedings of the ECI-conference Transport Phenomena in Micro- and Nanodevices, 17.-21.10.2004, Hawaii/USA
  • H. Herwig:
    Strömungsmechanik von A - Z / Systematische und ausführliche Erläuterung wichtiger Größen und Konzepte, , Vieweg-Verlag, 485 Seiten, 2004
  • SP. Mahulikar, H. Herwig:
    Numerical simulation of 1-D incompressible laminar micro-flow convection with temperature dependent fluid properties, , Proceedings of the GAMM-conference, Dresden, 2004
  • S.P. Mahulikar, H. Herwig:
    Conceptual Investigation of Entropy Principle for Identification of Directives for Creation, Existance and Total Destruction of Order, Physica Scripta, Vol. 7, 212-221, 2004
  • S.P. Mahulikar, H. Herwig, O. Hausner, F. Kock:
    Numerical Simulation of 1-D Laminar Convection Behaviour with Property Variation in Microchannel Flow through Parallel Plates, Proceedings of the GAMM-conference, Dresden, 2004
  • F. Kock, H. Herwig:
    Entropy production calculation for turbulent shear flows and their implementation in CFD codes, Proc. CHT-04 conference, Norway, 2004
  • H. Herwig, H. Mocikat, T. Gürtler, S. Göppert:
    Heat Transfer due to unsteadily impinging jets; Int. Journal of Thermal Sciences (Revue Générale de Thermique), Vol. 43, 733-741, 2004
  • M. Hölling, H. Herwig: CFD-TODAY:
    Anmerkungen zum kritischen Umgang mit kommerziellen Software-Programmpaketen, Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, Bd. 68, 150-154,2004
  • H. Herwig, S. Göppert, T. Gürtler, H. Mocikat:
    Wärmeübergang bei instationären Prallstrahlen, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, Vol. 76, 84-88, 2004
  • F. Kock, H. Herwig:
    Local Entropy Production in Turbulent Shear Flows: A High Reynolds Number Model with Wall functions, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 47, 2205-2215, 2004
  • G. Göppert, T. Gürtler, H. Mocikat, H. Herwig:
    Heat transfer under a precessing jet: effects of unsteady jet impingement, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 47, 2795-2806,2004
  • H. Bell, H. Berek, F. Haas, H. Herwig, A. Moschallski, M. Kröhl, K.-H. Schaller:
    Kondensations-Lötprozeß für Lötstellen ohne Voids / Keine Löcher dank Vakuum, EPP, 11/2003, 32-35, 2003
  • H. Herwig:
    The role of finite speed of heat conduction in transient convective heat transfer, Proceedings of the ICHMT-Symposium, Cesme, August 2003
  • H. Herwig, S. Göppert, T. Gürtler, H. Mocikat:
    Heat transfer under non-steady jets: effects of unsteady jet impingementProceedings of the ICHMT-Symposium, Cesme, August 2003
  • S.P. Mahulikar, H. Herwig, O. Hausner:
    Identification of critical scope: comprehensive review of micro-scale convection, Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on THERMAL INVESTIGATIONS of Ils and systems, 24 26 September 2003, Aix en Provence, France.
  • H. Herwig, O. Hausner:
    Test Facilities for a Continuous Transition from Mini- to Microchannels, Proc. of the First Int. Conf. on Microchannels and Minichannels, April 2003, Rochester, New York
  • C. Balaji, H. Herwig:
    The use of ACFD approach in problems involving surface radiation and free convection, Int. Communication Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 30, 251 259, 2003
  • F. Kock, H. Herwig:
    Dissipation effects in turbulent flows: a wall function approach for high Reyolds numbers, Int. J. Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 17, 423-431, 2003
  • H. Mocikat, T. Gürtler, H. Herwig:
    LDV measurements in an interior flow test facility: A data basis for CFD-Code evaluation, Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 34, 442 448, 2003
  • E. Ulrichs, H. Herwig:
    Between two limits: Flow separation behind a bluff body close to a wall, Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, Bd. 68, 36-38, 2003
  • H. Herwig, O. Hausner:
    Critical view on "New Results in Microfluid Mechanics": an example, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 46, 935 937, 2003
  • H. Herwig, H. Mocikat, T. Gürtler:
    CFD-code evaluation for complex interior flows, Proc. of the 2002 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Vancouver, CA, Aug. 5-9, 2002
  • H. Herwig:
    Strömungsmechanik/Eine Einführung in die Physik und die mathematische Modellierung von Strömungen, Springer-Verlag, 327 Seiten, 2002
  • M. Nowottnik, H. Bell, H. Herwig, A. Moschallski, H. Berek:
    Developments in Vapor Phase Soldering Technology, Proc. of the APEX Conference 2002, San Diego, USA
  • H. Berek, H. Herwig, H. Bell, A. Moschallski, M. Nowottnik:
    Heat Transfer and Handling of Media in Newly Developed Vapor Phase Soldering Systems, Proc. of the APEX conference 2002, San Diego, USA
  • A.M.H. Brooker, J. Severin, H. Herwig:
    Analysis of boundary Layer Control by Heat Transfer Strips Using an Asymptotic Approach to the PSE, Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, Vol. 67, 11-18, 2002.
  • H. Herwig:
    Flow and Heat Transfer in Micro Systems: Is Everything Different or Just Smaller?, ZAMM 2001, Vol. 82, 579-586, 2002
  • H. Herwig:
    Towards a deeper understanding: Widely used formulae in heat transfer and their background with respect to dimensional analysis, Proc. 4th International Workshop on Similary Methods, 27 - 35, Stuttgart 5./6. Nov. 2001
  • O. Hausner, H. Herwig:
    Kritische Analyse von Experimenten zur Wärmeübertragung in Mikrokanälen, ZAMM 2001
  • J. Prazak, H. Mocikat, S. Göppert, H. Herwig:
    Heat Transfer Efficiency of Impinging Jets, Proc. Engineering Mechanics 2001, Svratka, Czech Republic, May 14 - 17, 2001
  • J. Severin, K. Beckert, H. Herwig:
    Spatial development of disturbances in plane Poiseuille flow: A direct numerical simulation using a commercial CFD code Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 44, 4359 - 4367, 2001.
  • J. Severin, H. Herwig:
    Higher order stability effects in a natural convection boundary layer over a vertical heated wall, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 38, 97-110, 2001
  • J. Severin, H. Herwig:
    Onset of Convection in the Rayleigh-Bénard Flow Under Non-Boussinesq condition: An Asymptotic Approach, Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, Vol. 66, 185-191, 2001
  • H. Herwig:
    Was ist Entropie? Eine Frage - Zehn Antworten, Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, Vol. 66, 74-78, 2000
  • J. Severin, K. Beckert, H. Herwig:
    Plane channel flow with heat transfer: stability analysis with a commercial CFD-code, ZAMM 2000.
  • H. Mocikat, J. Prazak, S. Göppert, H. Herwig:
    Konvektiver Wärmeübergang bei instationärer Anströmung, ZAMM 2000
  • T. Gürtler, H. Herwig, H. Mocikat:
    Untersuchungen von komplexen Innenraumströmungen mittels LDV-Messtechnik, Proceedings Gala 2000, Rostock, 2000
  • H. Herwig:
    Wärmeübertragung von A - Z, Springer-Verlag, 407 Seiten, 2000.
  • H. Herwig, K. Beckert:
    Experimental Evidence about the Controversy Concerning Fourier or Non-Fourier Heat Conduction in Materials with a Non-homogeneous Inner Structure, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 36, 387-392, 2000
  • H. Herwig, K. Beckert:
    Fourier versus Non-Fourier Heat Conduction in Materials with a Non-homogeneous Inner Structure, Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 122, 363-365, 2000
  • J. Severin, H. Herwig:
    Rayleigh-Benard Konvektion bei variabler Viskosität; eine asymptotische Theorie
    , ZAMM 1999.
  • H. Herwig, K. Beckert:
    Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Nicht-Fourierschen Wärmeleitung, ZAMM 1999.
  • J. Severin, H. Herwig:
    Onset of convection in the Rayleigh-Benard flow with temperature dependent viscosity: an asymptotic approach, ZAMP Vol. 50, 375 - 386, 1999
Bis 1999
Die ca. 80 Veröffentlichungen von Prof. Herwig aus den Jahren bis 1999 werden auf Anfrage gerne genannt (Mail: Heinz Herwig )