We offer you:

  • a full incubation programme
  • a female founder funding programme (see below)
  • personal consulting
  • planning and preparation of funding opportunities
  • workshops on various topics
  • large and small networking events
  • TUHH's own startup centre with office space, meeting rooms, a small workshop and enough space for events, lunches together or a table tennis match
  • access to the TUHH Makerspace and TUHH workshop
  • access to the services of the Startup Port Network (www.startupport.de)
  • access to the offers of the ecosystem of the Hamburg metropolitan region

What is our incubation programme?

The core of the incubation programme is personal consulting, networking and a series of at least twelve workshops with topics such as market research & business model canvas, team development, customer development, corporate culture & values or pricing and sales. In TUHH's own startup centre, we form crews to optimise the direct exchange between the programme teams. Crews are groups of four to ten early-stage founding teams that receive all the offers of the Startup Port @TUHH - together and simultaneously.
Participation in the incubation programme is not mandatory. We advise and support all innovative startups with the elements of the Startup Port @TUHH. In an initial meeting we can find how we can support you in an optimal way. And if you simply want to get an idea of how to start up without having a concrete founding idea, you are of course welcome to visit our events or just drop by.


EXIST Women - female founder funding

In 2024, we will offer a programme for up to 10 female founders.

What does the programme offer?

  • Scholarship of 1000 to 3000 euros per month for up to 3 months (see more here (German only))
  • Participation in the newly launched Crew Rotterdam including a qualification programme, networking opportunities etc. (for more information see above)
  • Additional workshops on specific topics related to the promotion of female founders 
  • Mentoring by experienced female founders
  • Option of office space free of charge during scholarship
  • Part of the EXIST Women startup community at other Hamburg universities

How can I apply?

Written documents (see here for which documents) must be submitted by 19 February 2024 and the idea has do be pitched in front of a jury. The following timeline applies:

  • Submission of documents by 19.02.2024 
  • Application pitches between 01.03.2024 and 08.03.2024
  • Start of the Crew Rotterdam on 01.04.2024

The following documents must be submitted 

  • information about yourself and your startup motivation (more details)
  • Pitch deck (read deck) with questions about your idea (more details)

Whom we support:

Female founders as individual founders or in a team with a startup idea. This idea can be in a very early stage, so that you can use the programme to concretise and further develop this idea. The idea can also be in a later stage, so that you can use the programme to apply for an EXIST startup grant, for example. You must fulfil the guidelines, which you can find here (German only).