Marc Maly, M.Sc.

Eißendorfer Str. 38

Building O, Room 3.019

21073 Hamburg

Phone +49 40 42878 - 4331

Mail Marc Maly


Marc Maly studied at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) from 2012 to 2015 in the bachelor's programme Energy and Environmental Engineering. Following his Bachelor Thesis, Marc Maly started working as a student assistant at the Institute of Multiphase Flows (IMS). From 2015 on he attended the master’s programme Renewable Energy at TUHH and graduated at the end of 2018.

After graduating, he started working for TuTech Innovations GmbH in 2019 and was employed at the IMS as a research assistant. There he took care of the industrial research projects of the institute until June 2024.

From November 2023 on, Marc Maly was the group leader of the working group Industrial Research Projects, which closely cooperates with the research groups Multiphase Flows in Bioreactors and Reactive Bubbly Flows at IMS.


Several cooperative research projects are conducted by the Institute of Multiphase Flows (IMS) with partners from different industries. In past projects, Marc Maly has worked on the topics of three-phase-operated loop reactors in the chemical industry and stirred tank reactors, as used for example in the pharmaceutical industry.

A pilot-scale airlift loop reactor was designed for experiments with liquid, gaseous and solid phases. The discharge of the solid phase was of particular importance. For investigations in a stirred tank reactor, an acrylic twin of a commercially available reactor was designed and manufactured at IMS. A wide range of measurements were conducted in close cooperation with Jürgen Fitschen to gather information on various phenomena (bubble size distributions, mass transfer etc.). Further investigations for even deeper insights into selected topics are carried out in a follow-up project by Vincent Bernemann.

Eventually, Marc Maly worked on a project which is concerned with the transferal and optimisation of a decade-old implementation of an agrochemical process to a multiphase jet loop reactor system. While measurements are conducted at the IMS in different scales in a water/air-system, the project partner simultaneously investigates the original material system in a provided, scaled-down laboratory reactor. The experiments across scales and material systems provide insight into the transfer of different phenomena between systems sizes. The gathered data forms the basis for a future scale-up of the process to levels above pilot-plant scale.

Cover Story of Processes

We are honoured that our open access research article “Scale-Up Strategies of Jet Loop Reactors for the Intensification of Mass Transfer Limited Reactions” is represented as the cover story of the Processes issue of August 2022 (Volume 10, Issue 8). The complete issue can be found here, the featured article here.

The featured article covers the design and scaling of a laboratory-scale jet loop reactor for the investigation of the intensification of an existing industrial-scale gas-liquid process. As existing process operation data from a bubble column hint at a mass transfer limitation of the gas-liquid reaction, a jet loop reactor (JLR) is chosen to increase the specific interfacial area between gas and liquid and thus increase mass transfer in the process.

The presented work shows that the JLR concept can be transferred sufficiently well between different scales when suitable parameters are chosen, and offers a wide operating window. The investigations aim to provide a basis for a future scale-up of the chemical process in the JLR system to the industrial scale.


Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching Assistant

  • Grundlagen des Technischen Zeichnens (summer semester 2021)

  • Konstruktion und Apparatebau (winter semester 2021/2022)

  • Konstruktion und Apparatebau (winter semester 2022/2023)

  • Einführung in CAD (winter semester 2023/2024)


Supervised Theses

  • "Effect of a Phosphate-Buffered System on the Determination of the Volumetric Mass Transfer Coefficient kLa for CO2", Lara Offermann, Bachelor thesis (supervision in cooperation with Sebastian Hofmann and Nicolas Nickel), 2024

  • "Measurement and modelling of carbon dioxide and oxygen partial pressures over the height of a 15,000 L acrylic glass reactor", Noah von Schnitzler, Master thesis (supervision in cooperation with Nicolas Nickel and Sebastian Hofmann), 2024

  • "Development, Implementation and Testing of a Technical Solution for the Determination of Gas Partial Pressures at Different Heights of an Aerated Stirred Tank Reactor on Industrial Scale", Noah von Schnitzler, project work (supervision in cooperation with Sebastian Hofmann and Nicolas Nickel), 2024

  • "Bereitstellung regenerativer Energie aus Abwasserwärme zur nachhaltigen Sanierung eines Großpumpwerkes", Atousa Jalilian, Master thesis (supervision of external thesis at Hamburg Wasser, supervisors at Hamburg Wasser: B. Büttner and S. Stenbuck), 2023

  • "Development of a Method for the Experimental Determination of the Circulation Gas Fraction in Jet Loop Reactors", Karolina Piernikowski, Master thesis, 2023

  • "Experimental Investigation and Classification of the Mass Transfer Coefficient of Different Aeration Devices in the 3 L Stirred Tank Reactor Under Consideration of the Bubble Formation", Jannick Krause, Bachelor thesis (supervision in cooperation with Ingrid Haase), 2023

  • "Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Modified Agitators on the Power Input and Oxygen Mass Transfer in a 30 Liter Stirred Tank Reactor", Josefine Velde, project work (supervision in cooperation with Ingrid Haase), 2023

  • "Prototyping, Implementation and Investigation of an Additional Aerator for a Jet Loop Reactor in Form of a Flange Module", Sweta Shamria, project work, 2023

  • "Implementation of a Process for the Oxidation of Biomass to Formic Acid in a Jet Loop Reactor", Malte Maßmann, Master thesis (external thesis at Universität Hamburg, supervision in cooperation with Sebastian Eller), 2023

  • "Experimental Investigation and Optimisation of the Geometry of a Two-Phase Nozzle in a Jet Loop Reactor", Merle Wohlberg, Bachelor thesis, 2022

  • "Study of Storage Stability in Relation to Moisture Diffusion and Temperature in Automatic Dish Washing Tablets", Srividya Bairamangala, Master thesis (supervision of external thesis at Henkel AG & Co. KGaA; supervisor at Henkel AG & Co. KGaA: A. Gebert), 2022

  • "Design of a Pressure- and Chemical-Resistant Jet-Loop Reactor by Scale-Down from Pilot-Plant to Laboratory Scale and Subsequent Characterisation", Steffen Schaper, Master thesis, 2021

  • "Experimental Determination of the Oxygen Mass Transfer Performance and the Bubble Size Distribution of a 200 L Single-Use Aerated Stirred Tank Reactor", Rajat Srivastava, Master thesis (supervision in cooperation with Jürgen Fitschen), 2021

  • "Experimental Analysis of the Solids Discharge in a Three-Phase Operated Airlift Loop Reactor", Anna-Christin Menzel, Bachelor thesis, 2020




Supervised Student Assistants

  • Timo Scherwinski, 03/2019 - 06/2019

  • Anna Menzel, 10/2019 - 06/2023

  • Anahita Radmehr, 03/2020 - 06/2022

  • Steffen Schaper, 09/2020 - 11/2020
  • Helena Ostrinsky, 07/2023 - 06/2024

  • Jakob Schulze, 07/2023 - 06/2024

  • Noah von Schnitzler, 10/2023 - 04/2024

  • Jannick Krause, 11/2023 - 06/2024

Poster and Oral Presentations

Oral Presentations

  • Maly, M.; Kuwertz, R.; Heck, J.; Schlüter, M.: Scale-Up Investigations of a Jet Loop Reactor for the Implementation of a Chemical Process in an Alternative Reactor Concept, 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Kobe, Japan, 2023, oral presentation

  • Maly, M.: Investigations for the Transfer and Intensification of an Agrochemical Process, PhD Student Seminar of FSP Environmental & Energy Systems, 2023, oral presentation

  • Pesch, S., Radmehr, A., Knopf, R., Maly, M., Paris, C. B., Perlin, N., et al.: Investigation of Droplet Dispersion and Distribution in Experiments and Modeling: Relevant Findings for Decision-Making and Dispersant Use, Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, Tampa, FL, 2020, oral presentation

  • Pesch, S.; Maly, M.; Jaeger, P.; Malone, K.; Krause, D.; Schlüter, M.: Experimental Investigation of the Rise Behavior of Live-Oil Droplets during Deep-Sea Oil Spills, Advancing Oil Spill Research, Part 2, Webinar, Marine Technology Society (MTS), 2018, oral presentation

  • Pesch, S.; Maly, M.; Jaeger, P.; Malone, K.; Krause, D.; Schlüter, M.: Experimental Investigation of the Rise Behavior of Gas-Saturated Crude-Oil Droplets under High Pressure, 6th Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, New Orleans, LA, 2018, oral presentation

  • Maly, M.; Pesch, S.; Schlüter, M.: Die Tiefsee im Labor – Wie eine Ölkatastrophe an der TUHH erforscht wird, 2. Maritime Nacht an der TUHH, Hamburg, Germany, 2018, oral presentation

Poster Presentations


Title: Characterization Data for the Establishment of Scale-Up and Process Transfer Strategies between Stainless Steel and Single-Use Bioreactors.
Written by: Bernemann, V.; Fitschen, J.; Leupold, M.; Scheibenbogen, K.-H.; Maly, M.; Hoffmann, M.; Wucherpfennig, T.; Schlüter, M.
in: <em>Fluids</em>. (2024).
Volume: <strong>9</strong>. Number: (5),
on pages:
how published:
DOI: 10.3390/fluids9050115



Abstract: The reliable transfer of bioprocesses from single-use bioreactors (SUBs) of different scales to conventional stainless steel stirred-tank bioreactors is of steadily growing interest. In this publication, a scale-up study for SUBs with volumes of 200 L and 2000 L and the transfer to an industrial-scale conventional stainless steel stirred-tank bioreactor with a volume of 15,000 L is presented. The scale-up and transfer are based on a comparison of mixing times and the modeling of volumetric mass transfer coefficients kLa, measured in all three reactors in aqueous PBS/Kolliphor solution. The mass transfer coefficients are compared with the widely used correlation of van’t Riet at constant stirrer tip speeds. It can be shown that a van’t Riet correlation enables a robust and reliable prediction of mass transfer coefficients on each scale for a wide range of stirrer tip speeds and aeration rates. The process transfer from single-use bioreactors to conventional stainless steel stirred-tank bioreactors is proven to be uncritical concerning mass transfer performance. This provides higher flexibility with respect to bioreactor equipment considered for specific processes.