Herzlich Willkommen!

Am Institut für Circular Resource Engineering und Management (CREM).


Das CREM Institut ist ein Treiber und Innovator der Circular Economy. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit nationalen und internationalen Stakeholdern aus Wissenschaft, Industrie und Gesellschaft erweitern wir faktenbasiert die Wissensbasis und entwickeln nachhaltige Prozesse, Techniken und Konzepte. Wir forschen an innovative Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft. Unsere Forschung fokussiert die Verwirklichung zirkularer, klimafreundlicher Städte und Gesellschaften und widmet sich insbesondere dem Klimabeitrag der Circular Economy, der Kreislaufführung von Polymeren, mineralischen Bau- und Reststoffen sowie der Bioökonomie.

Wir sind interdisziplinär aufgestellt und verfügen über Kompetenzen aus den Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Naturwissenschaft und den Gesellschaftswissenschaften. Eine exzellente Laborausstattung, hervorragend ausgerüstete Technikumsflächen (Indoor und Outdoor) ermöglichen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte vom Labormaßstab bis zum anwendungstechnischen Ausbau. Die intensive und langjährige Kollaboration mit großtechnischen Anlagen ermöglicht Implementierungstests und Optimierungen in full scale Projekten.

Der kontinuierliche Ausbau unseres lebendigen Netzwerks treibt Innovationen voran und fördert die Verfügbarkeit des Wissens. Gemeinsam gestalten wir eine nachhaltige Zukunft: Wir werden die Art und Weise, wie wir Ressourcen nutzen, verändern.

Wir laden Sie ein, unsere Website zu erkunden, um mehr über unsere Themen und Ansprüche, Forschungsprojekte, Publikationen und Kooperationsinitiativen zu erfahren.

Und freuen uns, von Ihnen zu hören!


*English version*

The CREM Institute is a driver and innovator of the circular economy. In close cooperation with national and international stakeholders from science, industry and society, we expand the knowledge base based on facts and develop sustainable processes, technologies and concepts. We research innovative solutions for a sustainable future. Our research focuses on the realization of circular, climate-friendly cities and societies and is particularly dedicated to the climate contribution of the circular economy, the recycling of polymers, mineral building and residual materials and the bioeconomy.

We are interdisciplinary and have expertise in engineering, natural sciences and social sciences. Excellent laboratory facilities and superbly equipped pilot plant areas (indoor and outdoor) enable research and development projects from laboratory scale to application technology expansion. The intensive and long-standing collaboration with large-scale technical facilities enables implementation tests and optimizations in full-scale projects.

The continuous expansion of our lively network drives innovation and promotes the availability of knowledge. Together we are shaping a sustainable future: we will change the way we use resources.

We invite you to explore our website to find out more about our topics and aspirations, research projects, publications and cooperation initiatives.

And we look forward to hearing from you!




The SWAP-Contest "Creative Ideas for Waste Management" winners in Chiang Mai

We are thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of our SWAP competition in the picturesque city of Chiang Mai. This event brought together students from various educational institutions, both online and in presence, they are showcasing their innovative ideas for waste management through compelling video presentations.

The competition was fierce as students passionately presented their creative ideas to address the pressing issue of waste management and various creative solutions. The coveted first prize was awarded to the exceptional team from Vietnam, followed by the second prize going to the talented team from Cambodia, and the third prize to the students from Thailand. Their representatives took the price, a trophy made out of recycled plastics, home to their students, who participated online. A special thanks go to our sponsors of the Price, the Hamburg Institute for Innovation, Climate Protection, and Circular Economy (HiiCCE).

Congratulations are for the winners, whose dedication and creativity shone through in their outstanding contributions. Their ideas are sure to make a positive impact on the field of waste management.

The event also featured engaging presentations on the waste management situation in Southeast Asia and Europe, providing valuable insights for all attendees. Additionally, the Startup Yolo, took the stage to introduce methods in plastic recycling and fashion, showcasing their commitment to sustainability and a great example that waste is a valuable product.

As the day came to an end, participants, stakeholders, and industry partners were left with a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. The exchange of ideas and perspectives made the event a resounding success, contributing to a brighter future for waste management.

We extend our gratitude to all participants and the Team of Chiang Mai University (CMU) for their enthusiasm and dedication, making this event a truly memorable experience. Stay tuned for more innovative initiatives as we continue to work towards a sustainable and eco-friendly future.