Anaerobic treatment of organic wastes in China

Lecture on 13.03.2012 at the TUHH

On Tuesday, 13 March 2012 at 3 pm, Professor ZUO Jiane from the highly renowned Tsinghua University in Beijing will give a presentation at TUHH (Building M, Room 0526). The topic of his speech will be "Anaerobic treatment of organic waste in China."

Professor ZUO Jiane is currently visiting the Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection of TUHH. His stay is funded by the Joint European Master in Environmental Studies Programme (JEMES) which in turn is part of the European Erasmus Mundus programme. Professor ZUO is Vice-Dean of the School of Environment of Tsinghua University and thus he has a very good overview of the environmental situation in China. In particular, he is an outstanding expert in the field of anaerobic treatment of organic wastes. He will present which organic waste fractions are suitable for anaerobic treatment, which technologies are already used in China and what are the most promising applications for the future.