Early Dike
Sensor- and risk based early warning system for sea dikes
Joint Project funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Workpackage 2 (TUHH): Wave Monitor and Wave Load Simulator
1. Motivation:
The knowledge of the wave induced hydrodynamic loads on coastal dikes including their temporal and spatial resolution on the dike in combination with actual water levels is of crucial importance of any risk-based early warning system.
2. The main objectives of WP2 are:
i. To provide high accuracy wave impact data (Wave Monitor, cp. Figure 1) for now- and forecasts as operational early warning systems for the entire German North Sea Coastline with a temporal resolution of ?t=1h and depending on the local geomorphological formation with a spatial resolution of up to a few 100m along the dike system of the German North Sea Coast and
ii. To derive an integrated data-driven model (Wave Load Simulator, cp. Figure 1) for the assessment of the wave induced hydrodynamic loads (wave set-up, wave run-up, currents, shear-stresses, etc.) on dike surfaces as input source for the Dike Simulator (WP3) based on the now- and forecast results of i).
iii. As a basis for the integrated data-driven model, a measurement chain for hydrodynamic loads on coastal dikes will be installed and operated exemplarily for a sea dike at Untjehörn on the Isle of Pellworm in the German North Sea in cooperation with the local authority for coastal protection (LKN-SH).
In addition, a concept for an integrated (wave forecasting) wave gauging network will be developed as part of the Wave Monitor and implemented as part of the planned GeoPortal (WP5).
3. Methodology
Further Information:: http://www.earlydike.de/
Duration: 07/2015 - 05/2018
Project Leader WP2:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Fröhle
Projektbearbeitung WP2:
Dipl.-Ing. Norman Dreier
Jens Winkelbauer
Dipl.-Ing. Katrin Coelius