
Prof. Smirnova at "Wahnsinn trifft Methode" at Ernst Deutsch Theater

“Be brave!” was the theme of Monday night @ernstdeutschtheater 💪 The latest show of the talk event series “Wahnsinn trifft Methode” dealt with all things courage - whether it be at university, in everday life, in a war zone or in the online dating world.⁠

In attendence was our vice president Prof. Dr. Irina Smirnova - who explained why all researchers are brave - as well as singer @annadepenbuschmusik , anxiety and OCD expert Prof. Dr. Anja Riesel, consulting psychologist @parship @piakabitzsch and war reporter Jan Jessen. The night was hosted by @julia_niharika_sen and Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen. 🎤⁠