Benders, Stefan; Penn, Alexander
MRI in chemical engineering applications
- Conference Presentation
IFIP TC7 System Modeling and Optimization (2024)
Benders, Stefan; Rennebaum, Hannah Sophie; Özdemir, Melis; Lenczyk, Till; Penn, Alexander
The TUHH process imaging system
- Conference Poster not in Proceedings
16th International Bologna Conference Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media (MRPM 2024)
Brinker, Manuel; Huber, Patrick
A Mott-Schottky analysis of mesoporous silicon in aqueous electrolyte solution by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
- Journal Article
Electrochimica Acta 483: 144038 (2024)
Publisher DOI
Eckert, Kathrin; Müller, Simon; Luinstra, Gerrit A.; Smirnova, Irina
Exploring pNIPAM lyogels : experimental study on swelling equilibria in various organic solvents and mixtures, supported by COSMO-RS analysis
- Journal Article
Fluid Phase Equilibria 586: 114182 (2024-11-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Hollenberg, Moritz; Liebing, Tom; Kern, Thorsten Alexander; Kähler, Dennis
Simulation framework for electrical impedance tomography systems
- Journal Article
Measurement: Sensors (in Press): 101416 (2024)
Publisher DOI
Ihrens, Jana; Eckert, Kathrin; Smirnova, Irina; Kern, Thorsten Alexander
Structuring of electrorheological fluids in polymer matrices for miniature actuators
- Journal Article
Heliyon 10 (20): e39138 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Kampe, Philipp; Herrmann, Nick; Ruhmlieb, Charlotte; Finsel, Maik; Korup, Oliver; Horn, Raimund; Albert, Jakob
Spatially resolved reaction profiles of CO2 hydrogenation to methanol using in-based catalysts in a compact profile reactor
- Journal Article
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 12 (25): 9541-9549 (2024-06-07)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Reiner, Johannes Eberhard; Korth, Benjamin; Edel, Miriam
Oxygen in the mix: is oxic microbial electrosynthesis a potential alternative for biomass production?
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ChemElectroChem 11 (20): e202400397 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Tsanda, Artyom; Jürß, Paul; Hackelberg, Niklas; Grosser, Mirco; Möddel, Martin; Knopp, Tobias
Extension of the Kaczmarz algorithm with a deep plug-and-play regularizer
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International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging 10 (1, suppl. 1): 2403010 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Tsanda, Artyom; Nickisch, Hannes; Wissel, Tobias; Klinder, Tobias; Knopp, Tobias; Graß, Michael
On TotalSegmentator’s performance on low-dose CT images
- Conference Paper
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 25 (50): 129260B (2024)
Publisher DOI
Urizarna Carasa, Julio; Schlegel, Leon; Ruprecht, Daniel
Efficient numerical methods for the Maxey-Riley equations with Basset
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- Preprint
arXiv: 2403.13515 (2024)
Publisher DOI
Weiland, Christian; Kameke, Alexandra von; Schlüter, Michael
Trajectory-based breakup modelling for dense bubbly flows
- Journal Article
Chemical Engineering Journal 499: 155726 (2024-09-30)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Aquino, Andres; Korup, Oliver; Horn, Raimund
Liquid Phase Epoxidation of Propylene to Propylene Oxide with Hydrogen Peroxide on Titanium Silicalite-1: Spatially Resolved Measurements and Numerical Simulations
- Journal Article
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 62 (7): 3098–3115 (2023-02-09)
Publisher DOI
Aquino, Andres
Liquid phase profile reactors for the epoxidation of propylene to propylene oxide on titanium silicalite-1 catalyst: spatially resolved measurements and numerical simulations
- Doctoral Thesis
Technische Universität Hamburg (2023)
Open Access
Eckert, Kathrin; Smirnova, Irina; Bittner, Jan Philipp; Chapman, Walter G.
Phase equilibria in stimuli-responsive gels : theoretical study of smart PNiPAAm gels in organic solvents
- Conference Poster not in Proceedings
International Workshop on Molecular Modeling and Simulation (2023)
Eixenberger, Daniela; Kumar, Aditya; Klinger, Saskia; Scharnagl, Nico; Dawood, Ayad; Liese, Andreas
Polymer-grafted 3D-printed material for enzyme immobilization : designing a smart enzyme carrier
- Journal Article
Catalysts 13 (7): 1130 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Kramm, Kathrin; Orth, Maike; Teiwes, Arne; Kammerhofer, Jana; Meunier, Vincent; Pietsch-Braune, Swantje; Heinrich, Stefan
Influence of nozzle parameters on spray pattern and droplet characteristics for a two-fluid nozzle
- Journal Article
Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik 95 (1-2): 151-159 (2023-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Weiland, Christian; Steuwe, Eike; Fitschen, Jürgen; Hoffmann, Marko; Schlüter, Michael; Padberg-Gehle, Kathrin; Kameke, Alexandra von
Computational study of three-dimensional Lagrangian transport and mixing in a stirred tank reactor
- Journal Article
Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 14: 100448 (2023-05-15)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Eckert, Kathrin; Hu, Xihua; Smirnova, Irina; Chapman, Walter G.
Phase equilibria in stimuli-responsive gels : a PC-SAFT and molecular dynamics study of smart PNiPAAm gels
- Conference Presentation
International Conference on Materials Science, Engineering & Technology (2022)
Open Access
Espinoza, Diego; Wollak, Birte; Sheppard, Thomas; Dippel, Ann Christin; Sturm, Marina; Gutowski, Olof; Schmidt, Michael; Korup, Oliver; Horn, Raimund
Catalytic profile reactor for multimodal Operando measurements during periodic operation
- Journal Article
ChemCatChem 14 (24): e202200337 (2022-12-20)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Orth, Maike; Kieckhefen, Paul; Pietsch, Swantje; Heinrich, Stefan
Correlating granule surface structure morphology and process conditions in fluidized bed layering spray granulation
- Journal Article
KONA Powder and Particle Journal 39: 230-239 (2022)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Ruhstrat, Jana Katharina
Analyse des Einflusses der Kettenlänge der Edukte und des Reaktionsfortschrittes einer Veresterungsreaktion auf das Quellverhalten stimuli-responsiver Gele am Beispiel von Poly-N-Isopropylacrylamid
- Bachelor Thesis
Technische Universität Hamburg (2022)
Open Access
Wollak, Birte; Doronkin, Dmitry; Espinoza, Diego; Sheppard, Thomas; Korup, Oliver; Schmidt, Marlen; Alizadefanaloo, S.; Rosowski, Frank; Schroer, Christian G.; Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk; Horn, Raimund
Exploring catalyst dynamics in a fixed bed reactor by correlative operando spatially-resolved structure-activity profiling
- Journal Article
Journal of Catalysis 48: 372-387 (2022-04)
Publisher DOI