CRC 1615 Seminar Series

September 5, 2024: "Multiphase Reactors in Industry” by Dr. Joachim Ritter, Bayer AG, Leverkusen

July 2, 2024: "Industrial views from BASF on applying smart reactor technologies” by Julia Hofinger, PhD, BASF, Ludwigshafen

June 4, 2024: “Methoden zum Messen von Diversität in Organisationen, internationale Best Practice Beispiele sowie die Besonderheiten von Universitäten" by Barbara Lutz, FKi - The Global Consulting House for Diversity, Unterföhring

May 17, 2024: “Decision Support for Sustainable Process Design Modeling, Simulation and Optimization to Support Our Journey to Net Zero 2050" by Norbert Asprion, PhD, BASF, Ludwigshafen

March 14, 2024: “Microfluidics/Micro-PIV for Chemistry and Physics with Applications to SMART Reactors” by Prof. Steven T. Wereley, Purdue University, USA

March 7, 2024: “Introduction to Fine Bubble Technology” by Prof. Koichi Terasaka, Keio University, Japan

March 4, 2024: “Collaborative Opportunities for Molecular Thermodynamics in the CRC SMART Reactors” by Prof. Walter G. Chapman, Rice University, Houston/USA

December 6, 2023: "Phenomena in multiphase flows and how we can utilize them for SMART Reactors" by Prof. Michael Schlüter and Prof. Akio Tomiyama, Kobe University, Japan

Workshops and Special Events

Oktober 17-18, 2024: CRC Annual Conference 2024

September 6-7, 2024: CRC Summer School 2024 "Reactor design: Traditions and challenges for pilot and industrial plants"

June 13, 2024: CRC Workshop "Simulation tools for particles in fluids" (by Daniel Ruprecht)

May 29, 2024: CRC 1615 Training "Trade Fair Presentation"

May 14, 2024: CRC 1615 Joint Workshop TUHH CRC - TU/e SMM "From Catalytic Three-Phase Flows to SMART Reactors"

April 29, 2024: CRC Workshop "How to write and successfully publish a research article" (by Mirko Skiborowski)

April 22, 2024: CRC Training "Unconscious Bias"

April 15-16, 2024: CRC Workshop "Statistical Methods for Analysis of Engineering Data" (by Pavel Gurikov)

March 19, 2024: CRC Workshop "Storytelling on LinkedIn" (by Kaja Weber)

November 7-8, 2023: Workshop "WiMis GettIng Started" (in cooperation with the TUHH Graduate Academy)

CRC 1615 Meetings

November 7, 2024: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

October 18, 2024: CRC 1615 PI Meeting

July 4, 2024: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

June 6, 2024: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

May 2, 2024: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

April 4, 2024: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

March 7, 2024: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

February 15, 2024: CRC 1615 PI Meeting

February 1, 2024: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

January 4, 2024: CRC 1615 Focus Meetings

December 7, 2023: CRC 1615 Researcher´s Monthly Meeting

November 2, 2023: CRC 1615 Focus Meetings

October 16, 2023: CRC 1615 Kick-Off Meeting