Marvin Kastner, M.Sc.
Technische Universität Hamburg
Institut für Maritime Logistik
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D)
21073 Hamburg
Kontaktdaten & Profile
Büro: Gebäude D Raum 5.007
Tel.: +49 40 42878 4793
E-Mail: marvin.kastner(at)tuhh(dot)de
ORCiD: 0000-0001-8289-2943
Google scholar:
- simulationsgestütztes Planen von Container-Terminals
- Optimierung der Ablaufplanung im Yard von Container-Terminals
- technologiegestützte Verbesserung der maritimen Sicherheit
- Maschinelles Lernen in der maritimen Logistik
- Optimierung multivariater Black-box Funktionen
Vorträge und Workshops (Auszug)
- 06.05.2024 ein Workshop an der Graduiertenakademie der TUHH: "Einführung in Jupyter Notebooks" [mehr]
- 25.01.2023 ein Vortrag auf dem 7. Suderburger Logistik-Forum: "KI-unterstützte Planung von Güterumschlaganlagen am Beispiel von Containerterminals"
- 15.09.2022 ein Vortrag bei den MLE-Days 2022: "Synthetische Daten für das Reinforcement-Learning bei Container-Terminal-Steuerungen"
- 28.06.2022 ein Workshop an der Graduiertenakademie der TUHH: "Einführung in Jupyter Notebooks" [mehr]
- 02.07.2021 ein Workshop bei den MLE-Days 2021: "Methoden des Maschinellen Lernens in der Maritimen Logistik" [zip]
- 16.03.2021 ein Workshop an der Graduiertenakademie der TUHH: "Einführung in Jupyter Notebooks" [mehr]
- 30.11.2020 im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "Train Your Engineering Network" der MLE-Initiative: "How to Talk About Machine Learning with Jupyter Notebooks" [mehr]
- 22.11.2019 auf der DISRUPT NOW! AI for Hamburg: "Künstliche Intelligenz in der maritimen Wirtschaft" [mehr]
- 29.10.2019 im Rahmen der forschungsbörse: "Maritime Logistik - Ein Rundumschlag" [mehr]
- 23.10.2019 bei der Open Access Week 2019 an der TUHH: "Datenanalyse - Offener Workshop: Daten auswerten und visualisieren mit Jupyter Notebooks" [mehr] [git]
- 16.11.2018 beim GI DevCamp Hamburg: "Mobility Research and GDPR"
- 27.09.2018 beim SGKV AK zum Thema Lkw-Ankünfte: "Prognoseverfahren und neuronale Netze – Was ist möglich?"
Veröffentlichungen (Auszug)
[182448] |
Title: Current state and trends in tramp ship routing and scheduling. <em>Digital transformation in maritime and city logistics</em> |
Written by: Pache, Hannah and Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos |
in: <em>HICL 2019</em>. (2019). |
Volume: Number: |
on pages: 369-394 |
Chapter: |
Editor: In Jahn, Carlos and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) |
Publisher: epubli: |
Series: |
Address: |
Edition: |
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Organization: |
School: |
Institution: |
Type: |
DOI: 10.15480/882.2504 |
URL: |
Note: i3lab
Abstract: Purpose: This paper discusses the current state of routing and scheduling in tramp shipping, an important planning problem on the operational level in maritime logistics. The purpose is to report and compare the existing methods and to investigate possible future additions and improvements. Furthermore, an outlook on potential applications of machine learning for this optimization problem is given. Methodology: In this paper an extensive literature review of reports and journal papers on cargo routing in tramp shipping of the last seven years is conducted. The wide range of findings are categorized by the different considered characteristics. The results are analyzed and trends are pointed out. Findings: Optimization problems in tramp shipping differ in their main properties from liner shipping or classical vehicle routing problems. Thus, different approaches and implementations are required when developing or adapting existing optimization algorithms. The real-world problem is often limited in the optimization, so found solutions are improvements, but cannot fully reflect reality yet. Originality: This paper provides a comprehensive overview of tramp ship routing and scheduling. Although optimization of routing and scheduling in liner shipping is fairly well researched, the publications on tramp shipping are sparse in comparison. This leaves room for future research, as the findings for liner shipping and vehicle routing are not directly applicable to tramp shipping.
[182448] |
Title: Current state and trends in tramp ship routing and scheduling. <em>Digital transformation in maritime and city logistics</em> |
Written by: Pache, Hannah and Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos |
in: <em>HICL 2019</em>. (2019). |
Volume: Number: |
on pages: 369-394 |
Chapter: |
Editor: In Jahn, Carlos and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) |
Publisher: epubli: |
Series: |
Address: |
Edition: |
how published: |
Organization: |
School: |
Institution: |
Type: |
DOI: 10.15480/882.2504 |
URL: |
Note: i3lab
Abstract: Purpose: This paper discusses the current state of routing and scheduling in tramp shipping, an important planning problem on the operational level in maritime logistics. The purpose is to report and compare the existing methods and to investigate possible future additions and improvements. Furthermore, an outlook on potential applications of machine learning for this optimization problem is given. Methodology: In this paper an extensive literature review of reports and journal papers on cargo routing in tramp shipping of the last seven years is conducted. The wide range of findings are categorized by the different considered characteristics. The results are analyzed and trends are pointed out. Findings: Optimization problems in tramp shipping differ in their main properties from liner shipping or classical vehicle routing problems. Thus, different approaches and implementations are required when developing or adapting existing optimization algorithms. The real-world problem is often limited in the optimization, so found solutions are improvements, but cannot fully reflect reality yet. Originality: This paper provides a comprehensive overview of tramp ship routing and scheduling. Although optimization of routing and scheduling in liner shipping is fairly well researched, the publications on tramp shipping are sparse in comparison. This leaves room for future research, as the findings for liner shipping and vehicle routing are not directly applicable to tramp shipping.
[182448] |
Title: Current state and trends in tramp ship routing and scheduling. <em>Digital transformation in maritime and city logistics</em> |
Written by: Pache, Hannah and Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos |
in: <em>HICL 2019</em>. (2019). |
Volume: Number: |
on pages: 369-394 |
Chapter: |
Editor: In Jahn, Carlos and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) |
Publisher: epubli: |
Series: |
Address: |
Edition: |
how published: |
Organization: |
School: |
Institution: |
Type: |
DOI: 10.15480/882.2504 |
URL: |
Note: i3lab
Abstract: Purpose: This paper discusses the current state of routing and scheduling in tramp shipping, an important planning problem on the operational level in maritime logistics. The purpose is to report and compare the existing methods and to investigate possible future additions and improvements. Furthermore, an outlook on potential applications of machine learning for this optimization problem is given. Methodology: In this paper an extensive literature review of reports and journal papers on cargo routing in tramp shipping of the last seven years is conducted. The wide range of findings are categorized by the different considered characteristics. The results are analyzed and trends are pointed out. Findings: Optimization problems in tramp shipping differ in their main properties from liner shipping or classical vehicle routing problems. Thus, different approaches and implementations are required when developing or adapting existing optimization algorithms. The real-world problem is often limited in the optimization, so found solutions are improvements, but cannot fully reflect reality yet. Originality: This paper provides a comprehensive overview of tramp ship routing and scheduling. Although optimization of routing and scheduling in liner shipping is fairly well researched, the publications on tramp shipping are sparse in comparison. This leaves room for future research, as the findings for liner shipping and vehicle routing are not directly applicable to tramp shipping.
[182448] |
Title: Current state and trends in tramp ship routing and scheduling. <em>Digital transformation in maritime and city logistics</em> |
Written by: Pache, Hannah and Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos |
in: <em>HICL 2019</em>. (2019). |
Volume: Number: |
on pages: 369-394 |
Chapter: |
Editor: In Jahn, Carlos and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) |
Publisher: epubli: |
Series: |
Address: |
Edition: |
how published: |
Organization: |
School: |
Institution: |
Type: |
DOI: 10.15480/882.2504 |
URL: |
Note: i3lab
Abstract: Purpose: This paper discusses the current state of routing and scheduling in tramp shipping, an important planning problem on the operational level in maritime logistics. The purpose is to report and compare the existing methods and to investigate possible future additions and improvements. Furthermore, an outlook on potential applications of machine learning for this optimization problem is given. Methodology: In this paper an extensive literature review of reports and journal papers on cargo routing in tramp shipping of the last seven years is conducted. The wide range of findings are categorized by the different considered characteristics. The results are analyzed and trends are pointed out. Findings: Optimization problems in tramp shipping differ in their main properties from liner shipping or classical vehicle routing problems. Thus, different approaches and implementations are required when developing or adapting existing optimization algorithms. The real-world problem is often limited in the optimization, so found solutions are improvements, but cannot fully reflect reality yet. Originality: This paper provides a comprehensive overview of tramp ship routing and scheduling. Although optimization of routing and scheduling in liner shipping is fairly well researched, the publications on tramp shipping are sparse in comparison. This leaves room for future research, as the findings for liner shipping and vehicle routing are not directly applicable to tramp shipping.
[182448] |
Title: Current state and trends in tramp ship routing and scheduling. <em>Digital transformation in maritime and city logistics</em> |
Written by: Pache, Hannah and Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos |
in: <em>HICL 2019</em>. (2019). |
Volume: Number: |
on pages: 369-394 |
Chapter: |
Editor: In Jahn, Carlos and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) |
Publisher: epubli: |
Series: |
Address: |
Edition: |
how published: |
Organization: |
School: |
Institution: |
Type: |
DOI: 10.15480/882.2504 |
URL: |
Note: i3lab
Abstract: Purpose: This paper discusses the current state of routing and scheduling in tramp shipping, an important planning problem on the operational level in maritime logistics. The purpose is to report and compare the existing methods and to investigate possible future additions and improvements. Furthermore, an outlook on potential applications of machine learning for this optimization problem is given. Methodology: In this paper an extensive literature review of reports and journal papers on cargo routing in tramp shipping of the last seven years is conducted. The wide range of findings are categorized by the different considered characteristics. The results are analyzed and trends are pointed out. Findings: Optimization problems in tramp shipping differ in their main properties from liner shipping or classical vehicle routing problems. Thus, different approaches and implementations are required when developing or adapting existing optimization algorithms. The real-world problem is often limited in the optimization, so found solutions are improvements, but cannot fully reflect reality yet. Originality: This paper provides a comprehensive overview of tramp ship routing and scheduling. Although optimization of routing and scheduling in liner shipping is fairly well researched, the publications on tramp shipping are sparse in comparison. This leaves room for future research, as the findings for liner shipping and vehicle routing are not directly applicable to tramp shipping.
[182448] |
Title: Current state and trends in tramp ship routing and scheduling. <em>Digital transformation in maritime and city logistics</em> |
Written by: Pache, Hannah and Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos |
in: <em>HICL 2019</em>. (2019). |
Volume: Number: |
on pages: 369-394 |
Chapter: |
Editor: In Jahn, Carlos and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) |
Publisher: epubli: |
Series: |
Address: |
Edition: |
how published: |
Organization: |
School: |
Institution: |
Type: |
DOI: 10.15480/882.2504 |
URL: |
Note: i3lab
Abstract: Purpose: This paper discusses the current state of routing and scheduling in tramp shipping, an important planning problem on the operational level in maritime logistics. The purpose is to report and compare the existing methods and to investigate possible future additions and improvements. Furthermore, an outlook on potential applications of machine learning for this optimization problem is given. Methodology: In this paper an extensive literature review of reports and journal papers on cargo routing in tramp shipping of the last seven years is conducted. The wide range of findings are categorized by the different considered characteristics. The results are analyzed and trends are pointed out. Findings: Optimization problems in tramp shipping differ in their main properties from liner shipping or classical vehicle routing problems. Thus, different approaches and implementations are required when developing or adapting existing optimization algorithms. The real-world problem is often limited in the optimization, so found solutions are improvements, but cannot fully reflect reality yet. Originality: This paper provides a comprehensive overview of tramp ship routing and scheduling. Although optimization of routing and scheduling in liner shipping is fairly well researched, the publications on tramp shipping are sparse in comparison. This leaves room for future research, as the findings for liner shipping and vehicle routing are not directly applicable to tramp shipping.