Marvin Kastner, M.Sc.


Technische Universität Hamburg
Institut für Maritime Logistik
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D)
21073 Hamburg


Kontaktdaten & Profile

Büro: Gebäude D Raum 5.007
Tel.: +49 40 42878 4793
E-Mail: marvin.kastner(at)tuhh(dot)de
ORCiD: 0000-0001-8289-2943
Google scholar:


  • simulationsgestütztes Planen von Container-Terminals
  • Optimierung der Ablaufplanung im Yard von Container-Terminals
  • technologiegestützte Verbesserung der maritimen Sicherheit
  • Maschinelles Lernen in der maritimen Logistik
  • Optimierung multivariater Black-box Funktionen

Vorträge und Workshops (Auszug)

  • 06.05.2024 ein Workshop an der Graduiertenakademie der TUHH: "Einführung in Jupyter Notebooks" [mehr]
  • 25.01.2023 ein Vortrag auf dem 7. Suderburger Logistik-Forum: "KI-unterstützte Planung von Güterumschlaganlagen am Beispiel von Containerterminals"
  • 15.09.2022 ein Vortrag bei den MLE-Days 2022: "Synthetische Daten für das Reinforcement-Learning bei Container-Terminal-Steuerungen"
  • 28.06.2022 ein Workshop an der Graduiertenakademie der TUHH: "Einführung in Jupyter Notebooks" [mehr]
  • 02.07.2021 ein Workshop bei den MLE-Days 2021: "Methoden des Maschinellen Lernens in der Maritimen Logistik" [zip]
  • 16.03.2021 ein Workshop an der Graduiertenakademie der TUHH: "Einführung in Jupyter Notebooks" [mehr]
  • 30.11.2020 im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "Train Your Engineering Network" der MLE-Initiative: "How to Talk About Machine Learning with Jupyter Notebooks" [mehr]
  • 22.11.2019 auf der DISRUPT NOW! AI for Hamburg: "Künstliche Intelligenz in der maritimen Wirtschaft" [mehr]
  • 29.10.2019 im Rahmen der forschungsbörse: "Maritime Logistik - Ein Rundumschlag" [mehr]
  • 23.10.2019 bei der Open Access Week 2019 an der TUHH: "Datenanalyse - Offener Workshop: Daten auswerten und visualisieren mit Jupyter Notebooks" [mehr] [git]
  • 16.11.2018 beim GI DevCamp Hamburg: "Mobility Research and GDPR"
  • 27.09.2018 beim SGKV AK zum Thema Lkw-Ankünfte: "Prognoseverfahren und neuronale Netze – Was ist möglich?"

Veröffentlichungen (Auszug)


Title: Impact of Rubber-Tired Gantry Crane Dimension on Container Terminal Productivity. <em>Computational Logistics</em>
Written by: Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos
in: (2022).
Volume: Number:
on pages: 74-88
Editor: In de Armas, Jesica and Ramalhinho, Helena and Vo&szlig;, Stefan (Eds.)
Publisher: Springer International Publishing:
Address: Cham
ISBN: 978-3-031-16579-5
how published:
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-16579-5_6



Abstract: When a Container Terminal (CT) is being newly planned or re-designed, the yard equipment must be selected before the yard layout can be planned. Commonly, Rubber-Tired Gantry cranes (RTGs) are selected for stacking the laden containers in the yard. These are available in different dimensions, typically designed to span over yard blocks between five to nine containers wide. The lift heights usually support four, five, or six containers that are stacked on top of each other. But what are the implications of the selected RTG dimension on the yard productivity? In a step-by-step analysis, the stacking density and yard productivity are estimated for the different RTG dimensions. The yard area of the CT MSC Valencia serves as an example and reference. It is shown that the stacking density ranges from 233 to 320 Twenty-foot Ground Slot (TGS) per hectare (ha) and from 853 to 1744 Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) per ha. When the simplistic rule of one RTG per yard block is applied, with increasing RTG spans the yard productivity decreases from 360 to 240 moves per hour. An analysis of operational data indicates that the crane cycle times differ slightly but are less relevant in daily operations. It is concluded that RTG deployment strategies (avoiding idling times) should be further investigated considering a range of commonly purchased RTG dimensions. Furthermore, the impact of higher container stacks on the number of reshuffles needs to be revisited in this context

Title: Impact of Rubber-Tired Gantry Crane Dimension on Container Terminal Productivity. <em>Computational Logistics</em>
Written by: Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos
in: (2022).
Volume: Number:
on pages: 74-88
Editor: In de Armas, Jesica and Ramalhinho, Helena and Vo&szlig;, Stefan (Eds.)
Publisher: Springer International Publishing:
Address: Cham
ISBN: 978-3-031-16579-5
how published:
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-16579-5_6



Abstract: When a Container Terminal (CT) is being newly planned or re-designed, the yard equipment must be selected before the yard layout can be planned. Commonly, Rubber-Tired Gantry cranes (RTGs) are selected for stacking the laden containers in the yard. These are available in different dimensions, typically designed to span over yard blocks between five to nine containers wide. The lift heights usually support four, five, or six containers that are stacked on top of each other. But what are the implications of the selected RTG dimension on the yard productivity? In a step-by-step analysis, the stacking density and yard productivity are estimated for the different RTG dimensions. The yard area of the CT MSC Valencia serves as an example and reference. It is shown that the stacking density ranges from 233 to 320 Twenty-foot Ground Slot (TGS) per hectare (ha) and from 853 to 1744 Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) per ha. When the simplistic rule of one RTG per yard block is applied, with increasing RTG spans the yard productivity decreases from 360 to 240 moves per hour. An analysis of operational data indicates that the crane cycle times differ slightly but are less relevant in daily operations. It is concluded that RTG deployment strategies (avoiding idling times) should be further investigated considering a range of commonly purchased RTG dimensions. Furthermore, the impact of higher container stacks on the number of reshuffles needs to be revisited in this context

Title: Impact of Rubber-Tired Gantry Crane Dimension on Container Terminal Productivity. <em>Computational Logistics</em>
Written by: Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos
in: (2022).
Volume: Number:
on pages: 74-88
Editor: In de Armas, Jesica and Ramalhinho, Helena and Vo&szlig;, Stefan (Eds.)
Publisher: Springer International Publishing:
Address: Cham
ISBN: 978-3-031-16579-5
how published:
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-16579-5_6



Abstract: When a Container Terminal (CT) is being newly planned or re-designed, the yard equipment must be selected before the yard layout can be planned. Commonly, Rubber-Tired Gantry cranes (RTGs) are selected for stacking the laden containers in the yard. These are available in different dimensions, typically designed to span over yard blocks between five to nine containers wide. The lift heights usually support four, five, or six containers that are stacked on top of each other. But what are the implications of the selected RTG dimension on the yard productivity? In a step-by-step analysis, the stacking density and yard productivity are estimated for the different RTG dimensions. The yard area of the CT MSC Valencia serves as an example and reference. It is shown that the stacking density ranges from 233 to 320 Twenty-foot Ground Slot (TGS) per hectare (ha) and from 853 to 1744 Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) per ha. When the simplistic rule of one RTG per yard block is applied, with increasing RTG spans the yard productivity decreases from 360 to 240 moves per hour. An analysis of operational data indicates that the crane cycle times differ slightly but are less relevant in daily operations. It is concluded that RTG deployment strategies (avoiding idling times) should be further investigated considering a range of commonly purchased RTG dimensions. Furthermore, the impact of higher container stacks on the number of reshuffles needs to be revisited in this context

Title: Impact of Rubber-Tired Gantry Crane Dimension on Container Terminal Productivity. <em>Computational Logistics</em>
Written by: Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos
in: (2022).
Volume: Number:
on pages: 74-88
Editor: In de Armas, Jesica and Ramalhinho, Helena and Vo&szlig;, Stefan (Eds.)
Publisher: Springer International Publishing:
Address: Cham
ISBN: 978-3-031-16579-5
how published:
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-16579-5_6



Abstract: When a Container Terminal (CT) is being newly planned or re-designed, the yard equipment must be selected before the yard layout can be planned. Commonly, Rubber-Tired Gantry cranes (RTGs) are selected for stacking the laden containers in the yard. These are available in different dimensions, typically designed to span over yard blocks between five to nine containers wide. The lift heights usually support four, five, or six containers that are stacked on top of each other. But what are the implications of the selected RTG dimension on the yard productivity? In a step-by-step analysis, the stacking density and yard productivity are estimated for the different RTG dimensions. The yard area of the CT MSC Valencia serves as an example and reference. It is shown that the stacking density ranges from 233 to 320 Twenty-foot Ground Slot (TGS) per hectare (ha) and from 853 to 1744 Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) per ha. When the simplistic rule of one RTG per yard block is applied, with increasing RTG spans the yard productivity decreases from 360 to 240 moves per hour. An analysis of operational data indicates that the crane cycle times differ slightly but are less relevant in daily operations. It is concluded that RTG deployment strategies (avoiding idling times) should be further investigated considering a range of commonly purchased RTG dimensions. Furthermore, the impact of higher container stacks on the number of reshuffles needs to be revisited in this context

Title: Impact of Rubber-Tired Gantry Crane Dimension on Container Terminal Productivity. <em>Computational Logistics</em>
Written by: Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos
in: (2022).
Volume: Number:
on pages: 74-88
Editor: In de Armas, Jesica and Ramalhinho, Helena and Vo&szlig;, Stefan (Eds.)
Publisher: Springer International Publishing:
Address: Cham
ISBN: 978-3-031-16579-5
how published:
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-16579-5_6



Abstract: When a Container Terminal (CT) is being newly planned or re-designed, the yard equipment must be selected before the yard layout can be planned. Commonly, Rubber-Tired Gantry cranes (RTGs) are selected for stacking the laden containers in the yard. These are available in different dimensions, typically designed to span over yard blocks between five to nine containers wide. The lift heights usually support four, five, or six containers that are stacked on top of each other. But what are the implications of the selected RTG dimension on the yard productivity? In a step-by-step analysis, the stacking density and yard productivity are estimated for the different RTG dimensions. The yard area of the CT MSC Valencia serves as an example and reference. It is shown that the stacking density ranges from 233 to 320 Twenty-foot Ground Slot (TGS) per hectare (ha) and from 853 to 1744 Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) per ha. When the simplistic rule of one RTG per yard block is applied, with increasing RTG spans the yard productivity decreases from 360 to 240 moves per hour. An analysis of operational data indicates that the crane cycle times differ slightly but are less relevant in daily operations. It is concluded that RTG deployment strategies (avoiding idling times) should be further investigated considering a range of commonly purchased RTG dimensions. Furthermore, the impact of higher container stacks on the number of reshuffles needs to be revisited in this context

Title: Impact of Rubber-Tired Gantry Crane Dimension on Container Terminal Productivity. <em>Computational Logistics</em>
Written by: Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos
in: (2022).
Volume: Number:
on pages: 74-88
Editor: In de Armas, Jesica and Ramalhinho, Helena and Vo&szlig;, Stefan (Eds.)
Publisher: Springer International Publishing:
Address: Cham
ISBN: 978-3-031-16579-5
how published:
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-16579-5_6



Abstract: When a Container Terminal (CT) is being newly planned or re-designed, the yard equipment must be selected before the yard layout can be planned. Commonly, Rubber-Tired Gantry cranes (RTGs) are selected for stacking the laden containers in the yard. These are available in different dimensions, typically designed to span over yard blocks between five to nine containers wide. The lift heights usually support four, five, or six containers that are stacked on top of each other. But what are the implications of the selected RTG dimension on the yard productivity? In a step-by-step analysis, the stacking density and yard productivity are estimated for the different RTG dimensions. The yard area of the CT MSC Valencia serves as an example and reference. It is shown that the stacking density ranges from 233 to 320 Twenty-foot Ground Slot (TGS) per hectare (ha) and from 853 to 1744 Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) per ha. When the simplistic rule of one RTG per yard block is applied, with increasing RTG spans the yard productivity decreases from 360 to 240 moves per hour. An analysis of operational data indicates that the crane cycle times differ slightly but are less relevant in daily operations. It is concluded that RTG deployment strategies (avoiding idling times) should be further investigated considering a range of commonly purchased RTG dimensions. Furthermore, the impact of higher container stacks on the number of reshuffles needs to be revisited in this context