Raffaello Cossu
Dean of
Environmental Engineering
University of Padua
M.Sc., 1973 in Chemical Engineering at the Technical University of Milan. Between 1974-1984 Researcher at the Institute of Sanitary Engineering, Technical University of Milan. Between 1984-1986 Associate Professor of Waste Management Technologies, Technical University of Milan. Between 1986-1997 Full Professor of Environmental Engineering, University of Cagliari. Since 1997Full Professor of Environmental Engineering, University of Padua. Since 1998 Dean of Environmental Engineering, University of Padua.
Raffaello Cossu (RC) started in 1998 the Environmental Sanitary Engineering Group at the IMAGE Department of the University of Padua. The research conducted by the team deals with subjects related to the study and control of polluted environments, of the treatment and disposal of liquid, solid and gaseous wastes, and of the remediation of contaminated sites. Some of the activities that have been carried out are: Aqua Nova Project, dealing with the separation of the sewage flows and the integral treatment and disposal of liquid and solid domestic wastes; phytotreatment of greywater; anaerobic digestion of the solid waste organic fraction and black water; liquid and solid waste treatment for Alpine refuges; composting of sludges and diverse organic wastes; aeration on site of the Modena Landfill for the stabilisation of the deposited waste (technology developed in Padua); solid waste degradation in a landfill under diverse load pressures (European Project PDSWP); processes and schemes of a plant for a sustainable landfill. Experimental surveying about the PAF process (innovative model elaborated in Padua).
External professional activities:
RC has a long experience in the following fields: restoration and reclamation of old landfills, sanitary landfills of municipal waste, sanitary landfills for special waste, landfill gas exploitation plants, resource recovery plants
Other: Since 1980 until 1990 he spent several reasearch stages at different scientific Institutions, including two years at Water Research Centre of Stevenage, UK. He has been visting Professor at several Universities and Research Centers (Tecnical University of Kracow, Poland , Tecnical University of Quito, Equador; the Universities of Durban and Bloemfontein (SA); Environmental Section (CRAES) of the Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China; National Institute for the Environment, Tsukuba and the Fukuoka University, Japan)
Member of the International Mentors Group for the Environmental Engineering Programme of the University of Kalmar, Sweden. Chairman of the Italian Technical Committee for the guidelines on Sanitary Landfill. Italian Coordinator of the Governmental Agreement on waste management between Italy and Japan. Founding member of the European Waste Club and of the International Waste Working Group. Editor of the Italian Journal "RS-Rifiuti Solidi". Member of the Editorial board of the Journal "Ingegneria Ambientale".
Lecturer in waste management topics in more than 40 courses and seminars.
Speaker in numerous (more than 100) conferences, congresses and symposia all over the world, on waste management and wastewater treatment topics.
Author of 150 scientific publications and five international books on waste management.
Some recent papers:
Cestaro, S., Cossu, R. (2005). Modeling in situ aeration process. In: Proceedings Sardinia 2005, Tenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. CISA, Cagliari.
Cossu, R., Lavagnolo, M.C., Hirata, O. (2003). Anaerobic co-digestion of wood waste and separated fractions of domestic sewage. Lab scale tests. In: Proceedings Sardinia 2003, Ninth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. CISA, Cagliari.
Cossu, R., Raga, R., & Rossetti D. (2003). The PAF model: an integrated approach for landfill sustainability. Waste Management, Vol. 23 No. 1 pp.37-4.
Cossu, R. (2002). Landfill as a multibarrier system, in Proceedings Training Course on Remediation of Old Landfills, IMAGE Department University of Padua; IWWG International Waste Working Group.
Cossu, R., Lavagnolo, M.C., Raga, R. (2001). The landfill role in the modern strategies of urban solid waste disposal, Ingegneria Ambientale, Quaderno n.33 C.I.P.A Milano. pp. 58-72.
Cossu, R., Lavagnolo, M.C.,& Raga, R. (2001). In situ stabilisation of old landfills: lab scale and field tests. In: Proceedings Sardinia 2001, Eight International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. CISA, Cagliari. Vol. I, 219-230.
Cossu, R., Haarstad K., Lavagnolo M.C., Littarru, P. (2000). Removal of municipal solid waste COD and NH4-N by phyto-reduction: A laboratory-scale comparison of terrestrial and aquatic species at different organic loads, Ecological Engineering, Volume 16, Issue 4, 1 p.p. 459-470.
Contact information
IMAGE Department
University of Padua
Via Loredan 20
35131 Padua
e-mail: raffaello.cossu (AT) unipd.it
Home page: http://www.unipd.it/