New Reactor Technologies

New Reactor Technologies for Chemical and Biochemcial Synthesis Processes


Contact Persons: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schlüter, PD Dr. Monika Johannsen, M.Sc. Claas Spille 

Financing: Hamburg Authority for Science, Research, and Equal Treatment (BWFG) 

Duration: 05/17 - 04/21


Dr. Torsten Brinkmann, Dr. Sergey Shishatskiy, HZG, Institute of Polymer Research;

Prof. Bodo Fiedler, Institute of Polymer and Composites (KVWEB);

Prof. Georg Fieg, Dr. Thomas Waluga, Insitute of Process and Plantengineering (IPAT);

Prof. Michael Fröba, UHH, Institute for Inorganic and Applied Chemistry;

Prof. Stefan Heinrich, Institute of Solids Process Engineering and Particle Technology (SPE);

Prof. Raimund Horn, Institute of Chemical Reaction Engineering (ICRT);

Prof. Andreas Liese, Institute of Technical Biocatalysis (ITB);

Prof. Gerrit Luinstra, UHH, Institute for Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry

Prof. Christian Schroer, DESY Photon Science;

Prof. Irina Smirnova, Dr. Sven Jakobtorweihen Institute of Thermal Separation Processes (TVT);

Prof. Hoc Khiem Trieu, Institute of Microsystem Technology (MST);

Prof. An-Ping Zeng, Institute of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (IBB);

In this project, a research network is to be promoted, which bundles the competences of the various departments based in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. The technologies range from biochemical reactors via micro, membrane, profile, cascade and fluidized bed reactors to 3D printed reactors made of functional materials. The aim of this research project is the knowledge-based development, characterization and application of new reactor technologies in complex multiphase systems by modern in situ spectroscopy and imaging techniques, as well as mathematical modeling. Specific applications include the epoxidation of propylene to propylene oxide, chemo-enzymatic reactions, electro-biochemical fermentation of glycerol and the conversion of biomass. The resulting scientific collaborations culminate in the preparation of a CRC (SFB) application.

Subproject DT04 is about the design, characterization and optimization of 3D printed periodic open-cell structures (POCS). One major property of the POCS is that these structures serve to tailor residence time distributions, catalytic reaction surfaces, and exchange processes of multiphase flows close to the boundary layer to the process. In addition, POCS increase the mass transport and thus the selectivity and yield. The most up-to-date additive manufacturing technologies, such as rapid prototyping, can be used to produce the POCS. Moreover, high-resolution imaging techniques, such as laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) or particle image velocimetry (PIV), enable the study of the interaction of boundary-layer dynamics and the reaction in the millisecond range. Furthermore, numerical simulations are performed to support the experiments and to optimize various reactor configurations.

The structures thus developed are used in various collaborations: for example, as a catalyst support and for the definition of the residence time in the profile reactor of propylene epoxidation (Prof. Horn) in cooperation with selective membrane technology (HZG) or as a carrier of immobilized enzymes in the biochemical process (Prof. Liese) or even to support electro-biochemical synthesis (Prof. Zeng). Knowhow in the selection and evaluation of materials (Prof. Fiedler) as well as the expertise in 3D printing (Prof. Luinstra / UHH) are essential.

Title: A theoretical CFD study of the CVD process for the manufacturing of highly porous 3D carbon foam..
Written by: Marx, J; Berns, J.C.; Spille, C.; Minnten, M.; Schlüter, M.; Fiedler, B.
in: <em>Chemical Engineering & Technology.</em>. (2019).
Volume: <strong>42</strong>. Number:
on pages: 1240-1246
how published:


Abstract: Aerographite is a three?dimensional carbon foam with a tetrapodal morphology. The manufacturing of aerographite is carried out in a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process, based on a zinc oxide (ZnO) template, in which the morphology is replicated into a hollow carbon shell. During the replication process, the template is reduced by the simultaneous formation of the carbon structure. The CVD process is one of the most efficient methods for the manufacturing of various carbon nanostructures, such as graphene or carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Based on the growth mechanism of aerographite, a computational fluid dynamics model is presented for the fundamental investigations of the temperature and flow/microflow behavior during the replication process. This allows a deeper process understanding and further optimizations.