
3rd Hamburg Symposium on Deep-Sea Oil Spills at the TUHH

On 5.12. more than 30 scientists and scientists from all over the world came together to discuss the latest findings on the subject of deep-sea oil disasters and the fight against their consequences.

The conference is part of the research project "Center for Integrated Modeling and Analysis of the Gulf Ecosystem (<link https: www.marine.usf.edu c-image>C-Image)", which was initiated after the explosion of the Deep Water Horizon and the resulting oil catastrophe.

The aim of the research project is to better understand the leakage of oil from deep-sea boreholes and to understand the distribution of oil not only above but also below the sea surface.

The project involved the <link https: www.tuhh.de pkt startseite.html>Institute of Product Development and Design Engineering, the <link https: www2.tuhh.de itb>Institute of Technical Biocatalysis and the Institute of Multiphase Flow.

At the Institute for Multiphase Flows, <link>Simeon Pesch has studied, for instance, the discharge behaviour of methanesaturated oil and the use of dispersants. at the exit point.