Bastian Bossen

- Anschrift
Harburger Schloßstr. 28, Channel 4
D-21079 Hamburg- Büro
Raum 0.21
- Telefon
+49 40 42 878 - 4430
- Sprechzeiten
nach Vereinbarung
Material extrusion of metals: Enabling multi-material alloys in additive manufacturing
- Journal Article
Materials Today Communications 38: 107889 (2024-03)
Open Access | Verlags DOI
Design and numerical assessment of an additively manufactured Schwarz diamond triply periodic minimal surface fluid-fluid heat exchanger
- Journal Article
Journal of Laser Applications 35 (4): 042071 (2023)
Open Access | Verlags DOI -
Data-driven density prediction of AlSi10Mg parts produced by laser powder bed fusion using machine learning and finite element simulation
- Journal Article
Journal of Laser Applications 35 (4): 042023 (2023-09-26)
Open Access | Verlags DOI -
Predicting melt track geometry and part density in laser powder bed fusion of metals using machine learning
- Journal Article
Progress in Additive Manufacturing 8: 47-54 (2023-01-09)
Open Access | Verlags DOI
Design Guidelines For Green Parts Manufactured With Stainless Steel In The Filament Based Material Extrusion Process For Metals (MEX/M)
- Conference Paper
World PM2022 Congress & Exhibition
Open Access -
Thermal conductivity of Ti-6Al-4V in laser powder bed fusion
- Journal Article
Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering 8: 830104 (2022-07-01)
Open Access | Verlags DOI
Material modeling of Ti–6Al–4V alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion for application in macro-scale process simulation
- Journal Article
Materials Science and Engineering A 814: 141237 (2021-05-13)
Open Access | Verlags DOI -
Hot isostatic pressing in additive manufacturing : a costly necessity or a possibility to add value?
- Conference Paper
Developing the powder metallurgy future : Euro PM 2021 Virtual Congress & Exhibiton : proceedings : 18-22 October 2021, online / EPMA, European Powder Metallurgy Association. - 2021.
Productivity optimization of laser powder bed fusion by hot isostatic pressing
- Journal Article
Additive Manufacturing (36): 101494 (2020)
Open Access | Verlags DOI
Laser Beam Melting of Large-Scale Ti-6Al-4V Parts - Increasing Productivity and Reducing Residual Stresses
- Conference Presentation
MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix, USA (2019)