
Rechnernetze Tutor für das Wintersemester 2017/18 gesucht

Wir suchen für das Wintersemester 2017/18 interessierte Studentinnen oder Studenten, die uns in dem Teil "Rechnernetze" der Vorlesung "Rechnernetze und Internet-Sicherheit" als Tutor unterstützen möchten. Wir erwarten: - Interesse am Themengebiet der Rechnernetze - Einarbeitung in das Online-Labor "ToMaTo" (sofern ihr im letzten Semester nicht teilgenommen habt) - Sehr gute Fähigkeiten im Erklären von Sachverhalten auf Deutsch - Die Bereitschaft vor den Studenten in der Übung (vor ca. 20 Personen) Dinge zu erklären Eure Aufgaben: - Eine Übungsgruppe + Online Labor + gemeinsame Vorbesprechung - Dazu selbstständige Vorbereitung auf die Übung + Online Labor - Kleine Nachbereitungen im Januar Was erwartet euch: - Eine Anstellung als Tutor für den Zeitraum Mitte Oktober bis Ende Januar (3,5 Monate) à 4 SWS - Etwa 420 € pro Monat Gehalt (im Oktober 210€) Ihr sollte mindestens in einem der 3 folgenden Zeitschlitze verfügbar sein: jeweils montags: 9:00-10:30, 10:45-12:15, 16:45-18:15 Wenn ihr interessiert seid, würden wir uns über eine möglichst schnelle Nachricht von euch an Raphael Elsner freuen. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 15.08.2017. Wir melden uns dann bei euch und würden uns zum persönlichen Gespräch treffen.

+++ Third (Final) Day of Hackathon "Internet of Everything (IoE)" +++

Prototypes are being finalized in the morning and the groups are preparing their final presentations and demos (pitches). Everyone is invited to join us for the great conclusion of our event. It will start at 15:30 and last approximately one hour. After that you can have a closer look at the project in a fare-like atmosphere. We are looking forward to welcome our jury deciding the winner: Monika Schtausberg - Head of Departement of IT, Didactics and IT-Infrastructure at Hamburg G18 School for Vocational Training Mirko Bass - Business Development Manager Europe, Middle East, Africa, Russia at Cisco Systems Andreas Timm-Giel - Head of the Departement of Communication Networks and Vize President Research of TUHH The jury decided to pick two winners. Congratulations to "Team Aqua" and "Park here!" for winning the first TUHH IoE Hackathon. Each team received a 150 EUR gift certificate and was invited to join the Cisco Hackathon finals to compete against winning teams from other hackathons. Hope to see you all at the next TUHH IoE Hackathon. It was a great event we would love to organize regularly from now on.

+++ Second Day of Hackathon "Internet of Everything (IoE)" +++

Heavy rain has interrupted our evening barbecue yesterday. Work on the prototypes went on until after midnight. Today has started at 9 o'clock and all groups were busy preparing for the expert checkpoint this afternoon. After putting much effort into cabling and programming the devices it is time to also build some nice cases for the prototypes. Saws, screwdrivers and paint became as important as keyboards, mouses and compilers. At 15:30 the experts Sarah and Leo arrived, both PhD students at TUHH. All groups presented their prototypes and received fruitful feedback. Everyone is on a good way to success and just has to finish some final programming tasks, work on their User Interfaces and improve the appearance of their models. We are looking forward to the final tomorrow at 15:30.

+++ First Day of Hackathon "Internet of Everything (IoE)" +++

Nineteen students are working together in four groups of four to five to tackle the Societal Challenges of the European Union Horizon 2020 Programm: Health, demographic change and wellbeing; Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research, and the Bioeconomy; Secure, clean and efficient energy; Smart, green and integrated transport; Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials; Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective societies; Secure societies - protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens. The four groups work on the following projects: Team Aqua: Environmental sensors attached to maritime mammals and large fish to monitor the ocean. The device is attached non-invasive and releases automatically before running out of power Smart Home Solutions (SHS): A plug-and-play solution to retrofit existing houses to become smart and use energy according to current requirements, e.g. number of people in a room The Guardian: Novel concept for package delivery over UAVs allowing rerouting and delivering the package to another trusted recipient if the intended one is not available Park here!: A system allowing people to offer their privat parking space to others. Different from existing park space brokers sensors are used to authorize vehicles and parking of unauthorized vehicles is prevented

Sommer School 2014

ITG 5.2.1 is organizing a Summer School on Network Performance Evaluation and Optimization at TUHH from August 4th to 8th, 2014

Colibri Kick-off in Athens, 29. - 30. September 2014

From September 29.-30., 2014, the Colibri Consortium, in which Comnets HH is a partner, had a successful Kick-off meeting at EKT (National Documentation Centre) in Athens. Colibri is a 3-year teaching innovation project funded by European Commision within the Erasmus Program. The project involves eight higher education institutions and two small enterprises from different countries in Europe including Denmark, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Spain, and Turkey. The overall idea of Colibri is to implement new and innovative teaching methods through a joint learning activity, and to establish a “Living Lab” of students from different study directions, universities, and countries/cultures. It promotes the take-up of innovative practices in education by supporting personalised learning approaches, collaborative learning, by making use of ICT and Open Educational Resources, and by exploring the use of blended and virtual mobility. From summer semester 2015, Collibri will offer an ICT-focused course, in which students from the partner universities have an opportunity to learn various ICT-related subjects in virtual classes and to meet physically twice to carry out an industrial project. Each year, four master students from each partner university will be selected for the course. Further details about the project and the student selection process will be available soon.

Winner of the 3rd MANIAC Challenge

The ComNets team has won the performance award at the 3rd MANIAC challenge, which was co-located with the 87th IETF/IRTF meeting in Berlin from July 27 to August 2, 2013. The student René Steinrücken was representing ComNets HH, and worked together with colleagues from ComNets Bremen.