Dr. Christina Strobel

Postdoctoral Researcher


D 5.011




+49 40 42878 4930


Hamburg University of Technology
Institute for Digital Economics (W-5)
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D)
21073 Hamburg, Germany


Christina Strobel received her Ph.D. in Economics from the Max-Planck Society & the University of Jena and holds an M.Sc. in Management and Engineering from TU Munich. She is a digital economist & behavioral scientist and has worked as a visiting researcher at Yale University. Her interests include AI explainability & interpretability from a behavioral science perspective by running behavioral experiments and conducting large-scale online and field studies. She is also an active member of the ForHumanity community and KI Bundesverband e.V.

ResearchGate: Christina Strobel (researchgate.net)

Personal website: https://christina-strobel.de/



  • Ozmen Garibay, O., Winslow, B., Andolina, S., Antona, M., Bodenschatz, A., Coursaris, C., Falco, G., Fiore, S., Garibay, I., Grieman, K., Havens, J., Jirotka, M., Kacorri, H., Karwowski, W., Kider, J., Konstan, J., Koon, S., Lopez-Gonzalez, M., Maifeld-Carucci, I., McGregor, S., Salvendy, G., Shneiderman, B., Stephanidis, C., Strobel, C., Ten Holter, C. & Xu, W. (2023). Six Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Grand Challenges. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-47. [DOI] [TORE] 
  • Dana, J. & Strobel, C. (2021). Acceptance of Artificial Intelligence in Cars: A Survey Approach. In: Stephanidis C. et al. (eds) HCI International 2021 - Late Breaking Papers: Multimodality, eXtended Reality, and Artificial Intelligence. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13095. [DOI] 
  • Kirchkamp, O. & Strobel, C. (2019). Sharing responsibility with a machine. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 80: 25-33. [DOI] [Link]