BlueMat Talk at Desy Science Café
Patrick Huber, BlueMat spokesperson, will give a talk (in German) about BlueMat at the next DESY Science Café, Wednesday 26. June 2024, 18:00h, at DESY, Seminarraum 4b and via Zoom. Please find more information here:
Prof. Dr. Volker Presser (INM - Leibniz-Institut für Neue Materialien gGmbH
Saarland University, Germany) will give a talk about "Electrochemical ion management and nanomaterial design for the energy/water
research nexus".
Please find the abstract and more information here (PDF).
BlueMat is co-organizing the Third International Workshop of the CRC986 "Tailor-made Multiscale Materials Systems".
Scientific Program (PDF):
Prof. Dr. Linnea Hesse (University of Hamburg, Germany) will give a talk about "3D imaging in plant biomimetics: Drawing inspiration from plants for a technical transfer".
Please find the abstract and more information here (PDF).
Dr. Alexander Schlaich (University of Stuttgart, Germany) will give a talk about "Humidity-dependent water structure and dynamics in compliant porous materials".
Please find the abstract and more information here (PDF).
Jonas Sellberg (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) will talk about "Probing structural motifs in water that control crystallization using x-ray scattering",
Please find the abstract and information on how to join the seminar here (PDF).
Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Peter Fratzl (Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, Germany) will give a talk about Force and shape generation in biological extracellular matrix by water-driven contractility.
Please find the abstract and more information here.