Steffen Walk, M. Sc.



Technische Universität Hamburg
Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz
Eißendorfer Straße 42 (M)
21073 Hamburg


Gebäude M
Raum M3508


+49 40 428 78 4290



nach Vereinbarung

Steffen Walk


I commit myself to the guideline for safeguarding good scientific practice and distance myself from all varieties of so-called conspiracy ideologies.

I am not  affiliated with any religious or ideological association and  distance myselve from any kind of racism, anti-semitism, sexism and other extremist attitudes. Freedom (of opinion), access to information, tolerance, democracy and hospitality are very important to me.


I commit myself to the guideline for safeguarding good scientific practice and distance myself from all varieties of so-called conspiracy ideologies.

I am not  affiliated with any religious or ideological association and  distance myselve from any kind of racism, anti-semitism, sexism and other extremist attitudes. Freedom (of opinion), access to information, tolerance, democracy and hospitality are very important to me.

Steffen Walk, M. Sc.



Technische Universität Hamburg
Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz
Eißendorfer Straße 42 (M)
21073 Hamburg


Gebäude M
Raum M3508


+49 40 428 78 4290


Consultation Hours

by agreement

Steffen Walk

Publikationen von Steffen Walk

Lopez Mendez, B.; Huhn, L. (2017): Literature Review on Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Context of Water and Soil Restoration Methods. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 2, Hamburg, pp. 6–18

Publications of Steffen Walk

Angouria-Tsarochidou, E.; Walk, St.; Körner, I.; Thomsen, M. (2023): Environmental and economic assessment of household food waste source-separation efficiency in a German case study. Cleaner Waste Systems, Volume 5, August 2023, 100092
Körner, I.; Walk, St.; Lüssenhop, Ph. (2022): Der Beitrag von häuslichen Küchenabfällen zur Energieunabhängigkeit : Betrachtungen zur Erzeugung eines Erdgassubstitutes aus Lebensmittelabfällen. Bericht Soilcom ( Nachhaltige Böden durch Qualitätskomposte mit definierten Eigenschaften ) DOI 10.15480/882.4383
Walk, St.; Körner, I. (2022): Report on collection set-up performance. DECISIVE Deliverable D6.6 : a decentralised management scheme for innovative valorisation of urban biowaste. DOI: 10.15480/882.4104
Walk, St.; Körner, I.; Willmer, D. (2022): Business concept case study in the context of a Northern German city. DECISIVE Deliverable D7.8 : a decentralised management scheme for innovative valorisation of urban biowaste. DOI: 10.15480/882.4105
Hagel, S.; Lüssenhop, Ph.; Walk, St.; Kirjoranta, S.; Ritter, A.; Bastidas Jurado, C.G.; Mikkonen, K.S.; Tenkanen, M.; Körner, I.; Saake, B. (2021): Valorization of urban street tree pruning residues in biorefineries by steam refining : conversion into fibers, emulsifiers, and biogas. Frontiers in Chemistry 9 (Nov.): 779609 (2021), DOI 10.15480/882.3899
Walk, St., Lüssenhop, Ph., Elfers, B.M.; Körner, I. (2021): Characteristics of different urban and rural green wastes. Research Data TUHH DOI: 10.15480/336.3380
Walk, S.; Wardle, D.; Deegener S.; Körner I. (2019): Improving the quality and quantity of source-separated household food waste in areas of different socio-economic characteristics: A case study from Lübeck, Germany. In: Proceedings CEST 2019 - Solid waste management, 16th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes, Greece
Schermuly, J.; Walk, St. Oyedele, V.; Arroyo Cuara, A.E.; Körner, I.; Deegener, St. (2018): Report on results for household food waste collection and decentralised shredding in the “Lübeck-case”. DECISIVE Deliverable D3.6 : a decentralised management scheme for innovative valorisation of urban biowaste DOI: 10.15480/882.1706

Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte von Steffen Walk

Research and Development Projects of Steffen Walk