2025 |
Debebe, Y.; Otterpohl, R.; Birhane, E. (2025): Integrating rainwater harvesting and organic soilamendment to enhance crop yield and soil nutrients inagroforestry. Environment, Development and Sustainabilityhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-024-05764-2
2024 |
Cimene, F.Th.A.; Otterpohl, R. (2024): Editorial: Towards 2030: Sustainable Development Goal 6: clean water and sanitation. An educational perspective. . Frontiers in Education 9 : (2024-04-16)
Publisher DOI 10.3389/feduc.2024.1405207
Publisher Frontiers Media S.A.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15480/882.9554
2023 |
Shah, T.M.; Khan, A.H.; Nicholls, C.; Ihsanullah, S.; Otterpohl, R. (2023): Using landfill sites and marginal lands for socio-economically sustainable biomass production through cultivation of non-food energy crops : an analysis focused on South Asia and Europe. Sustainability 15 (6): 4923; DOI: 10.15480/882.4991
Soroosh, H.; Otterpohl, R.: Hanelt, D. (2023): Influence of supplementary carbon on reducing the hydraulic retention time in microalgae-bacteria (MaB) treatment of municipal wastewater. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 51, 103447. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2022.103447
Stricker, B.; Tamim, D.; Rechtenbach, D.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R (2023): Removal of emerging micropollutants from nanofiltration retentate of municipal wastewater within biological fixed-bed reactors under nitrifying and denitrifying conditions. Water Environment Research, Volume 95, Issue 12, Wiley. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/wer.10953
2022 |
Debebe, Y.; Otterpohl, R.; Islam, Z. (2022): Remote sensing and multi-criterion analysis for identifying suitable rainwater harvesting areas. Acta Geophysica (2022)DOI 10.1007/s11600-022-00910-8
Factura, H.; Cimene, F.T.A.; Nacaya, I.M.Q.; Otterpohl, R. (2022): Impacts of urbanization on farming communities of Cagayan de Oro City and pathways to sustain food production. J Agric. Res., 2022, Vol. 60(1):67-71
Soroosh, H.; Otterpohl, R.; Hanelt, D. (2022): Influence of hydraulic retention time on municipal wastewater treatment using microalgae-bacteria flocs in sequencing batch reactors. Bioresource Technology Reports 17 : 100884 (2022-02)
Stricker, B.; Büning, B.; Rechtenbach, D.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2022): Neue Ergebnisse zur Elimination von Mikroschadstoffen aus kommunalem Abwasser durch Nanofiltration und Festbettreaktor. In Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Band 107, S. 139-150, ISBN 978-3-942768-32-0
2021 |
Khazaei, N.; Zahedi, A.; Shokri, N.; Otterpohl, R. (2021): Mapping Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Gilan Province of Iran between 1975 and 2015: GIS and Remote Sensing Analyses. Interpore 2021, 13th Annual Meeting
Shah TM, Tasawwar S, Otterpohl R. (2021): Agroecology for Food and Water Security in Times of Climate Consciousness: A Bibliometric Analysis of Peer-Reviewed Literature Published from 1990 to 2020. Sustainability. 2021; 13(9):5064. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13095064
Shah, T.M.; Nasika, D.P.B.; Otterpohl, R.
(2021): Plant and Weed Identifier Robot as an Agroecological Tool Using Artificial Neural Networks for Image Identification. Agriculture 2021, 11(3), 222; https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11030222
Shah, T.M.; Tasawwar, S.; Bhat, M.A.; Otterpohl, R. (2021): Intercropping in Rice Farming under the System of Rice Intensification—An Agroecological Strategy for Weed Control, Better Yield, Increased Returns, and Social–Ecological Sustainability. Agronomy 2021, 11, 1010. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11051010
2020 |
Büning, B.; Rechtenbach, D.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2020): Removal of Emerging Micropollutants from Wastewater by Nanofiltration and Biofilm Reactor (MicroStop). Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, AIChE, Online ISSN: 1944-7450, DOI: 10.1002/ep.13587
2019 |
Büning, B.; Rechtenbach, D.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2019): Konzept und Versuchsergebnisse zur Elimination von Mikroschadstoffen aus kommunalem Abwasser durch Nanofiltration und Festbettreaktor (MicroStop). Begleitbuch zur 13. AACHENER TAGUNG
WASSERTECHNOLOGIE 29. - 30. Oktober 2019, Hrsg: J. Pinnekamp, M. Wessling,S. 153-160 ISBN 978-3-95886-305-7,
Ramaswami, S.; Jalal Uddin, F. M.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2019): High-rate nitrification of saline wastewaters using fixed-bed reactors. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 243, 1 August 2019, Pages 444-452
2018 |
Behrendt, J-; Deegener, St.; Antholz, M.; Bettendorf, T.; Gayh, Ul; Tettenborn, F.; Otterpohl, R. (2018): Nutrient Recovery from Toilet Waste. Presentation at Technical University of Beijing Beijing, China (March 16th, 2018)
Büning, B.; Löhn, S.; Rechtenbach, D.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2018): Konzept und erste Ergebnisse zur Elimination von Mikroschadstoffen durch Nanofiltration und Festbettreaktor (MicroStop). In Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Band 97, S. 15-27, ISBN 978-3-942768-22-1
Ramaswami, S.; Behrendt, J.; Kalyanasundaram, S.; Eggers, S. Otterpohl, R. (2018): Experiences from an investigation on the potential of packed bed reactors for high rate nitrification of mature landfill leachates. Journal of Water Process Engineering, Volume 22, April 2018, Pages 59–65
Ramaswami, S.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2018): Comparison of NF-RO and RO-NF for the Treatment of Mature Landfill Leachates: A Guide for Landfill Operators. Membranes, 8(2), 17. doi: 10.3390/membranes8020017
Shah, Tavseef M., Otterpohl, R. (2018): Resilience through aroecology and ecological restoration : the system of rice intensification with intercropping,. IFAT Umweltmesse, 14 May 2018, Munich, Germany
2017 |
Ajonina, C.; Buzie, C.; Möller, J,; Otterpohl R. (2017): The detection of Entamoeba histolytica and Toxoplasma gondii in wastewater. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2017 Nov 27:1-5. doi: 10.1080/15287394.2017.1392399
Factura, H.; Ascaňo, C.; Apuan, D.; Otterpohl, R. (2017): Heavy metal uptake of corn irrigated with human urine. J. Bio. Env. Sci. 11(5), 56-62, November 2017
Podleschny, N.; Vosgerau, K.; Schaldach, R.; Otterpohl, R. (2017): Kompetenzorientierte Lehre digital unterstützen. Technische Bildung im Spannungsfeld zwischen beruflicher und akademischer Bildung: die Vielfalt der Wege zu technischer Bildung; Referate der 11. Ingenieurpädagogischen Regionaltagung 2016 am 23–25 Juni 2016, pp. 258–261
Ramaswami, S.; Behrendt, J.; Kalyanasundaram, S.; Eggers, S.; Otterpohl, R. (2017): Nitrification of mature landfill leachate in packed bed biofilm reactor. Sardinia 2017, Sixteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy; 2 – 6 October 2017 (accepted)
Ramaswami, S.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2017): Treatment of mature landfill leachate – RO-NF or NF-RO? Sardinia 2017, Sixteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy; 2 – 6 October 2017 (accepted)
Ramaswami, S.; Gulyas, H.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2017): Measuring nitrate concentration in wastewaters with high chloride content. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Taylor & Francis, 18 Jan 2017, ISSN: 0306-7319 S. 1029-0397
Shah, T. M.; Ramaswami, S.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2017): Simultaneous removal of organics and ammonium-nitrogen from reverse osmosis concentrate of mature landfill leachate. Journal of Water Process Engineering, Elsevier, 19(10), S. 126-132
Shah, Tavseef M., Otterpohl, R. (2017): Agricultural resilience-sustainability and food security in South Asia in the context of changes in global climate,. Ireland India Postgraduate Conference on South Asia, 26 May 2017, Dublin, Ireland
2016 |
Ajonina, C.; Gallas-Lindemann, C.; Noack, M.J.; Otterpohl, R.; Sotiriadou I. (2016): Application of the Loop mediated isothermal amplification for the detection of Entamoeba histolytica, Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia duodenalis in freshwater bivalvia. 2nd International Conference on Parasitology, August 1-3, 2016, Manchester, UK
Behrendt, J.; Ramaswami, S.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Treatment options for wastewater from licorice processing. Beijing International Environmental Technology Conference, 21-24 October 2016.
Gulyas, H.; Ogun, M.K.; Meyer, W.; Reich, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Inadequacy of carbamazepine-spiked model wastewaters for testing photocatalysis efficiency. Science of the Total Environment, 542, Part A <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00489697/542/supp/PA>, Pages 612–619. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.10.116 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.10.116>
Meyer, W.; Reich, M; Beyer, S.; Behrendt, J.; Gulyas, H.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Measured and predicted environmental concentrations of carbamazepine, diclofenac, and metoprolol in small and medium rivers in northern Germany. Environ Monit Assess (2016) 188: 487. doi:10.1007/s10661-016-5481-2
Otterpohl, R. (2016): Lokale Produktion auf dem Land durch das Neue Dorf im Gartenrin. In: M. Herbst, F. Dünkel, B. Stahl, Daseinsvorsorge und Gemeinwesen im ländlichen Raum, Springer VS 2016 pp 163 – 178, ISBN 978-3-658-11768-9
Podleschny, N.; Vosgerau, K.; Schaldach, R.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Kompetenzorientierte Lehre digital unterstützen. 11. Ingenieurpädagogische Regionaltagung, Hamburg University of Technology, 23-25 Juni 2016
Ramaswami, S. ; Ahmad, Z. N.; Slesina, M.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Nanofiltration for Safe Drinking Water in Underdeveloped Regions – A Feasibility Study. In proceedings of: 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation, 14-16th September 2016, Athens, Greece.
Ramaswami, S.; Behrendt, J.; Gulyas, H.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Pretreatment of wastewater from licorice processing - a preliminary evaluation. Water Environment Research, 88(11) 2032-2039
Ramaswami, S.; Behrendt, J.; Wang, G.; Eggers, S.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Combining Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate (MAP) precipitation with membrane processes for ammonia removal from methanogenic leachates. Water and Environment Journal. Print ISSN 1747-6585, doi:10.1111/wej.12210
Schaldach, R.; Vosgerau, K.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Forschungsnahes Lernen in studentischen Entwicklungs- und Beraterteams im Modul „Resource Oriented Sanitation Systems” der TU Hamburg. forschen@studium, Konferenz für forschungsnahes Lehren und Lernen, Oldenburg University, 10 Juni 2016
Shah, Tavseef M., Otterpohl, R. (2016): Building resilience to climate change induced extreme weather events through agriculture with a focus on the system of rice intensification. 4. Workshop des FSP „Klimaschonende Energie- und Umwelttechnik“, 30 November 2016, Hamburg, Germany
2015 |
de Trincheria, J.; Nissen-Petersen, E.; Leal Filho, W.; Otterpohl. R. (2015): Factors affecting the performance and cost-efficiency of sand storage dams in south-eastern Kenya. E-proceedings of the 36 th IAHR World Congress
28 June – 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands
Deegener, S.; Otterpohl, R.; Behrendt, J.; Braun, U. (2015): High-tech water-and nutrient-recycling - The blackwater-loop. In Abstract book, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis,
8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, S. 151
Dhas, P.G.T.N.; Gulyas, H.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Impact of powdered activated carbon and anion exchange resin on photocatalytic treatment of textile wastewater. Journal of Environmental Protection, 6, 191-203. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jep.2015.63020
Espinosa G.; Evers. M.; Otterpohl, R.; Paredas, J.; Zambrano, R.; González, L. (2015): Evaluación de las infiltraciones al sistema de drenaje mediante análisis comparativo de la concentración de contaminantes en agua residual. Caso de estudio en Tepic, México. (Assessment of the infiltrations to the sewer by comparison of pollutant concentrations on wastewater. Case study in Tepic, Mexico). Rev Int Contam Ambie 31 (1)
Factura, H.; Bettendorf, T.; Buzie, C.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Reuse potential of urine as a source of plant micronutrients. In Abstract book, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis,
8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, S. 44
Grace, P.; Gulyas, H.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Is photocatalytic oxidation and its combination with adsorbents feasible for treatment of textile wastewater? National Conference on Environmental Pollution, Urban Waste Management and Public Health Security, Botany Department of Christ University in collaboration with the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB), Bangalore, Karnataka, India, February 13-14, 2015
Kahazaei, N.; Zahedi, A.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Ecological restoration approaches for degraded forrests in landscape scale –
Functional roles of corridors. In Abstract book, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis,
8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, S. 188
Khazaei, N.; Zahedi, A.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Ecological restoration approaches for degraded forests in landscape scale: functional roles of corridors. Proceedings of the 16th International conference, rural- urban symbiosis(RAMIRAN).Hamburg
Ogun, M.K.; Gulyas, H.; Meyer, W.; Reich, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Comparative Study on Carbamazepine Removal by Heterogeneous Photocatalysis from Model Wastewaters and Unspiked Municipal Secondary Effluent. The 3rd International Conference on Photocatalytic and Advanced Oxidation Technologies for the Treatment of Water, Air, Soil and Surfaces (PAOT-3), Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland, September 1-4, 2015
Otterpohl, R. (2015): Introduction: Synergistic Systems for Living Soil, Water, Food and Energy. In Terra Preta Sanitation 1, Hrsg. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4, S. 10-15
Otterpohl, R. (2015): Die Heilung des Bodens. Fachzeitschrift für Neurobiologie 02-2015, 17. Jahrgang, Hrsg. INK Institut für Neurobiologie nach Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt
Otterpohl, R. (2015): Synergistic Interaction of Sanitation, Biowaste utilisation and Energy Systems towards Water and Food security. Keynote Lecture - Proceedings of RAMIRAN 2015, TUHH, Hamburg, Germany, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference page Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8 -10 September 2015, Hamburg, Germany
Otterpohl, R. (2015): Healing The Soil. Fachzeitschrift für Neurobiologie – Hier&Jetzt 02-15
Translation of: 17. Jahrgang, Hrsg. INK Institut für Neurobiologie nach Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt
Ramaswami, S.; Selabi, S.D.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Struvite recovery from methanogenic landfill leachate by chemical
precipitation. In proceedings of RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, ISBN: 9783946094029
8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, S. 22
S. Ramaswami, J. Behrendt, G. Wang, S. Eggers, R. Otterpohl (2015): Evaluation of chemical precipitation in combination with membrane processes for ammonium removal cum recovery from methanogenic leachates . Proceedings Sardinia 2015, Fifteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy; 5 – 9 October 2015, CISA Publisher, Italy (Ref. No. 280) ISBN: 9788862650212
Yemaneh, A.; Bulbo, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Resources recovery and economic aspects in the application of terra preta
sanitation system in Arba Minch, Ethiopia. In Abstract book, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis,
8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, S. 177
Zahedi, A.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Towards Sustainable Development by Creation of Green Social Entrepreneur's Communities. Procedia CIRP,Volume 26, 196–201 (12th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing – Emerging Potentials)
2014 |
Ajonina, C.; Buzie, Ch.; Rubiandini, R.F.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Microbial pathogen in a wastewater Treatment plant in Hamburg. Germany. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health A: Current Issues, ID UTEH-2014-0321
Bettendorf, T; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Terra Preta Sanitation - Neue Wege durch historische Funde im Amazonas. fbr-wasserspiegel, 1/15, S. 3- 6
Bettendorf, T.; Stoeckl, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Vermicomposting of municipal solid organic waste and fecal matter as part of Terra Preta Sanitation - a process and product assessment . Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Bulbo M.; Yemaneh, Y.; Amlaku, T.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Assessment of availability of Terra Preta Sanitation precursors in Arba Minch, Ethiopia. Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Espinosa Gutiérrez, G.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Assessing material flows in urban systems: an approach to maximize the use of incomplete data sets. Water Science and Technology, 70(6), 1135–1142
Factura H.; Medalla J.; Masgon M.; Miso, A.; Itchon G.; Gensch R.; Buzie, C. ; Otterpohl, R. (2014): The Implementation and Practices of Terra Preta Sanitation in the Tropics - The Experiences from Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Gulyas, H., Zhang, S.D., Otterpohl. R. (2014): Pretreating Stored Human Urine for Solar Evaporation by Low-Technology Ammonia Stripping. Journal of Environmental Protection, 5(11), 962-969. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jep.2014.511097
Liriano-Jorge, C.F.; Sohmen, U.; Özkan, A.; Gulyas, H.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): TiO2 Photocatalyst Nanoparticle Separation: Flocculation in Different Matrices and Use of Powdered Activated Carbon as a Precoat in Low-Cost Fabric Filtration. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering *2014*, Article ID 602495, 12 pages. doi:10.1155/2014/602495
Meyer, W., Otterpohl, R. (2014): Pharmazeutika aus Kläranlagenabläufen in kleinen Fließgewässern. In: Urban, Brigitte; Becker, Jürgen; Mersch, Imke; Meyer, Wibke; Rechid, Diana; Rottgardt, Elena (Hrsg.) (2014): Klimawandel in der Lüneburger Heide – Kulturlandschaften zukunftsfähig gestalten. Berichte aus den KLIMZUG-NORD Modellgebieten, Band 6, TuTech Verlag, Hamburg, S. 38-40, ISBN: 978-3-941492-72-1
Meyer, W.; Barth, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Potential der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzung von Kläranlagenablauf in Deutschland. gwf-Wasser-Abwasser, (155), Nr. 3, 2014, S. 350-327
Meyer, W.; Reich, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Sind die Ökosysteme kleiner Fließgewässer aktuell und zukünftig durch den Eintrag von Pharmazeutika besonders gefährdet? KW (7) Nr.5 S.273-277
Prabhu, M. ; Horvat, M.; Lorenz L.; Otterpohl R.; Bettendorf, T.; S.Mutnuri, S. (2014): Effect of terra preta compost on growth of Vigna radiate. Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Prabhu, M. ; Horvat, M.; Lorenz L.; Otterpohl R.; Bettendorf, T.; S.Mutnuri, S. (2014): Terra Preta as an Alternative for the Management of Sludge from Wastewater Treatment Plants. Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Stöckl, M.; Roggentin, P.; Bettendorf, T.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Assessment of hygienisation of faecal matter during terra preta inspired vermicomposting by qualitative identification of Salmonella spec.. Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Vom Eyser, C.; Palmu, K.; Otterpohl, R.; Schmidt, T. C.;Tuerk, J. (2014): Determination of pharmaceuticals in sewage sludge and biochar from hydrothermal carbonization using different quantification approaches and matrix effect studies. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407(3), 821–830. doi:10.1007/s00216-014-8068-1
von Eyser, C.; Palmu, K.; Otterpohl, R.; Schmidt, T.; Tuerk, J. (2014): Product quality of hydrochar from sewage sludge in terms of micropollutants. Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Yemaneh, A. ; Bulbo, M.; Schmale, C.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Investigation of Low-Cost Sugar Supplement for Lactic Acid Fermentation in Terra Preta Sanitation System. Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
2013 |
Ajonina, C.; Buzie, Ch.; Otterpohl, R. (2013): The detection of Giardia cyst in a large scale wastewater treatment plant in Hamburg, Germany. J. Toxicol. Environ.
Health A, 76: 509–514
Behrendt, J,; Antholz, M.; Bettendorf, T.; Braun, U.; Deegener, St.; Gayh, U.; Tettenborn, F.; Wendland, C.; Otterpohl, R. (2013): Saneamiento con respeto a los recursos. Presentación en el Curso de Urbanismo y Arquitectura Girona, Cataluña, España (5 de Junio 2013)
Espinosa Gutiérrez, G.; Bardou, C.; Otterpohl, R. (2013): Improving stormwater management in the context of Mexican middle-sized cities. Case study in Tepic, Mexico. International Conference on Climate Change and Regional Response 2013. Dresden, Germany, 29/05/2013
Gulyas, H.; Liriano Jorge, C.F.; Reich, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2013): Reclaiming Biologically Pretreated Greywater for Reuse by Photocatalytic Oxidation. Qualitative Study on the Removal of Trace Organics. Journal of Water Resource and Protection *5* (6), 568-584; DOI: 10.4236/jwarp.2013.56058
Gulyas, H.; Oria Argáez, A.S.; Kong, F.; Liriano Jorge, C.F.; Eggers, S.; Otterpohl, R. (2013): Combining activated carbon adsorption with heterogeneous photocatalytic oxidation: Lack of synergy for biologically treated greywater and tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether. Environmental Technology. Volume 34, Ausgabe 11, S. 1393-1403. DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2012.751129
Gulyas, H.; Otterpohl, R. Hrsg. (2013): 25. Hamburger Kolloquium zur Wasserwirtschaft. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Bd. 84, ISBN978-3-942768-09-2
Meyer, W.; Otterpohl, R. (2013): Einfluss des Klimawandels auf das Vorkommen ausgewählter Pharmazeutika in Fließgewässern. Vortrag: KLIFF Vom globalen Klimawandel zu regionalen Anpassungsstrategien 2. und 3. September 2013 in Göttingen
Otterpohl R. and Buzie C (2013): Treatment of the solid fraction. In: Source Separation and Decentralization for Wastewater Management Editor(s): Tove A. Larsen, Kai M. Udert and Judit Lienert Feb 2013 • ISBN: 9781843393481 Pages: 520 • Hardback, IWA Publishing, London
Otterpohl, R. (2013): Gründer-Gruppen als Lebensentwurf: "Synergistische Wertschöpfung in erweiterten Kleinstadt- und Dorfstrukturen". Kap. XII: Regionales Zukunftsmanagement Band 7: Existenzgründung unter regionalökonomischer Perspektive, Pabst Publisher, Lengerich 2013, S. 108 bis 116
Otterpohl, R.; Paulenz, H. (2013): Barfußhäuschen im Gartenringdorf . OYA 18/2013
Scheurer, W.; Otterpohl, R. (2013): Es stinkt zum Himmel - Abwasser in Nebenflüssen. Vortrag an der Seniorenuniversität, 24.01.2013, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg
Scheurer, W.; Otterpohl, R. (2013): The impact of climate change on the occurrence of pharmaceuticals in small rivers in Germany. European Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2013, 18.03.2013 - 20.03.2013, Hamburg, Germany
2012 |
Ajonina, C.; Buzie, Ch.; Ajonina, I.; Basner, A.; Reinhardt, H.; Guyas, H.; Liebau, E.; Otterpohl, R. (2012): Occurrence of Cryptosporidium in a wastewater treatment plant in North Germany. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health A, Vol. 75 (22-23) 1351-1358
Ajonina, C.; Buzie, Ch.; Otterpohl, R. (2012): The detection of Giardia cysts in a large scale wastewater treatment plant in Hamburg Germany. (in press): Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: Current Issues
Antholz, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2012): Biologische Behandlung von Urin und Schwarzwasser. Presentation at the DWA "Wasser und Umwelt" at the Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany March 08th, 2012
Bettendorf, T.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2012): Treatment and utilization of source separated urine and faecal matter in urban areas. 4th International Dry Toilet Conference, Tampere, Finland
Espinosa Gutiérrez, G.; Otterpohl, R.; Kuchta, K. (2012): Assessment of urban water management systems by Material Flow Analysis. Seminar at the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples Italy, 29/02/ 2012
Ndzana, J.E.; Otterpohl, R. (2012): Human urine boosts bamboo biomass yield (Phyllostachys viridiglaucescens). In: Proceedings of the 9th World Bamboo Congress - Belgium 2012. The World Bamboo Organization (WBO) Antwerp, April 10 - 15, 2012 (1) 195-206
Ndzana, J.E.; Otterpohl, R. (2012): Essay on bamboo nutrient uptake. Posted presented at the 9th World Bamboo Congress - Belgium 2012, the World Bamboo Organization (WBO), Antwerp April 10 - 15, 2012
Otterpohl, R. (2012): Boosting compost with biochar and bacteria. Nature, 486, 14 June 2012, S. 187-188
Otterpohl, R.; Mindachew, A.; Behrendt, J. (2012): Integration of Sanitation, Bio-Waste-Management, Local Energy Production and Agriculture. 4th International Dry Toilet Conference, Tampere, Finland
Yemaneh, A.; Bulbo, M.; Factura, H.; Buzie, C,; Otterpohl, R. (2012): Development of systems for waterless collection of human excreta by application of lactic acid fermentation process in terra preta sanitation. Proceedings of the 4th International Dry Toilet Conference, Tampere, Finland
2011 |
Antholz, M.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Treatment of highly concentrated ammonium containing wastewater at high salt concentrations. Proceedings of the IWA Microbes in Wastewater Conference (MWT 2011) Goa, India January 24th, 2011 - IWA-5364, 57-60
Antholz, M.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Treatment and recycling of highly concentrated ammonium containing wastewater. Presentation at the University of Technology Hamburg, Germany March 11th, 2011
Behrendt, J.; Antholz, M.; Bettendorf, T.; Gayh, U.; Tettenborn, F. and Otterpohl, R. (2011): The Loo Loop System for Water Saving and Nutrient Recovery. Presentation at the Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, China
February 27th, 2011
Behrendt, J.; Antholz, M.; Bettendorf, T.; Gayh, U.; Tettenborn, F. and Otterpohl, R. (2011): Nutrient Recovery from Toilet Waste. Presentation at the University of of Sciences and Technology Beijing, China
March 8th, 2011
Behrendt, J.; Antholz, M.; Bettendorf, T.; Gayh, U.; Tettenborn, F. and Otterpohl, R. (2011): New Developments in Resources Orientated Sanitation. Contribution at the Sino-German Scientific Seminar:
Technical, financial and political solutions for
energy generation from urban waste and its
contribution to climate protection
Xiamen, China
(February 29th to March 6th, 2011)
Bettendorf, T., Behrendt, J., Otterpohl, R. (2011): Prozesskaskaden zur Verwertung häuslicher Abwasserströme zur Energie-und Düngemittelproduktion. Vortrag: Berbion Symposium: Die Stadt der Zukunft, Die Zivilisationsbioraffinerie - Effiziente stoffliche und energetische Verwertung von städtischen organischen Abfällen und Abwässern, 24. - 25. August 2011, Hamburg
Bettendorf, T.;Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl R. (2011): New concepts for wastewater treatment in urban context with respect to nutrient recovery. In Proceedings: International Water Week Amsterdam 2011, Conference: Water related to sustainable energy (1.-2.11.2011)
Elmitwalli, T.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Grey water treatment in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor at different temperatures. Water Science & Technology Vol 64 No 3 pp 610
Elmitwalli, T.; Zeeman, G.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Modelling anaerobic digestion of concentrated black water and faecal matter in accumulation system. Water Science & Technology Vol 63 No 9 pp 2039
Espinosa Gutiérrez, G.; Otterpohl, R.; Kuchta, K. (2011): Improving decision making for Mexican urban sanitation systems by means of Material Flow Analysis (MFA). Poster presentation during the IWRM 2011. Dresden, Germany, 12/10/2011
Factura, H.; Yemaneh, A.; Bulbo, M.; Buzie, C.; Gensch, R,; Otterpohl, R (2011): Lactic acid fermentation of urine and faeces through Terra Preta Sanitation. Poster presented at: the Conference on Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems (DEWATS) for Urban Environments in Asia, 25-28.05.2011, Manila, Philippines
Firdayati, M.; Indiyani, A.; Prihandrijanti, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Greywater Treatment System as New Solution for Urban Wastewater Problem in Indonesia. Proceeding of IWA International Conference Cities of the Future V Xian, 15-18 of September 2011, Xian. China
Gulyas, H.; Reich, M. and Otterpohl, R. (2011): Organic micropollutants in raw and treated greywater: a preliminary investigation. Urban Water Journal 8(1), 29-39
Ndzana, J.E.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Bamboo biomass production as a function of human urine fertilization. Poster presented at the 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition - from Research to Industry and Markets, Jg. Berlin, June 6 - 10
Ndzana, J.E.; Schmitt, V.E.M; Otterpohl, R.; Kaltschmitt, M. (2011): Bamboo pellets from urine-fertilized bamboo plants. Poster presented at the 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition - from Research to Industry and Markets, Jg. Berlin, June 6 - 10
Nuengjamnong, Ch.; Chiarawatchai, N.; Polprasert, Ch.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Treating swine wastewater by integrating earthworms into constructed wetlands. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 46: 7, 800 - 804
Otterpohl R. (2011): Fruchtbarer Boden, unsere wichtigste Energiequelle: Terra Preta. erneuerbare energie 2-11, 26-29
Otterpohl, R.; Buzie. Chr. (2011): Wastewater: Reuse-Oriented Wastewater SystemsdLow- and High-Tech Approaches for Urban Areas. Waste: A Handbook for Management, 1st ed, Elsevier, 2011, pp. 127-136, ISBN: 9780123814753
Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
Palmu, K., vom Eyser, C., Glasner, C., Behrendt, J., Otterpohl, R., Tuerk, J. (2011): Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) of Sewage Sludge. Conference proceedings, Water related to sustainable energy, 1.-2.11.2011 IWW Amsterdamm
Scheurer, W.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Pharmazeutische Wirkstoffe in kleinen norddeutschen Fließgewässern und Kläranlagenabläufen. 23. Hamburger Kolloquium zur Abwasserwirtschaft, Hamburg, Germany, ISBN-Nr. 978-3-942768-02-3
Scheurer, W.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Pharmazeutische Wirkstoffe in kleinen norddeutschen Fließgewässern und Kläranlagenabläufen. Vortrag im Seminar Technik & Umwelt, 18.11.2011, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
2010 |
Antholz, M., Behrendt, J., Bettendorf, T., Braun, U., Gayh, U., Otterpohl, R. (2010): Der Schwarzwasserkreislauf - eine Neukonzeption zum effizienten Umgang mit Abwasser und seinen Inhaltsstoffen. gwf Wasser/Abwasser, 151(3), 294-307
Behrendt, J.; Deegener, St.; Espinosa, G.; Gajurel, D. R.; Shalabi, M.; Wendland, C.; Otterpohl, R. (2010): Tecnologías adaptadas para el tratamiento de agua residual en regionales rurales y peri-urbanas. Foro de Innovación 2010: Investigación en Ambiente y Sostenibilidad, Buenos Aires, Argentina
23 al 25 de Junio de 2010
Bettendorf, T.; Cai, W.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2010): Aufkonzentrierung von Phosphaten mittels Nanofiltration zur Herstellung von P-Düngemitteln. In Proceedings: Bremer Colloquium produktionsintegrierte Wasser/-Abwassertechnik; "Selektive Trenntechniken" vom 5.-6.10.2010, Bremen, Germany
Drewko A. and Otterpohl R. (2010): Potential and Limitations for the Private Sector Involvement in Sanitation in Ethiopia. Proceedings of the 5^th International Young Water Professional Conference, 05.-07.07.2010, Sydney, Australia
Drewko, A.; Martinez Neri, I. F.; Otterpohl, R. (2010): Closing the Loop- Ecological Sanitation Supply Chain on the Example of Accra and Kade, Ghana. Proceeding of S2Small 2010 Sustainable Solutions for Small Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems. 19.04.2010 - 21.04.2010. Girona, Spain
Factura, H. and Otterpohl, R. (2010): Terra Preta Sanitation: Combating Poor Sanitation, Land Degradation and Food Insecurity. Presentation given at the World Toilet Summit, 02.11.2010, Philadelphia, USA
Factura, H.; Bettendorf, T.; Buzie, Ch.; Pieplow, H.; Reckin, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2010): Terra Preta sanitation: re-discovered from an ancient Amazonian civilisation . Water Science & Technology, 61(10), 2673-2679
Factura, H.; Buzie, C. and Otterpohl, R. (2010): Integrating Sanitation, Biowaste Management and Agriculture through Terra Preta Sanitation. Poster presented at: the World Water Week 2010, Stockholm, Sweden
Firdayati, M.; Handajani M.; Buzie, C.; Otterpohl R. (2010): Greywater Reuse for Green Vertical Garden : Possible or Impossible (Case Study : Bandung City, Indonesia). Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization.15-17 December 2010. Hongkong, China
Gayh, U., Hüppop, W., Tang, J., Toprak, M., Behrendt, J. and Otterpohl, R. (2010): Einsatz von Huminstoffen in der Biogasentschwefelung. gwf - Gas/Erdgas, S. 624--629
Gayh, U., Stooß, A., Behrendt, J. and Otterpohl, R. (2010): Desulphurisation of Biogas - Analysis, evaluation and optimisation. In Proceedings of Venice 2010. Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste. 8.11 - 11.11.2010
Gayh, U.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2010): Optimising Biological Desulphurisation of Biogas by Addition of Humic Substances. Proceeding 041-A of the 3rd International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation May 17-19, 2010
Gayh, U.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2010): Efficient biological desulphurisation of biogas . Proceeding of the 7th International Conference ORBIT 2010, S. 590 - 598, 29.6 - 3.7.2010, ISBN 978-960-6865-28-2
Gayh, U.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2010): Efficient Biological Treatment of Biogas. In: Odour Control, Verlag Abfall aktuell, Stuttgart, Hamburger Berichte, Bd. 36, ISBN 978-3-9812867-4-8, S. 53-68
Ova Candra Dewi, Mayrina Firdayati, Ina Koerner, Ralf Otterpohl (2010): The "Green Palisade" Concept: a scenario of -waste and wastewater as resources- city. Conference Proceeding of the15th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society GeoMultimedia 2010,Vienna, 18-20 May 2010
Winker, M., Clemens, J., Reich, M., Gulas, H., Otterpohl, R. (2010): Ryegrass uptake of carbamazepine and ibuprofen applied by urine fertilization. Science of the Total Environment 408, 1902-1908
Winker, M.; Dimova. D.; Ritter, K.; Otterpohl, R.; Clemens, J. (2010): Effect of Five Pharmaceutical Substances contained in Urine on the Germination of Cress and Cereal Seedlings. Proceedings of the IWA Konferenz Sustainable solutions for small water and wastewater treatment systems, Girona, Spanien
2009 |
Antholz, M.; Behrendt, J.; Bettendorf, T.; Braun, U.; Gayh, U.; Otterpohl, R. (2009): Domestic Wastewater Recycling: Toilet-to-toilet and tap-to-tap, instead of toilet-to-tap. gwf Wasser Abwasser International, S1/2009
Antholz, M.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2009): Behandlung hochkonzentrierter, ammoniumhaltiger Abwässer bei hohen Salzgehalten. DWA Industrietage Wassertechnik
Behrendt, J., Antholz, M., Bettendorf, T., Braun, U., Deegener, St., Gayh, U., Otterpohl, R. (2009): Resources Orientated Sanitation in Water Scarce Regions. Proceeding of the 2009 Beijing International Environmental Technology Symposium, October 17-18, 2009, Beijing, China
Behrendt, J., Braun, U. Gayh, U., Antholz, M., Bettendorf, M. and Otterpohl, R. (2009): Das Spülklo ohne Wasserverbrauch - Kreislaufführung von Toilettenabwasser. Vortrag, Seminar Technik und Umwelt, TUHH, 03.07.2009
Behrendt, J.; Braun, U.; Gayh, U.; Antholz; M.; Bettendorf, Th.; Otterpohl, R. (2009): Nutrient Recovery and Water Saving with the LooLoop. Pre-conference Workshop 3 International Dry Toilet Conference , 10.-12.08.2009, Tampere, Finland
Behrendt, J.; Winker, M.; Anjonina, C.; Bluhm, L.; Buzie, Ch; Otterpohl, R. (2009): Is the agricultural utilisation of treated urine and faeces recommendable. Proceedings of the 3rd International Dry Toilet Conference , 12.-15.08.2009, Tampere, Finland
Drewko A. and Otterpohl R. (2009): Analysis of stakeholders in the sanitation sector on the example of Arba Minch, Ethiopia. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Sustainable Development and Multisectoral Approaches, 34th WEDC International Conference. 18.5.2009-22.05.2009. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Loughborough University. pp. 174-178
Drewko, A., Otterpohl, R., Ndzana, J.E. (2009): A Comparison of Different Approaches to Sanitation Interventions by Various Nongovernmental Organizations in Ethiopia. Proceedings of the 1st IWA Development Congress. Water and Sanitation Services- What works for Developing Countries, 15.-19. November 2009, Mexico
Gayh, U., Behrendt, J., Otterpohl, R. (2009): Analyse und Optimierung des biologischen Abbaus von H2S aus dem Absorbat der Biogaswäsche. In: "Abwasser als Ressource" - Kreislaufschließung, Energie- und Wertstoffrückgewinnung, Bremer Colloquium Produktionsintegrierte Wasser-/Abwassertechnik. 28.9.2009-29.09.2009. Bremen, Germany, pp. G-75 - G-80
Gayh, U., Behrendt, J., Otterpohl, R. (2009): Optimierung des biologischen Entschwefelungsprozesses durch den Einsatz von Huminstoffen. In: Nachhaltig wachsen mit Biogas, 4. Biogasfachkongress, 24.11.2009. Hitzacker, Germany
Gayh, U., Behrendt, J., Otterpohl, R. (2009): Optimising biological desulphurisation with the addition of humic substances. In: Internationale Wissenschaftskonferenz Biogas Science. 2.12.2009-4.12.2009. Erding, Germany
Li, F., Gulyas, H., Wichmann, K. and Otterpohl, R. (2009): Treatment of household grey water with a UF membrane filtration system. Desalination and Water Treatment 5, 275
Li, F.; Behrendt, J.; Wichmann, K. and Otterpohl, R. (2009): Evaluation of the factors influencing the soluble microbial product in a submerged MBR through a hybrid ASM model. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, Vol. 3, No. 2, 226-235
Li, F.; Wichmann, K. and Otterpohl, R. (2009): Evaluation of the appropriate technologies for grey water treatments and reuses. Water Science and Technology, 59(2), 249-260
Li, F.; Wichmann, K. and Otterpohl, R. (2009): Review of the technological approaches for grey water treatment and reuses. Science of the Total Environment, 407, 3439-3449
Meinzinger F., Kröger K. and Otterpohl R. (2009): Material flow analysis as a tool for sustainable sanitation planning in developing countries: case study of Arba Minch, Ethiopia. Water Science & Technology. IWA Publishing. vol 59(10), 1911-1920
Meinzinger F., Oldenburg M, Otterpohl (2009): No waste, but a resource: Alternative approaches to urban sanitation in Ethiopia. Desalination 248(1-3), 322-329
Meinzinger F., Oldenburg M., Lisanework A. A., Gutema K., Otterpohl R., Krusche
P., Jebens O. (2009): Implementation of urine-diverting dry toilets in multi-storey apartment buildings in Ethiopia. In 3rd International Dry Toilet Conference, 12.8.2009-15.08.2009. Tampere, Finland
Meinzinger F., Otterpohl (2009): Stoffstrom- und Energieanalysen zur Bewertung der Ressourceneffizienz alternativer Abwassersysteme. In: "Abwasser als Ressource" - Kreislaufschließung, Energie- und Wertstoffrückgewinnung,
Bremer Colloquium Produktionsintegrierte Wasser-Abwassertechnik, 28.9.2009-29.09.2009, Bremen, Germany, E-5 - E-22.
Ndzana, J.E. and Otterpohl, R. (2009): Bamboo Wastewater Treatment Concept for Energy Production and Climate Protection. Poster presented at: Workshop for Sustainable Value Chains
Ndzana, J.E. and Otterpohl, R. (2009): Urine Reuse as Fertilizer for Bamboo Plantations. Proceedings of the International Conference on Nutrient Recovery from Wastewater Streams, May 10
Ndzana, J.E. and Otterpohl, R. (2009): Treatment of urine derived from the Ecological Sanitation on bamboo plantations. Proceedings of the 1st IWA Development Congress. Water and Sanitation Services- What works for Developing Countries? Nov. 15
Ndzana, J.E., Otterpohl, R. (2009): A contribution to flood management in European cities through bamboo plantations. In: Proceedings of the 8th World Bamboo Congress, Sept. 16
Ndzana, J.E., Otterpohl, R. (2009): Ecosan-based experiences with P. bissetii in a self-constructed greenhouse in Hamburg. Poster presented at: the 8th World Bamboo Congress, Sept. 16
Otterpohl, R. (2009): Einladung: "Wohin geht die Entwicklung in der Wasser- und Abwassertechnik? Hansgrohe Wassersymposium 2009, 24./25. Sept. 2009, Schiltach, Schwarzwald
Otterpohl, R. (2009): Wärmerückgewinnung aus Abwasser in Gebäuden - Vor- und Nachteile. 21. Kolloquium zur Abwasserwirtschaft, TUHH, 9./10.9.2009, Hamburg
Otterpohl, R. (2009): Anaerobe behandlung von Fäkalabwasser mit Bioabfällen sowie Grauwasserreinigung. 15. Internationale Sommerakademie in Ostritz-St.-Marienthal, DBU, 14.-19.6.2009
Otterpohl, R. (2009): Wasser für alle? Podiumsdikussion 34. Zeit Forum Wissenschaft, Deutschlandfunk
1.7.2009, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wisschenaften, Berlin
Prihandrijanti, M., Malisie, A., Firdayati, M., Otterpohl, R. (2009): Ecological Sanitation, an alternative for a Sustainable Domestic Wastewater Management System in Indonesia. Presented on 2-3 November 2009 at International Seminar on Sustainable Infrastructure and Built Environment in Developing Countries (SIBE 2009) in Bandung, Indonesia
2008 |
Al Baz, R. Otterpohl & C.Wendland (eds) (2008): Efficient Management of Wastewater, its Treatment and Reuse in Water Scarce Countries. Springer publication, ISBN: 978-3-540-74491-7
Braun, U., Lindner, B., Lohmann, T., Behrendt, j. and Otterpohl, R. (2008): The LooLoop-Process: The First "Waterless" Flushing Toilet . In: Efficient Management of Wastewater, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-540-74491-7, 215-225
Drewko, A., Meinzinger, F., Otterpohl R. (2008): Financial analysis of a resource-oriented public toilet complex in Arba Minch, Ethiopia. International Symposium on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, SIDISA 2008. 25-27 June, 2008, Florence, Italy
Li, F.; Wichmann, K.; Gajurel, D.R. & Otterpohl, R. (2008): Membrane-based decentralized grey water treatment for safe artificial ground water recharge. In Proc. of 8th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems
Li, F.; Wichmann, K.; Gulyas, H. & Otterpohl, R. (2008): Direct UF membrane filtration for decentralized household grey water treatment. In Proc. of 8th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems
Li, F.;Behrendt, J.; Wichmann, K. & Otterpohl, R. (2008): Mathematical modeling of the soluble microbial product (SMP) in a submerged MBR with a hybrid ASM model. In Proc. Of the International Conference on Advances in Chemical Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment, Xi`an, China
Li, F.;Behrendt, J.; Wichmann, K. & Otterpohl, R. (2008): Resources and nutrients oriented greywater treatment for non-potable reuses. Wat. Sci. & Tech. 57 (12), 1901
Meinzinger F., Oldenburg M. and Otterpohl R. (2008): No waste, but a resource: Alternative approaches to urban sanitation in Ethiopia. In: Proceedings of International Workshop. B. S. Richards ; A. I. Schaefer ( eds.). pp. 367 - 374. Water and Sanitation in International Development and Disaster Relief, 28-30 May 2008, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Meinzinger, F., Oldenburg, M. and Otterpohl R. (2008): Urine-Diverting Dry Toilets in Multi-Storey Buildings in Ethiopia. Poster presented at: International Symposium Coupling Sustainable Sanitation & Groundwater Protection, 14. - 17. October 2008, Hannover, Germany
Meinzinger, F.; Kröger, K.; & Otterpohl, R. (2008): Material Flow Analysis as a tool for sustainable sanitation planning in developing countries. In: IWA Conference on Millenium Development Goals on Sanitation. 30.9.2008-01.10.2008. Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ndzana, J.E. & Otterpohl, R. (2008): Innovatives Regenwasser Management mit Bambusplantagen für europäische Wohngebiete. In: 20. Norddeutsche Tagung für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerentwicklung, 21.-22.05.2008, Lübeck, Germany, pp. 169-175
Ndzana, J.E. Heins, B. & Otterpohl, R. (2008): Sustainable House Project (4th Lecture). In: Series of Lectures Project Course Sustainability at the Carl Von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, 04.11.2008, Oldenburg, Germany
Oldenburg, M.; Albold, A.; Wendland, C.; Otterpohl. R. (2008): Erfahrungen aus dem Betrieb eines neuen Sanitärsystems über einen Zeitraum von acht Jahren . KA Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall • 2008 (55) • Nr. 10 , S. 1100
Tettenborn, F., Behrendt, J., Otterpohl, R. (2008): Pharmaceutical residues in source separated urine and their fate during nutrient-recovery processes. In Conference Proceeding IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, IWA, Vienna, Austria
Tettenborn, F., Behrendt, J., Otterpohl, R. (2008): Nutrient recovery from source separated urine - steam stripping in demo scale. In Conference Proceeding IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, IWA, Vienna, Austria
Winker, M; Behrendt, J.; Estévez, C. & Otterpohl, R. (2008): Pharmazeutika in Kläranlagen . Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Bd. 63 GFEU e. V. ISBN 978-3-930400-78-2
Winker, M., Behrendt, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2008): Pharmazeutika in der Umwelt - ein Überblick via Datenbank. In: 20. Norddeutsche Tagung für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerentwicklung, 21.-22.05.2008, Lübeck, Germany, pp. 41-50.
Winker, M., Clemens, J., Reich, M., Gulyas, H. and Otterpohl, R. (2008): Behaviour of three pharmaceuticals in soil applied by urine fertilisation. Poster presented at: International Symposium Coupling Sustainable Sanitation & Groundwater Protection, 14. - 17. October 2008, Hannover, Germany
Winker, M., Faika, D., Gulyas, H. & Otterpohl, R. (2008): A comparison of human pharmaceutical concentrations in raw municipal wastewater and yellowwater. Science of the Total Environment 399 (1-3), pp. 96 - 104
Winker, M., Tettenborn, F., Faika, D., Gulyas, H., & Otterpohl, R. (2008): Comparison of analytical and theoretical pharmaceutical concentrations in human urine in Germany. Water Research 42 (14), pp. 3633
2007 |
Braun, U.; Lindner, B.; Behrendt, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): The Loo-Loop Process for Highly Efficient Stand-Alone Water Systemms. In: Gewässerschutz - Wasser - Abwasser. vol 206, pp. I/27. IWA Conference Advanced Sanitation, 12-13 March 2007, Aachen, Germany
Chugg, T., Feng, Y., Wichmann, K. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Concept and Model of Centralized Wastewater Reuse Systems in Modern Cities. In: 6th conference on Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for Sustainability, Oct. 9-12, 2007, Antwerp, Belgium
Elmitwalli, T.A. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Anaerobic biodegradability and treatment of grey water in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. Water Research, Volume 41, Issue 6, March 2007, Pages 1379-1387
Elmitwalli, T.A.,Shalabi, M., Wendland, C. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Grey water treatment in UASB reactor at ambient temperature. Water Science and Technology Vol. 55 No. 7 PP 173-180
Feng, Y., Wichmann, K. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): New Concept and Model of Modern Urban Water System. In: 2nd IWA -- ASPIRE Asia-Pacific Regional Group Conference & Exhibition Water and Sanitation in the Asia-Pacific Region: Opportunities, Challenges and Technology 28 Oct. - 1 Nov. 2007, Perth, Australia
Gajurel, D. R., Gulyas, H., Reich, M. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Behavior of four selected pharmaceuticals during long-time storage of yellow water. International Conference on Sustainable Sanitation
Gajurel, D.R., Deegener, St., Shalabi, M. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Potential of filter-vermicomposter for household wastewater pre-treatment and sludge sanitisation on site. Water Science and Technology Vol. 55 No. 7 PP 65-70
Gajurel, D.R.; Kucharek, K.; Skwiot, R.; Hammer, M.; Furmanska, M.; Gulyas, H. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Ozonierung von Urin zur Entfernung von Pharmaka. GWF Wasser * Abwasser, 148, Nr. 4, S. 262 - 268
Gulyas, H., Choromanski, P., Furmanska, M., Muelling, N. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Photocatalytic oxidation of biologically treated greywater in the presence of powdered activated carbon. International Conference on Sustainable Sanitation
Gulyas, H., Gajurel, D. R., Kucharek, K., Skwiot, R., Hammer, M., Furmanska, M. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Elimination of human pharmaceuticals by yellow water ozonation. International Conference on Sustainable Sanitation
Gulyas, H., Reich, M. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Qualitative non-target screening of trace organics in greywater treated in vertical-flow constructed wetlands. International Conference on Sustainable Sanitation
Hammer, M., Clemens, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Reuse of urine in agriculture . In: Ecosan in Bulgaria. Ecological sanitation: alternatives for wise management and human waste and waste water, 12.-14.04.2007. Sofia, Bulgaria.
Hammer, M., Gulyas, H., Behrendt, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Acquisition of environmental occurence of pharmaceuticals by a database. In: Gewässerschutz - Wasser - Abwasser 206, II/9. Aachen, Germany.
Li, F.; Wichmann, K.; Gajurel, D.R. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Grey Water Treatment For Safe Artificial Groundwater Recharge. International Conference on Sustainable Sanitation, "Water and Food Security for Latin America" 25-28 November 2007, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
Li, F.; Wichmann, K.; Gulyas, H. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Treatment of household grey water with a submerged UF membrane filtration system. International Conference on Sustainable Sanitation, "Water and Food Security for Latin America" 25-28 November 2007, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
Malisie, A., Prihandrijanti, M. & R. Otterpohl (2007): The potential of nutrient reuse from a source-separated domestic wastewater
system in Indonesia . Water Science & Technology 56:5 (2007) 141-148
Meinzinger, F. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Andere Länder - andere Toiletten: Sind unsere Sanitärsysteme auf Afrika übertragbar? 19. Kolloquium und Fortbildungskurs zur Abwasserwirtschaft. 5.-6. September. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft. GFEU. H. Gulyas ( ed.). vol 61, pp. 119 - 130
Meinzinger, F., Otterpohl, R. (Hrsg.) (2007): 19. Norddeutsche Tagung für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerentwicklung. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, GFEU, Lübeck, 24.04.-25.04.07
Meinzinger, F.; Otterpohl, R. & Pritosiwi, G. (2007): Resource-oriented wastewater management scenarios for urban areas: Material Flow Analysis for the city of Hamburg. In: Gewässerschutz - Wasser - Abwasser. vol 206, pp. II/18. IWA Conference Advanced Sanitation, 12-13 March 2007, Aachen, Germany
Meinzinger, F.; Otterpohl, R. & Schaerffer, M. (2007): Toolbox zur Katalogisierung von Maßnahmen zur Erreichung der Ziele der EG-WRRL. In: Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft. vol 60, pp. 39 - 48. 19. Norddeutsche Tagung für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerentwicklung
Otterpohl, R.& Oldenburg, M. (2007): Ecological Sanitation: Innovative Sanitation Systems for urban and peri-urban areas; high- and low-tech solutions with resources recovery. In: Global Change: Enough Water for all?, Lozán,J.L.; Graßl,H.; Hupfer,P.; Menzel,L.; Schönwiese,Ch.-D. (eds.), Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen und GEO-Verlag, Hamburg
Roman, A., Winker, M., Tettenborn, F., & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Informal Settlements and Wastewater Reuse: Improve of Urban Environment and Alleviate Poverty in Lima, Peru. In: SWITCH, Second Scientific Meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Tettenborn, F., Behrendt, J., & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Nutrient Recovery from Urine and Elimination of Pharmaceutical Residues. In Advanced Sanitation, J. Pinnekamp, ed., Institute of environmental engineering , RWTH Aachen University; IWA, International Water Association, Aachen, Germany, p. II / 30
Tettenborn, F., Behrendt, J., & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Resource recovery and removal of pharmaceutical residues - Treatment of separate collected urine. In: Final report of the demonstration project "Sanitation Concepts for Separate Treatment of Urine, Faeces and Greywater " (SCST)
Tettenborn, F., Kaneva, I., Grünauer, J., Winker, M., & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Transport and Logistics - basics in the context of new sanitation concepts. In: SWITCH Second Scientific Meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Wendland, C. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Current trends in Ecological Sanitation. Seminar on Ecological Sanitation, April 12, 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria
Wendland, C., Behrendt, J., Deegener, St. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Anaerobic Digestion of Blackwater and Kitchen Refuse in a Semi-central Sanitation Concept. In: Gewässerschutz - Wasser - Abwasser. vol 206, pp. II/35 IWA conference Advanced Sanitation, 12-13 March 2007, Aachen, Germany
Wendland, C., Deegener, St., Behrendt, J., Toshev, P. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Anaerobic digestion of blackwater from vacuum toilets and kitchen refuse in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). Water Science & Technology Vol 55 No 6, pp 187
Wendland, C.,Al Baz, I., Akcin, G., Kanat, G. & Otterpohl, R. (2007): Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in Mediterranean Countries. Chapter in the book Wastewater reuse - risk assessment, decision-making and environmental security by Zaidi, M.K., ISBN 978-1-4020-6025-0, Springer publication 2007
2006 |
Akeredolu, M., Ibiyemi, I. & R. Otterpohl (2006): Attitudes of rural people in Mali and Nigeria to human waste reuse in agriculture. In: 22^nd Annual Conference Proceedings of AIAEE Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA
Al-Ansari, N.; Al Baz, I.; Salameh, E.; Zimmo, O.; Petta, L.; Wendland, C.; Otterpohl, R.; Hashwah, F.; Gerges, N.; Akcin, G. (2006): Efficient Management of Wastewater, Its Treatment and Reuse in Four Mediterranean Countries: Jordan, Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, Turkey. Printed by Alshaeb press, Amman, Jordan
Behrendt, J., Deegener, St., Meinzinger, F., Gajurel, D. J., Shalabe, M., Wendland, C. & Otterpohl, R. (2006): Tecnologia apropriada de la gestion de aguas servidas en regiones rurales. Congreso Ingeniería Geografica, Nuevas Tendencias en Medioambiente Y Ordenamiento Territorial, Universidad Satiago de Chile, 30 de Nov. y 1 de Dec. 2006
Behrendt, J., Deegener, St., Meinzinger, F., Gajurel, D.R., Shalabi, M., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. (2006): Appropriate Wastewater Technologies for Rural and Semi-Urban Regions. Contribution to the Education and Environmental Protection. Vol. 7 (2006). ISBN 959-7136-43-0 S. 51 - 61
Behrendt, J., Deegener, St., Meinzinger, F., Gajurel, D.R., Shalabi, M., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. (2006): Appropriate De-central Wastewater Technologies for Low Income Regions. Proceeding of the Dry Toilet 2006 2nd International Dry Toilet Conference, 16-19 August, Tampere, Finland. Session 4
Chiarawatchai, N. & Otterpohl, R. (2006): Potentials of earthworm-assisted constructed wetlands: principals and preliminary results. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, 23-29 September 2006, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1067 - 1075
Elmitwalli, T. A.; Shalabi, M.; Wendland, C. & Otterpohl, R. (2006): Anaerobic treatment of grey water in UASB reactor. 7th IWA Specialised Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems, 07.03.-10.03.06, Merida, Mexico
Elmitwalli, T., Feng, Y., Behrendt, J. & Otterpohl R. (2006): Anaerobic digestion potential for ecological and decentralised sanitation in urban areas. Water Science & Technology Vol 53 No 9 pp 45
Feng, Y., Behrendt, J., Wendland C. & Otterpohl R. (2006): Implementation of the IWA anaerobic digestion model No.1 (ADM1) for simulating digestion of blackwater from vacuum toilets. Water Science & Technology Vol 53 No 9 pp 253
Feng, Y., Behrendt, J., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. (2006): Parameter analysis of the IWA Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 for the anaerobic digestion of blackwater with kitchen refuse. Water Science & Technology Vol 54 No 4 pp 139
Feng, Y.; Otterpohl, R. & Wichmann, K. (2006): The Concept and the Model of the Household Wastewater Reuse System in Urban Area. Regional EMWater Project Conference, 30 October - 01 November 2006, Amman, Jordan
Feng, Y.; Wichmann, K. & Otterpohl, R. (2006): Water Management as an Integrated System in Modern Cities - An Introduction to the Decision Support Model of Urban Water System. 2nd International Trade Fair for Environmental Protection, IFAT China 2006
Freudenthal, K., Behrendt, J. , Otterpohl, R. (2006): Selektive Adsorption von Geruchsstoffen. In Hamburger Berichte 30 AbfallRessourcenWirtschaft, Verlag Abfall aktuell, ISBN 3-9810064-5-3, S. 1 - 23
Freudenthal, K., Breeger, A., Behrendt, J. , Otterpohl, R. (2006): Hochleistungsbiowäscher gegen Gerüche und Lösemittel. WLB (Wasser, Luft und Boden), Nr. 6, S. 39 - 41
Gajurel, D., Deegener, S., Shalabi, M., Wendland, C., Gulyas, H., Behrendt, J. and Otterpohl, R. (2006): Potential of Filter-vermicomposter for Household Wastewater Pre-treatment and Sludge Sanitisation on site. In: Proceedings of 7th International water Association (IWA) Specialised Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems. 07.03.-10.03.06, Mexico
Hammer, M. & Otterpohl, R. (2006): Pharmaceutical residues in the environment . In: Proceedings of 4th International Water Forum "AQUA Ukraine - 2006"and International Forum "Ecological Technologies - 2006", September 19th - 21st, 2006. Kiev, Ukraine, pp. 474-477.
Meinzinger, F., Otterpohl, R. (Hrsg.) (2006): 18. Norddeutsche Tagung für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerentwicklung. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, GFEU, Lübeck, 19.04.-20.04.06
Otterpohl, R. (2006): Alternative Konzepte zur Abwasserentsorgung. Tagungsband zut 6. Rostocker Abwassertagung "Planung und Betreibung von Abwasserableitungssystemen", 16./17.11.2006, Rostock, S. 180 - 190
Otterpohl, R. (2006): Internationaler Stand neuartiger Sanitärkonzepte - Bedarfsanalyse, Entwicklungspfade und sozioökonomische Randbedingungen. 1. Aachener Kongress Dezentrale Infrastruktur, 17./18.10.2006, Band 204, Gewässerschutz, Wasser Abwasser, ISBN 978-3-938996-10-2, S. 18/1 - 18/10
Prihandrijanti, M., Malisie, A., & R. Otterpohl (2006): Cost benefit analysis for centralized and decentralized wastewater
treatment system (Case study: Surabaya-Indonesia). In Proceedings of EMWater Project Regional Conference 30 Okt.-1 Nov.
2006 in Amman, Jordanien
Shalabi, M.; Gulyas, H.; Behrendt, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2006): Temperature influence on vermicomposting of separated faecal solids by earthworm Eisenia Fetida. 7th IWA Specialty Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems, 7 - 10 March 2006, Torre de Ingenieria, Mexico Ciy, Mexico
Tettenborn, F., Behrendt, J., & Otterpohl, R. (2006): Exemplary Treatment Processes For Yellow Water - Nutrients and Pharmaceutical Residues. In IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, IWA
Tettenborn, F., Behrendt, J., & Otterpohl, R. (2006): Extraktion von Reinsubstanzen aus Gelbwasser und Elimination enthaltener Mikroschadstoffe. In 18.Kolloquium und Fortbildungskurs zur Abwasserwirtschaft. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft 57, 150-155. GFEU, Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Forschung und Entwicklung der Umwelttechnologien an der TU Hamburg.Harburg e.V.
Tettenborn, F.; Lindner, B.; Behrendt, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2006): Decolourising yellow water, for its reuse in sustainable sanitation. Water and Environmental Management Series (WEMS), vol 10
Wendland, C.,Deegener, St., Behrendt, J., Toshev, P. & Otterpohl, R. (2006): Anaerobic digestion of blackwater from vacuum toilets and kitchen refuse in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). Proceedings of the 7th Specialised Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems in Mexico, March 7-10, 2006
Wendland, C.; Al Baz, I. ;Akcin, G.; Kanat, G.; Otterpohl, R. (2006): Selection of an appropriate wastewater treatment for further reuse in Mediterranean countries within the EMWater project. NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Wastewater Reuse - Risk Assessment, Decision-Making, Environmental Security" Istanbul, Turkey, October 12-16, 2006
2005 |
Behrendt, J., Otterpohl, R. (2005): Alternative Abwasserreinigung. Umwelt Magazin, (1/2), pp. 32-34
Feng, Y., Behrendt, J., Wendland, C. and Otterpohl, R. (2005): Parameter Analysis and Discussion of the IWA Anaerobic Digestion Model No.1 (ADM1) for the Anaerobic Digestion of Blackwater. In Proc. of the First International Workshop on the IWA Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1), Copenhagen, Denmark, Proceedings, 2nd - 4th September of 2005, pp 161-168
Feng, Y., Behrendt, J., Wendland, C. and Otterpohl, R. (2005): Implementation of the IWA Anaerobic Digestion Model No.1 (ADM1) for Simulating Digestion of Blackwater from Vacuum Toilets. In Proc. of IWA International Conference 2005 of the Future of Urban Wastewater Systems -Decentralisation and Reuse, Xian, China, 18th-20th May, pp 921-928
Freudenthal, K., Otterpohl, R., Behrendt, J. (2005): Absorption of odourous substances using selective gas-liquid separation processes. Waste Management J., vol. 25, Elsevier, pp.975-984
Freudenthal, K., Otterpohl, R., Behrendt, J. (2005): Selektive Absorption zur Geruchsminderung bei Produktionsprozessen durch den Einsatz von Löslichkeitsvermittlern in Biowäschern. VDI-Berichte, 1893, VDI-Verlag, , 171-184, Düsseldorf
Gulyas, H.; Hartrampf, K.; Ilesanmi, I. J.; Mahmood, Z.; Storm, W.-A.; Susanto, A. L.; Otterpohl, R. & Köneke, F. (2005): Study of parameters affecting photocatalytic oxidation of biologically treated greywater. In: 2005 Solar World Congress, August 6-12, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Hammer, M. & Otterpohl, R. (2005): Teilstrombehandlung und -nutzung von Urin im Hinblick auf pharmazeutische Rückstände. In: Stahnsdorf-Workshop "Wie lassen sich Urin und Fäkalien als Düngemittel in der Landwirtschaft nutzen?", June 29th-30th, 2005, Berlin, Germany
Hammer, M., Tettenborn, F., Behrendt, J., Gulyas, H. & Otterpohl, R. (2005): Pharmaceutical residues: Database assessment of occurrence in the environment and exemplary treatment processes for urine. In: IWA 1st National Young Researchers Conference - Emerging Pollutants and Emerging Technologies, October 27-28, 2005, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Lindner, B.; Tettenborn, F.; Otterpohl, R. (2005): Dezentrale Abwasserbeseitigung im Hamburger Raum - Probleme, Gefahren und Lösungsansätze. Uponor-Meeting, Uponor Klärtechnik GmbH, Edewecht, Germany, 14.03.2005
Malisie, A., Prihandrijanti, M. & R. Otterpohl (2005): The potential of nutrient reuse from a source separation domestic
wastewater system in Indonesia . In: Bulletin of Centre for Environmental Studies, University of Surabaya, 2005(16)
Otterpohl, R. (2005): Innovative Sanitation for Urban and Peri-Urban Areas. water AWA, vol. 32, No. 4
Otterpohl, R. & Meinzinger, F. (2005): Besser dezentral
. Der Gemeinderat, 48, (4), pp. 42-43
Otterpohl, R.; Lanz, K. (2005): Wasserinfrastruktur im Jahre 2050. in: Die Zukunft der Infrastrukturen.
Tettenborn, F.; Otterpohl, R. (2005): Urinbehandlung. Stahnsdorf-Workshop Wie lassen sich Urin und Fäkalien als Düngemittel in der Landwirtschaft nutzen?, Berlin, Germany, 29.06.-30.06.05
Wendland, C.; Tettenborn, F. & Otterpohl, R. (2005): Resource efficient wastewater concepts
. In: Zer0-m Conference, March 2005, Istanbul
Windberg, C.; Otterpohl, R.; Nkurunziza, A.; Atukunda, V. (2005): Linking Ecological Sanitation and Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. Proceedings, Tropentag 2005: The Global Food & Product Chain- Dynamics, Innovations, Conflicts, Strategies, October 11 - 13, 2005, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart
2004 |
Behrendt, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2004): The international experience on wastewater as a resource for recycling and reuse-technology and costing. In: Workshop on Industrial Wastes and Urban Water Security, June 1st to 3rd of 2004, Sao Paulo, Brasil
Freudenthal, K.; Fenski, M.; Otterpohl, R.; Behrendt, J. (2004): Investigation of Odour Abatement by Absorption with adapted Oils as Washing Liquids. International Conference "Environmental Odour Management", Cologne, VDI-Berichte, 1850, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 503-514
Freudenthal, K.; Otterpohl, R & Behrendt, J. (2004): Entwicklung eines selektiven Absorptionsverfahrens zur Reinigung geruchsbeladener Abluft aus Lebensmittelbetrieben. In: Messung und Minimierung von Gerüchen. In: Messung und Minimierung von Gerüchen, Hamburger Berichte Abfallwirtschaft, Niemeyer, Robers, & Thiesen (eds.), Verlag Abfall aktuell, pp. 221-238
Freudenthal, K.; Otterpohl, R. & Behrendt, J. (2004): Improvement in Odor Reduction by Air Scrubbers Using Adapted Washing Liquids. In: Enviro 04 Convention & Exhibition, Sydney
Freudenthal, K.; Otterpohl, R. & Behrendt, J. (2004): Prediction of Sulfide Formation in Sewer Pressure Mains Based on the IWA Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1). In: IWA 4. World Water Congress, Marrakesh
Freudenthal, K.; Reh, M. & Otterpohl, R. (2004): H2S-Messung im Abwasserkanal: Interpretationsmöglichkeiten und -grenzen. In: 17. Fachtagung: Norddeutsche Tagung für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz, Lübeck
Gajurel, D.R.; Moataz Shalabi, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2004): Preliminary Investigation of Effectiveness of Vermicomposting for Ecological Sanitation. Paper presented at the 4th IWA World Water Congress, Marrakech, 19-24 September, 2004
Gulyas, H.; Bruhn, P.; Furmanska, M.; Hartrampf, K.; Kot, K.; Lüttenberg, B.; Mahmood, Z.; Stelmaszewska, K. & Otterpohl, R. (2004): Freeze concentration for enrichment of nutrients in yellow water from no-mix toilets. ,Water Science & Technology, 50, (6), pp. 61-68
Gulyas, H.; Lindner, B.; Breuer, K. & Otterpohl, R. (2004): Screening of chemical oxidation processes and other methods for decolorization of urine for its re-use as toilet flush liquid in eco-logical sanitation systems. Water Science & Technology, 49, (4), pp. 241-246
Lindner, B.; Tettenborn, F.; Lohmann, T.; Braun, U.; Otterpohl, R. & Behrendt, J. (2004): The black water cycle - pre tests and the semi-technical plant. In: World Water Congress and Exhibition, 19-24 September 2004, Marrakesch, Marokko
Otterpohl, R. (2004): Neue Abwassertechnologien für Städte. In: Warnsignal Klima: Genug Wasser für alle?
. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, G. H. M. Lozán & Schönwiese (eds.)
Otterpohl, R.; Braun, U. & Oldenburg, M. (2004): Innovative Technologies for Decentralised Water-, Wastewater and Biowaste Management in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas
. Water Science & Technology, 48, (11), pp. 23-32
Otterpohl, R.; Meinzinger, F. (2004): Economic Aspects of Wastewater Management. In: 1st Regional Training in Amman, EMWater project, November 2004, Jordan
Tettenborn, F. & Otterpohl, R. (2004): Ecological Sanitation - Wastewater turns to Resource
. In: II International Water Forum AQUA Ukraine - 2004, Kiev, Ukraine
Tettenborn, F.; Lindner, B.; Behrendt, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2004): Decolourising yellow water, for its reuse in sustainable sanitation
. In: IWA, 08-10. November 2004, Sydney, Australia
Tettenborn, F.; Lindner, B.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2004): Decolourising yellow water, for its reuse in sustainable sanitation. In: Leading-Edge Conference on Sustainability: Sustainability in Water-Limited Enivironments, 08.-10. November 2004, Sydney, Australien
Wendland, C. & Otterpohl, R. (2004): How Wastewater turns to Resource
. In: 1st Regional Training in Amman, EMWater project, November 2004, Jordan
Wendland, C.; Deegener, St.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2004): Nutrient recycling and biogas production by blackwater digestion. Marrakech IWA WWC Conference Proceedings #116346
2003 |
Gajurel, D. R.; Behrendt, J.; Li, Z. & Otterpohl, R. (2003): Investigation on effectiveness of Rottebehaelter for pre-treatment of brown water in source control sanitation . , In: IWA/GTZ 2nd international symposium on ecological sanitation, April, 2003, Lübeck, Germany
Gajurel, D. R.; Li, Z. & Otterpohl, R. (2003): Source control sanitation and grey water reuse for efficient water management in household . In: 2nd international water association conference on efficient use and management of urban water supply - Efficient 2003, 2-4 April 2003, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
Gajurel, D.R.; Benn, O.; Li, Z.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2003): Pre-treatment of domestic wastewater with pre-composting tanks: evaluation of existing systems. Water Science and Technology Vol. 48 No. 11-12 PP 133-138
Gulyas, H.; Furmanska, M.; Jahn, M.; Jarzemska, M.; Li, Z.; Turp, Z.; Wojcik, A. & Otterpohl, R. (2003): Photocatalytic oxidation of biologically treated greywater: a sustainable tool for high-quality water re-use in ecological sanitation systems. ,In: 3rd International Conference on Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment, 18-22 May 2003, Goslar, Germany
Li, Z.; Gajurel, D R; Gulyas, H & Otterpohl, R. (2003): Perspective of source control sanitation systems in China. In: Water in China, P. A. Wilderer, J. Zhu, & N. Schwarzenbeck (eds.), IWA Publishing London, pp. 197-203
Li, Z.; Gulyas, H.; Behrendt, J.; Gajurel, D. R. & Otterpohl, R. (2003): High quality greywater recycling with biological treatment and 2-step membrane filtration. In: 2nd International Symposium on Ecological Sanitation, April 7 to 11, 2003, Lübeck, Baltic Sea, Germany
Li, Z.; Gulyas, H.; Jahn, M.; Gajurel, D. R. & Otterpohl, R. (2003): Greywater treatment by constructed wetlands in combination with TiO2-based photocatalytic oxidation for suburban and rural areas without sewer system. Water Science & Technology, 48, (11), pp. 101-106
Lindner, B.; Tettenborn, F.; Mühlenstedt, J.; Breuer, K.; Gulyas, H. & Otterpohl, R. (2003): Saving water and recovering nutrients by a closed loop system for toilet flushing - pre tests. In: 2nd International Symposium on Ecological Sanitation, Lübeck, 07.-11.04.2003
Niederste-Hollenberg, J.; Behrendt, J.; Lindner, B. & Otterpohl, R. (2003): Evaluation of Techniques for Concentrating Nutrients in Human Urine -Collected in Ecological Sanitation Systems. In: 2nd International Symposium on Ecological Sanitation, April 7 to 11, 2003, Lübeck
Otterpohl, R.; Braun, U. & Oldenburg, M. (2003): Innovative Technologies for Decentralised Wastewater Management in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas
. Water Science and Technology, Vol. 48, No. 11-12, S. 23-32
2002 |
Behrendt, J.; Arevalo, E.; Gulyas, H.; Niederste-Hollenberg, J.; Niemiec, A.; Zhou, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2002): Production of value added products from separately collected urine. Water Science & Technology, 46, (6-7), pp. 341-346
Gajurel, D. R.; Benn, O.; Li, Z.; Behrendt, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2002): Pre-tretment of domestic wastewater with pre-composting tanks: evaluation of existing systems . In: 5th Specialised Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems, 24 - 26 September 2002, Istanbul, Turkey
Li, Z.; Gajurel, D. R.; Gulyas, H.; Schumacher, G.; Behrendt, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2002): Investigation on greywater treatment for high quality reuse. In: IWA World Water Congress, 7 - 12 April 2002, Melbourne
Li, Z.; Gulyas, H.; Jahn, M.; Gajurel, D. R. & Otterpohl, R. (2002): Greywater treatment and reuse by constructed wetlands in combination with TiO2-based photocatalytic oxidation and infiltration for suburban and rural areas without sewer system. In: 5th Specialised Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems, September 24-26, 2002, Istanbul, Turkey
Otterpohl, R. (2002): Options for alternative types of sewerage and treatment systems directed to improvement of the overall performance
. Water Science & Technology, 45, (3), pp. 149-158
Otterpohl, R. (2002): Decentralized Wastewater Management in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas
. Berichte aus Wassergüte- und Abfallwirtschaft, TU München, vol 174, P.A. Wilderer, S. Paris
Otterpohl, R. & Oldenburg, M. (2002): Innovative Technologien zur dezentralen Abwasserbehandlung in urbanen Gebieten
. Korrespondenz Abwasser, 49, (10)
Otterpohl, R.; Braun, U. & Oldenburg, M. (2002): Innovative Technologies for Decentralised Wastewater Management in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas
. In: IWA Small 2002, Sept 2002, Istanbul
2001 |
Behrendt, J.; Arevalo, E.; Gulyas, H.; Niederste-Hollenberg, J.; Niemiec, A.; Zhou, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2001): Production of value added products from separately collected urine. In: Second World Congress of the International Water Association (IWA), 15. - 19.10.01, Berlin.
Behrendt, J.; Zhang, J.; Gulyas, H.; Niederste-Hollenberg, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2001): Urban Sanitation Development: European Experience and Recommendations. In: 4th China-Europe Environment Conference, 13.06.01, Beijing
Gajurel, D. R.; Benn, O.; Li, Z.; Behrendt, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2001): An appropriate ecological sanitation concept for domestic wastewater treatment and reuse: separation and composting of solids and biological treatment of filtrate . In: Second World Congress of the International Water Association (IWA), 15.-19. Oktober 2001, Berlin
Gajurel, D.R.; Li, Z.; Otterpohl, R. (2001): Newly Developed
Medium-Tech Decentralised Sanitation Concepts for Closing Nutrient and Water Cycle. In: proceedings of 1st International Conference on Ecological Sanitation in Nanning, China, 5-8 November, 2001. Copyright 2002 EcoSanRes, c/o Stockholm Environment Institute, Box 2142, SE-103 14 Stockholm, Sweden
Gulyas, H. R. Otterpohl ; H. Gulyas ( eds.) (2001): Beispiele überwachungsrelevanter Parameter: Welche Bedeutung haben sie? ,In: 13. Kolloquium und Fortbildungskurs zur Abwasserwirtschaft - Abwasserbehandlung, Abwasserableitung, Überwachung, 11. bis 13. September 2001, Hamburg
Ladiges, G.; Günner, C. & Otterpohl, R. (2001): Optimierung des Hamburger Klärwerksverbundes Köhlbrandhöht/Dradenau mit Hilfe der dynamischen Simulation. Korrespondenz Abwasser, 48, pp. 490-499
Li, Z.; Gulyas, H.; Gajurel, D. R.; Behrendt, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2001): Appropriate Technologies for Greywater Recycling in Urban Areas. In: Second World Congress of the International Water Association (IWA), 15.-19. Oktober 2001, Berlin
Londong, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2001): Alternative Abwasserentsorgung am Beispiel Lambertsmühle im Bereich des Wupperverbandes. GWA-Gewässerschutz, Wasser, Abwasser, vol 184, ISA, RWTH Aachen
Londong, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2001): The Lambertsmühle case: ecologically and economically efficient decentralised waserwater and resource management for rural and peri-urban areas. Proceedings of the World Water Congress, Oktober 2001, Berlin
Otterpohl, R. (2001): Erste Erfahrungen mit alternativen Abwasserentsorgungsanlagen. GWA - Gewässerschutz, Wasser, Abwasser, vol 84, ISA, RWTH Aachen
Otterpohl, R. (2001): Design of highly efficient source control sanitation and practical experience. In: Decentralised Sanitation and Reuse: Concepts, Systems and Implementation, P. Lens, G. Zeeman, & G. Lettinga (eds.), IWA Publishing, pp. 165-180
Otterpohl, R. (2001): The colours of New Sanitation - Black, Brown, Yellow, Grey - Examples of High-, Medium- and Low-Tech Solutions for urban and rural areas -
. Water 21
Otterpohl, R. (2001): Perspektiven für neue Abwasserkonzepte mit Blick auf den Weltmarkt, Norddeutsche Tagung für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz
. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, vol 33
Otterpohl, R.& Behrendt, J. (2001): Von der Teilstrombehandlung zur abwasserfreien Fabrik. In: Von
Otterpohl, R.& Behrendt, J. (2001): Teilstrombehandlung als Einstieg in die abwasserfreie Fabrik - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen auf dem Weg zu Null-Emissionen. Wasser & Boden, 10/01, (53)
2000 |
Ladiges, G.; Bertram, N.-P. & Otterpohl, R. (2000): Concept development for the optimisation of the Hamburg Wastewater Treatment Plants. Water Science & Technology, 41, (9), pp. 89-95
Lange, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2000): Abwasser - Handbuch zu einer zukunftsfähigen Wasserwirtschaft. Mall-Beton-Verlag, Donaueschingen-Pfohren
Niederste-Hollenberg, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2000): Innovative Entwässerungskonzepte. wwt Wasserwirtschaft Wassertechnik, 2, pp. 23-26
1999 |
Ladiges, G.; Günner, C. & Otterpohl, R. (1999): Optimisation of the Hamburg Wastewater Treatment Plants by dynamic Simulation. Water Science & Technology, 39, (4), pp. 37-44
Otterpohl, R.; Albold, A. & Oldenburg, M. (1999): Differential Management Resources of Water and Waste in Urban Areas. In: Internet Conference on Integrated Biosystems
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