Instructions for examiners
1. System access
2. Important notes
3. Posting of grades
- Menu "Achievements"
- List of achievements to be valuated
- Valuation types
- Valuation type "N
- Valuation type "U
- Enter valuation
- Finalize valuation
- List of grades
4. Import and export of lists
5. Further information about the system
- Customize records per page
- Grade list
- Details of exams/grades
- Where can I see the exam date and room?
- Assigned courses
6. and 6a. Procedure for naming and extending representatives for examiners
7. Sending e-mails to students
1. System Access
The login is done via the TUHH login with the Kerberos ID and the corresponding password.
To book grades and services, select the role "TUHH examiner". Any other roles displayed are not relevant for exam management.
Please note that navigation is via the "Burger Menu" at the top left.
In the menu item "User information" you can define one of your roles as default role, in which you are automatically logged in after login.
The definition of a standard role or the change is useful in the different phases of the semester - especially teaching and examination phases.
The definition and the change is done via the symbol "star with arrow".
In addition, the menu item "Documentation and help" is located there.
2. Important Notes
2.1 As of summer semester 2021, both graded and ungraded examinations must be entered by you in TUNE. In the following text and in the system, the term "grade" refers to both graded and ungraded examinations.
2.2 In the menu item "Achievements" and the function "Enter grades" all examinations and academic achievements are displayed for which you are entered as "Examiner".
2.3 With the evaluation type "N" the grade 4.3 is unfortunately shown as a possible evaluation.
shown. According to the current version of the ASPO, this is no longer permitted. If you use the grade 4.3 by mistake, it will be corrected ex officio to 5.0.
2.4 You will need to redraw the list from TUNE immediately before posting grades to get the current data, because some students have already had a withdrawal posted by the Examinations Office. If you want to work with an Excel list when entering grades, you should pull this list from the system very close to the time the grades are posted. In this way, you will receive up-to-date information that takes into account the "withdrawals" that have been posted in the meantime.
2.5 The Examinations Office requires a complete grade list showing the students you have graded. Such lists can be called up and printed out directly after "Completing the entry" in the "Execute order" function. Please sign the grade list and send it - if necessary via the second examiner for signature - to the Central Examination Office of the TUHH.
2.6 You must inform the Central Examination Office in writing of any grade changes after you have completed the registration process - e.g. by exam inspection. The grade change will be made by the Central Examination Office.
2.7 Results of oral examinations (except for oral supplementary examinations, see No.2.9) are also entered in TUNE. You send the examination protocols together with the list of grades to the Central Examination Office of the TUHH.
2.8 You do not enter results of oral supplementary examinations in TUNE. You only enter the result of the preceding written examination. You report the result of the oral supplementary examination with the usual examination protocol to the Central Examination Office of the TUHH. The results are recorded by the Central Examination Office.
2.9 If students participate in an examination who are not on the list, report their results separately to the Central Examination Office with all necessary data and with the addition of the declaration of reservation. It is not possible for you to record these results in TUNE.
2.10 If you have a large number of students, you will usually need some time to enter all the scores. For security reasons, TUNE is set to logout automatically after 30 minutes without activity. Activity in this context means clicking buttons or clicking on and within navigation or exam tree elements. If the session expires without you having saved the grades/assessments you entered via the "Save" button, your entries will be lost and you will have to repeat them! We therefore recommend that you press the "Save" button from time to time even while entering grades.
2.11 Please note that you must immediately delete all downloaded candidate lists, no matter in which form (as HTML, PDF, Excel or CSV) from your computer or server drives in accordance with the data protection agreement! The lists are to be used exclusively within the scope of the official use defined here; lists from the procedure that are available in paper or electronic form must be effectively protected against unauthorized access.
2.12 Please log out by clicking on the "Logout" link. For security reasons, you should then close your browser. Do not leave the browser open unattended if you are still logged in.
2.13 If you encounter any problems while using the system, please send feedback by e-mail to:
Please use a meaningful subject text.
2.14 Further general information/documentation can be found directly in the system.
3. Posting of grades
Under the menu item "Achievements" you enter grades for examinations (written and oral) of the Bachelor's and Master's programs as well as the evaluation of course performances.
Select the menu item "Achievements" and then "Grading".
Select the current semester of examinations, if applicable using the one with "Number 1". The list of examinations and achievements to be evaluated will appear.
You will see details for each exam/achievement, such as the exam date and room (only if centrally scheduled and already scheduled), who the first and second examiners are, and the number of admitted exam candidates.
Via the pencil symbol you get the overview of your exams and achievements for the grade posting:
Exam dates are not centrally scheduled for oral exams and coursework. If you enter examination results for an examination or course work that is not stored with an examination date in the system, please proceed as follows:
1. since recording the exam date is necessary for further processing, please use the "Excel export" function in these cases to record the grades. In this step, you can enter the exam date in the excel sheet.
2. when importing into TUNE, the exam date will be taken over. A direct entry in the TUNE mask is unfortunately not (yet) possible.
If you cannot find one of your examinations/study achievements in the list or if you have been assigned the wrong examination/study achievement, please contact us by e-mail:
- If you are the examiner or deputy examiner for an exam/study achievement you can enter grades/assessments. If you are the second examiner, you can only view the grades/study achievements.
- You may find exams/study achievements more than once in the TUNE system.
In TUNE, some exams, coursework and modules exist twice. The name may be partly identical and yet the mapping in different elements is technically or legally necessary.
In the old system SOSPOS, the mapping of the data "only" had to be good enough that the exam management and the generation of all necessary certificates worked correctly. This left some room to reuse elements, even if essential properties changed there. In addition, optional coursework was not mapped.
The new system, TUNE, allows students much more detailed insight into the mapped examination regulations. For this reason, it is necessary that each module and its sub-elements (exams or coursework) match the values decided in the curriculum. Significant changes, i.e. to the title, the workload or the composition (excluding courses) of a module therefore require the module to be recreated. In the case of examinations and course work, this applies to the title and workload, but also to the form and grading. A newly mapped module can be recognized by the fact that the number starts with an "m", for exams with "p" and for course work with "vl".
For the student the module is provided in the respective variant, which was decided in his study plan. His PO contains only the corresponding module. However, it may happen that an older cohort got the old module and the new cohorts got the new module, both with their own exam. For this reason, from the examiner's point of view, there may be two lists of participants for one exam date.
The remappings will have to exist in the future if significant changes are made to the "StudiengangsDesigner".
- Symbol explanations appear when you move the cursor over the symbols. The pencil symbol is particularly important for editing. As soon as the pencil symbol is no longer present for a service, you can no longer systemically change the data. If a subsequent correction of a grade is required, please notify the Central Examination Office in writing of the change.
- If you have selected an exam/study achievement you will see basic information in the yellow highlighted line. The valuation type is particularly important. Here you get information about the grading scale and further bookable actions, e.g. "NER" for "not appeared". In addition to the assessment type "N" for grade, there is "U" for ungraded exams/study performance.
Here you can see the characteristics of the valuation type "N":
A grade or a note is to be entered as assessment.
Attention: For the valuation type "N", the grade 4.3 is unfortunately shown as a possible valuation. According to the current version of the ASPO, this is no longer permitted. If you use the grade 4.3 by mistake, it will be corrected to 5.0 ex officio.
Here you can see the characteristics of the valuation type "U":
A note is to be entered as the evaluation.
You enter the grades or the remark in the "Valuation" column. The input format of the valuation type must be adhered to.
Then save the data - either below or above the list.
For some students you will find the following note in the column "Messages":
The course of study is blocked. Please contact the responsible examination office.
The reason for this is, for example, that the study program has already been completed or finally failed. In order to post the achievement, the curriculum must be unlocked by the Central Examination Office. Please contact the responsible service team at the Central Examination Office.
- If you do not post all assessments at once, save the current posting process. The examination is then assigned the grade entry status "Entry in progress". Further assessments are to be posted in subsequent booking processes. All saved assessments are published to students.
- When all assessments have been posted, you must use the function "Eingabe abgeschlossen/Entry cmpleted" to finish the entry for the respective exam/study achievement.
Please then confirm the security prompt.
From now on, you can no longer systemically change the grades. Should a subsequent correction of a grade be necessary, please notify the Central Examination Office in writing of the change.
Attention: As a final step, you have to print out a list of grades for each of your completed examinations/study achievements (see No. 3.7), complete it with regard to the second examiner, sign it if necessary also with the second examiner and send it to the Central Examination Office.
You have to notify the Central Examination Office in writing of any changes in grades that occur at a later date, e.g. due to the inspection of examinations. The grade change will be made by the Central Examination Office.
You do not enter the results of supplementary oral examinations in TUNE. You only enter the result of the written examination. You report the result of the oral supplementary examination with the usual examination protocol to the Central Examination Office, which books it.
- The printout of the list is done via the menu item "Execute order". You can also send an e-mail to the participants at this point.
After you have selected "List of grades" an edit field will open. To print it out, select "Start":
Attention: Please complete the printed grade list regarding second examiner, sign and if necessary the second examiner and send the grade list to the Central Examination Office.
4. Import and export of lists
If a large number of students have taken part in your examination or if you need to record the date of the examination, it is a good idea to export the data to an Excel spreadsheet, record the assessment there and then import it again.
Exporting the exam data to an Excel spreadsheet is triggered by clicking the "Excel Export" button. A dialog box will then appear asking if you want to open or save this file. Save the list. Do not change the name of the file when doing so, otherwise it cannot be imported correctly into TUNE.
The Excel file can be saved and edited locally. The saved Excel spreadsheet can then be opened and edited by anyone with access to the location. Please note that you must immediately delete all downloaded candidate lists, in whatever form, from your computer or server drives in accordance with the data protection agreement.
An exported Excel table has the following form as an example:
In the Excel file, you may only make entries in the "Leistung/Performance" column and, if necessary, in the "Prüfungsdatum/Examination date" column - if this is to be added by you. All other changes (such as moving columns, adding or deleting rows or columns, entries in other columns) in the area between "startHISsheet" and "endHISsheet" are not permitted. I.e., the original export structure with all data records must not be changed. However, you can add rows or additional tables at the end (after the "endHISsheet"), conceivably for notes in the Excel file. These will not be imported.
When you have entered all notes/grades, save the changes. You can now import the entered data into TUNE.
- Please save the Excel file only under the original name, otherwise the import will be denied later.
- Grades must be posted according to the assessment type in the format e.g. 2.3. Via a link in the column "Assessment type" (in the online function) you can find out which grades and notes are allowed as entries.
5. Further information about the system
- A tip for long lists: By default, 20 records are displayed per page. For long lists you can increase the number up to 300:
- Under the menu item "Grading statistics" you will find the grade distribution of the respective exam. The grading statistics will only be shown if there are 25 or more examination performances.
- You can find details about your exam/performance via the magnifying glass icon.
- The centrally scheduled exam date including room - if already planned - can be found on the tab "Parallel Groups/Appointments".
- The courses to which the service is assigned can be found on the tab "Modules/Courses of Study".
6. Procedure for the nomination of representatives for examiners
To designate a representative for your duties as an examiner in TUNE, please log on to (Shibboleth authentification necessary) and go to "Registrating Examiners Representatives".
The designation of a new representative is done via the associated form. The validity of a designation is one year. You and the representative will receive a notification e-mail in good time before expiry.

Enter at least the name and e-mail address of the desired representative. The other values facilitate our processing, but are not mandatory.
The request will be processed at the computer center. This should usually take place within two working days. You and your representative will receive an e-mail as soon as the process is finished.
The application will be stored permanently as a record.
To withdraw the authorization of a representative or in case of queries, please contact the service desk at servicedesk(at) using as subject: "Prüferstellvertretung with the subject of the ticket" e.g. withdrawal.
6a. Procedure for the extension of representation for examiners
To renew a repesentation for your duties as an examiner* in TUNE, please log on to and go to "Examiner Representative Self-Service"- Application Overview/Renewal:
In the overview you will find all persons for whom you have set up a representation. You initiate the extension by clicking on the blue "circle arrow" in front of the corresponding person. In addition to extending individual persons, you have the option of extending the duration for all representatives at the same time via the "Extend all" button.
In the next step, you confirm the entries for the individual persons and submit the renewal application.
7. Sending e-mails
-Sending e-mails to registered students under the "Achievements" tab
Under the menu "Execute order" you can send an e-mail to all participants.
A mask will then open in which the sender address is already preassigned by your own e-mail address. If desired, a separate reply address can be entered.
The dispatch is started via the menu item "Execute order".
Alternatively, you can send e-mails to the students via the "Course organization" tab. Here you have the possibility to select the students.
- Sending e-mails in the "Examiner" role under the "Course organization" tab
There are two options for sending e-mails to registered students.
Please use the tab "My exams/events" under "Course organization" and "My events and exams". There, under the person icon, the list will open.
With the function "Edit table" the registration list can be configured.
With the function "Send e-mail (using local main client)" you can send a maximum of 200 e-mails in one job due to the configuration of the TU mail servers. Your local e-mail program will then open.
With the function "Serial e-mail to all event participants" the e-mail is generated in TUNE. There is no limit to the number of people here.
If you would like to receive replies from the students, please enter your e-mail address under "Reply address".
If the e-mail was sent successfully, a confirmation will be sent.