
comes Unternehmensberatung GmbH & Co. KG has some new job proposals [Link]!

The participant list for the course: Business Administration and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG is online [download].

Published list of grades: "Einführung in ERP-Systeme, Wiederholungstermin Sommersemester 2012" [download]

Published list of grades: "Human Resource Management and Organization Design ERASMUS Exam SS 2012" [download]

Published list of grades of the seminar: "Cooperate Strategic Planning Simulation" [download]

The institute HRMO (W-9) and MTM-Association plan to offer a 10 day "BASIC MTM" course at the University of Technology. Students can gain inexpensively the MTM-1 and UAS certificates during course time (survey [Link]).

The participant list for the course: Business Administration and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG is online [download].


Sie haben Ihr ingenieur-oder wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (fast) abgeschlossen? Dann bietet Ihnen Anheuser-Busch InBev am 8. März 2012 eine einzigartige Karrierechance!


8. Mar 2012, 3.00 - 9.00 p.m.


Weser-Stadion in Bremen


Flyer [Download]


Unser Lehrstuhl macht mit bei der Campus Challenge von Accenture -  Seien Sie doch auch dabei und melden sich bei uns!


Programm [Download]
Plattform [Download]

We are looking for a new student assistant [Link]!

The participant list for the course: Business Administration and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG is online [download].

The professors of Managment at TUHH are celebrating a successful research grant application. The Hamburg Science Foundation has decided to financially support the research project “Innovation and Product Development for Aging Users” comprising four inter-linked sub-projects. The HRMO Institute (Prof. Dr. Christian M. Ringle) will be participating in this research initiative with the sub-project “Aging Users’ Technology and Inovation Acceptance and Satisfaction.”

Additional Information: BWF Press Release; TUHH Press Release

  • Internationalisation and Firm Performance

Announcement available in StudIP [Link]

"Personalmanagement und Organisationsentwicklung" WS 10/11 [Link]