The IWWG Companies Forum provides companies and representatives from the solid waste industry with a platform for communication of their specific offers and needs. Registered companies may announce their services and products, including information on cooperation between industry, public bodies and science.

HiiCCE - Hamburg Institute for Innovation, Climate Protection and Circular Economy
Our institute consolidates the competences of Stadreinigung Hamburg, Hamburg University of Technology - Circular Resource Engineering and Management, and the former JOMA Umwelt-Beratungsgesellschaft under a single roof.
This collaboration bundles unique competence and decades-long experience in the areas of waste management, environmental consultancy and science.
Furthermore, HiiCCE is supported by a high-calibre, ten-person Advisory Board whose renowned members contribute both diverse and profound expertise in the areas of climate protection and resource conservation – thus ensuring clients notably profit from HiiCCE in the long term.
HiiCCE is offering services in the following fields:
Consultation and planning
Consultation and planning are part of the solution to ever more complex waste management challenges, for instance in the prevention and reuse of waste (the Hamburg bottle as an example) and in the treatment and disposal of waste (such as organic waste fermentation). Project-supporting aspects like permits and procurement legislation are not new to us.
Project development and monitoring
Project development and monitoring play a role when it comes to facing waste management challenges. Examples encompass development projects for sustainable waste treatment in connection with a climate-relevant use of energy, as well as intercommunity collaborations for achieving disposal safety – from the initial idea to the realisation of the project.
Collection and logistics
Experience is being gained in the collection and logistics of waste, including all the secondary services associated with this such as route planning and disposition. The integration of sustainable mobility concepts, for instance electric mobility and hydrogen-powered mobility, serve to complete the tasks.
Reuse and disposal
Experience is being gained in the operation of various treatment plants for the reuse and disposal of waste (sorting, fermentation, composting, burning) leveraging state-of-the-art knowledge and technology, including continual adaptation to the latest scientific findings.
Organisation and operations
When it comes to the development, preparation and realisation of communal waste management services – from the operational organisation to the operative execution – insights are key, especially considering economic demands and aspects such as fee collecting as seen in Hamburg.
Science and teaching
Experiences gained from scientific projects are directly integrated into the university courses. Students profit from real-life examples, which often extend beyond the textbook. In turn, they have the chance to work on the latest topics as part of their graduate requirements, and to cultivate contacts that have an effect outside of the studies.
Interested? Contact us by e-mail (hiicce(at)hiicce(dot)hamburg) or visit our website (www.hiicce.de).
Finsterwalder Umwelttechnik - pioneering technologies for the environment
We offer our technical know-how and practical experience for the following applications:
- Soil and Groundwater Protection
- Biogas Technology
- Mechanical Engineering
- Automation Technology
Selected services for soil and groundwater protection:
We are able to investigate and evaluate each system, where aqueous emissions into soil and groundwater may occur, on a unitized basis. With the Emission Limit Analysis, we are able to assess the current state of a site and then make reliable predictions about the future conditions. The results provide a foundation in the decision making process (proof of emission safety):
- Site-specific securing and remediation of landfills, old waste deposits and contaminated sites and cases of soil and groundwater contamination with a proof of the site-specific effectiveness of the measure (mass and water balances).
- Qualified assessment of the suitability of sites for construction of interim and final storage facilities for any materials (chemo- or radio-toxic) and determination of the required facility and site conditions.