[78530] |
Title: Magnetic Particle Imaging: From Proof of Principle to Preclinical Applications. |
Written by: T. Knopp, N. Gdaniec and M. Möddel |
in: <em>Physics in Medicine & Biology</em>. (2017). |
Volume: <strong>62</strong>. Number: (14), |
on pages: R124 |
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DOI: 10.1088/1361-6560/aa6c99 |
URL: |
Note: article
Abstract: Tomographic imaging has become a mandatory tool for the diagnosis of a majority of diseases in clinical routine. Since each method has its pros and cons, a variety of them is regularly used in clinics to satisfy all application needs. Magnetic particle imaging (MPI) is a relatively new tomographic imaging technique that images magnetic nanoparticles with a high spatiotemporal resolution in a quantitative way, and in turn is highly suited for vascular and targeted imaging. MPI was introduced in 2005 and now enters the preclinical research phase, where medical researchers get access to this new technology and exploit its potential under physiological conditions. Within this paper, we review the development of MPI since its introduction in 2005. Besides an in-depth description of the basic principles, we provide detailed discussions on imaging sequences, reconstruction algorithms, scanner instrumentation and potential medical applications.